A. Objective:
1. The State Railway Provident Fund Rules are contained in _____________ of IREC., Vol.I.
2. The amount of subscription payable for any month shall be _________% of the Subscribers emoluments in case of SRPF(Contributory) staff.
3. Arrears of subscription to Provident Fund shall be recovered, if the Railway servant is admitted to the fund with _____________ effect.
4. Interest of PF balances shall be credited with effect from __________ every year.
5. The authority competent to sanction an advance/withdrawl from PF in case of Group A or Group B Officer up to JA Grade is ____________.
6. The authority competent to sanction an advance/withdrawl from PF in respect of Group D staff is ____________.
7. Dearness Pay shall be treated as pay for grant of advance/withdrawl from PF. (say true or false)
8. PF Advance/Withdrawl is sanctioned even after the incident as a special case subject to fulfillment of certain conditions. (say true or false)
9. On satisfying the conditions for grant of final withdrawl from PF, the outstanding balance of advance can be converted into final withdrawl. (say true or false)
10. PF Advance can be sanctioned on more than one account simultaneously. (say true or false)
11. A new advance from PF shall not be granted unless ____________ of the previous advance has been repaid.
12. Normally Railway servants who have completed _______ years of service may be granted final withdrawl from Provident Fund.
13. Withdrawl from PF on marriage account may be granted as a special case up to ________ months emoluments in the case of marriage of a female.
14. The advance from PF granted for purchase of motor car shall be refundable in not more than __________ instalemnts.
15. As a special case, advance from PF for purchase of motor car/scooter etc., shall be granted if the service falls short of _______ months to 15 years.
16. To meet the cost of legal expenses, advance from PF equal to __ shall be granted.
17. To purchase consumer durables like TV, VCR etc., an advance from PF equal to _____________ shall be granted.
18. An advance from PF for construction of a house or flat will be granted only on submission of __________.
19. In the case of marriage of a male dependent family member of the subscriber, the advance granted shall be limited to ____________.
20. In the case of marriage of a female dependent family member of the subscriber, the advance granted shall be limited to ________.
21. Confinement is not covered under the term illness under PF Rules. (say true or false)
22. Advances from PF are permitted for betrothal ceremonies also. (say true of false)
23. Withdrawls from PF for Educational expenses are permitted once in ________ months.
1. Withdrwl from PF for meeting expenses in connection with illness of subscriber shall be limited to _________.
2. The pay limit for grant of PF withdrawl for purchase of motor car shall be _______.
3. The amount of withdrawl from PF for purchase of motor case shall be limited to _____.
4. The amount of withdrawl from PF for purchase of motor cycle shall be limited to ___________.
5. Final withdrawl for purchse of conveyance is allowed on one occasion only. (say true of false)
6. Final withdrawl for purchase of conveyance is allowed on completion of _______ years of service.
7. The amount of subscription wit5h interest standing to the credit of a subscriber in the fund may be withdrawn to meet a payment towards a policy of Life Insurance. (say true or false)
8. The new deposit linked insurance scheme came into force from ________.
9. The additional amount payable under the scheme shall not exceed ___________.
10. The subscriber should have put in _______ years of service at the time of his death to become eligible for payment under the new Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme.
11. The average balance for the purpose of DLI shall be worked out on the basis of the balance at the credit at the end of each of the ______ months preceding the month in which the death occurs.
12. The PF scheme does not apply to persons appointed on contract basis. (say true or false)
13. Part final withdrawl of ____ % of the balance at credit of a subscriber is permitted if applied within 12 months before retirement on superannuation.
14. Part final withdrawl of _____ % of balance at the credit of a subscriber within 12 months before retirement is permitted without assigning any reason.
15. The rate of interest on SRPF balances for the year 2004-05 is ______% p.a.
16. The amount of Deposit linked insurance payable to the successors even if the death of the subscriber is by committing suicide. (say true or false)
17. The amount of deposit linked insurance is payable to successors in case of missing employees whose whereabouts are not known after a lapse of ____ years.
18. The additional amount payable under DLI scheme shall not exceed Rs. _______ .
19. The additional amount payable under DLI scheme shall not exceed Rs. 60,000/- w.e.f. ___________.
20. The balance at the credit of a subscriber holding a post in scale of pay maximum of which is Rs. 12,000/- or more shall not have fallen below Rs. _______ to make him eligible for payment of additional amount.
21. The balance at the credit of a subscriber holding a post in scale of pay maximum of which is Rs.9,000/- or more but less than Rs.12,000/- shall not have fallen below ____ to make him eligible for payment of additional amount.
22. The balance at the credit of a subscriber holding a post in scale of pay maximum of which is Rs.3,500/- or more but less than Rs.9,000/- shall not have fallen below ____ to make him eligible for payment of additional amount.
23. The balance at the credit of a subscriber holding a post in scale of pay maximum of which is less than Rs. 3,500/- shall not have fallen below Rs. _______ to make him eligible for payment of additional amount.
B. Descriptive:
1. To whom the State Railway Pension Rules apply and to whom they do not?
2. Calculate the interest that can be credited to the PF account of Mr. X on 31.12.2001 based on the following data:
(i) Opening Balance as on 01.04.2000 ..Rs. 38,600/-
(ii) Subscription towards PF through the year..Rs. 1,800/- p.m.,
(iii)Advance from PF drawn during 11/2000..Rs, 6,000/-
(iv) Recovery towards PF advance Rs. 500/- p.m.,
(iv) PF advance recovery commenced
(v) January, 2001
(vi) Rate of interest 11% p.a.
3. Mr. Y is transferred to another Railway and was relieved in the month of September, 2000.His salary was drawn in the old unit up to the month of August, 2000.Calculate the amount required to be transferred to the new unit based on the following data:
(i) Opening balance as on 01.04.2000:R s. 40,504/-(ii) Monthly subscription to PF account: Rs. 1,000/- (iii) Rate of interest applicable 11% p..a.,
4. Explain in detail the provisions regarding execution of nomination by a subscriber to the Provident Fund.
5. What is Deposit Linked Insurance scheme? What are the provisions regarding payment of DLI to the beneficiaries in case of death of a subscriber to the fund?