Railway Question Bank - Establishment
A. Objective: |
1. All vacancies in Gp. B are filled by promotion of Group C employees on the basis of ________ and _______ wherever the scheme is in force. 2. Where the scheme of LDCE is in force selection is held to fill up ______% of vacancies and LDCE is held to fill up _____% of vacancies. 3. Selection for appointment to Group B should be held once in________ years 4. Selection committee for selection to the Group B posts shall be constituted with the orders of _________. 5. The selection committee for selection the Group B posts shall consists of ____ HODs including __________ and the __________. 6. If none of the committee members for selection to Group B posts belongs to SC/ST communities, another officer belonging to SC/ST community not below the rank of ___________ shall be nominated. 7. In case of selection to a Group B post the assessment of vacancies shall for ______ years. 8. ______ % of the cadre including construction reserve shall be added while assessing vacancies for selection to a Group B post. 9. In Group B selections, if it is felt that inclusion of 20% of cadre would lead to an inflation in the size of the panel, ________ may restrict the assessment. 10 Post based rosters shall be followed for implementation of reservation policy in selections to Group B posts. (say true or false) 11. Group C employees working in grade the minimum of which is Rs. _________ in the revised scale and in the higher Group C grades on a regular basis who have rendered not less than ______ years of non-fortuitous service are eligible to appeal for the selection. 12. Notwithstanding the position that the seniors do not fulfil the requisite minimum service conditions, they are eligible to appear for selection to a Group B post if ________. 13. In a Group B selection for one vacancy, the zone of consideration shall be _____. 14. In a Group B selection for two vacancies, the zone of consideration shall be ____. 15. In a Group B selection for three vacancies, the zone of consideration shall be ___. 16. The formula for deciding the zone of consideration for filling up 04 or more Group B vacancies by selection shall be ________. 17. Where employees of different streams are eligible to appear for Gp. B selections, their __________ seniority list should be drawn and circulated before selection. 18. The integrated seniority list of eligible staff for selection to a Group B post is based on the length of non-fortuitous service in scale Rs. _______. 19. If adequate number of SC/ST employees are not available in the normal zone of consideration against reserved points, the field should be extended to _____ times the vacancies to pick up the SC/ST candidates. 20. In case of selection to the post of APO, all employees who are eligible and volunteer for the selection should be considered without __________. 21. The selection to the Group B posts is based on _____. 22. For selection to Group B posts other than accounts Department, the maximum marks and qualifying marks under the head Professional ability are _______ and ______ respectively. 23. For selection to the Group B posts other than accounts department, the maximum marks and qualifying marks under the head Personality, Leadership etc., are ___ and ___ respectively. 24. For selection to the Group B posts other than Accounts Department, the maximum marks and qualifying marks under the head Record of Service are ______ and ______ respectively. 25. In written test for selection to the Group B posts, the questions on Official Language Policy and Rules should not be compulsory. (say true or false) 26. In a selection to the Group B posts, the successful candidates securing 80% and above shall be graded ________ and placed ___________ of the panel. 27. In a selection to the Group B posts, the successful candidates securing marks between 60% and 79% shall be graded as ____________. 28. In selections to the Group B posts, the recommendations of the selection committee should be put up to ______________ for approval. 29. If the General Manager does not approve of the recommendation of the selection committee, he will record his reasons in writing there for and order ______. 30. Once a panel for Group B post is approved by the General Manager, no amendment or alteration in the panel should be made except with the prior approval of ____________. 31. The Group B panels shall be current for a period of ________. 32. The panel for filling up the Group B posts shall be current for a period of two years from __________ or ___________ whichever is earlier. 33. In Group B selections, where provisional panels are drawn the currency will count from ________. 34. In Group B selections, if the operation of an approved panel has been held in abeyance either wholly or partly as a result of injunction from the Court of Law, the currency of the panel should be reckoned after excluding ____________. 35. After vacation of injunction/disposal by the Court of Law, Operation of the Group B panel should be with the personal approval of ________. 36. In exceptional circumstances, promotion to Group B posts with relaxed medical standards, should have the approval of ___________. 37. Promotion to Group B posts with relaxed medical standards with the approval of Railway Board will be purely on _________ basis. 38. In cases where employee eligible to take the selection are abroad on deputation, the selection may be finalized without waiting for them. (say true or false) 39. Not more than ____ supplementary selection/s should be held to cater to the absentees. 40. An employee empanelled for promotion to Group B refusing promotion, should be debarred for promotion for ____________ period.
41. If an employee refuses promotion when considered after a lapse of one year after his first refusal, his name should be deleted form the panel. (say true or false) 42. The rules governing the promotion of Group C staff are contained in Section ____ of Chapter _____ IREM, Vol.I. 43. As per the definition of promotion under para 211 of IREM, Vol. I, Promotion includes promotion from a ______ to a ________, form _______ to _________ from _______ to ________. 44. Non-selection posts are ______, ________ or __________ which have not been declared as selection posts. 45. The posts are declared as selection or non-selection for the purpose of promotion by ___________. 46. Unless specifically provided otherwise, the promotion shall be made without any regard for _________ or _________ . 47. Non-selection posts shall be filled by promotion of the senior most suitable Railway servant. (say true or false) 48. Suitability for non-selection post being determined by _______ on the basis of the record of service and/or departmental tests if necessary. 49. In a non-selection post, a senior Railway servant may be passed over only if he has been declared ________ for holding the post in question. 50. For promotion to non-selection post, staff in the immediate lower grade with a minimum of ______ years of service in that grade will only be eligible. 51. The service for the purpose of minimum 02 years in lower grade includes service rendered on ad hoc basis followed by ______ without break. 52. The condition of two years service should stand fulfilled at the time of _________ and not necessarily at the stage of consideration. 53. The number of eligible staff for consideration for promotion to a non-selection post shall be equal to _________. 54. The assessment of vacancies for non-selection post shall include existing vacancies plus anticipated during the next _________ months. 55. The anticipated vacancies are vacancies that arose due to ___________ i.e., retirement/supernannuation. 56. An employee who has passed the suitability test for promotion to a non-selection post need not be called for the test again. (say true or false) 57. A suitability test for non-selection post should be held at the interval which should not be less than _______ months. 58. The period of six months for holding suitability test for non-selection post is reckoned from the date of ___________ of the previous suitability test. 59. ACP scheme is made effective from ____________. 60. ACP scheme is not applicable to officers belonging to _____ service and to ____. 61. No second ad hoc promotion shall be allowed under any circumstances. (say true or false) 62. A junior should not be promoted on ad hoc basis ignoring a senior unless ______. 63. There shall be no ad hoc promotions in __________ posts. 64. Ad hoc promotions may be made in leave/short duration vacancies up to _____ months only. 65. Beyond the permissible period of 04 months, personal approval of _______ is required for continuance on ad hoc promotion. 66. The notification regarding ad hoc promotion shall consist of protection clause that ___________. 67. The ACP scheme became operational w.e.f. ___________. 68. The ACP scheme requires creation of new posts for the purpose.(say true or false) 69. The posts above the pay scale of __________ shall be filled strictly on vacancy based promotions. 70. The highest pay scale up to which the financial upgradation shall be available is __________. 71. The financial benefit under ACP scheme shall be granted from ____ or _____ whichever is later. 72. The first financial upgradation under the ACP scheme shall be followed after _______ years of regular service. 73. If any employee has already got one regular promotion, he shall qualify for the second financial upgradation only on completion of ______ years of regular service under the ACP scheme. 74. Financial upgradation under the ACP scheme shall be given to the next higher grade in accordance with the __________ in a cadre. 75. In the absence of defined hierarchical grades, financial upgradation shall be given in the ___________ standard pay scales. 76. The financial upgradation under ACP scheme shall be purely _______ to the employee and has no relevance to his/her ________ position. 77. A senior employee can claim for stepping up of pay on the ground that the junior has got higher pay scale under the ACP scheme. (say true or false) 78. On upgradation under ACP scheme, pay of an employee shall be fixed under normal Rules under 1313(1)(a)(i) of IREC, Vol.II subject to a minimum financial benefit of Rs. ______. 79. Pay fixation benefit shall normally accrue at the time of regular promotion against a functional post in higher grade to an employee granted upgradation under ACP scheme. (say true or false) 80. The reservation orders/roster shall apply to the upgradations under ACP scheme. (say true or false) |
B. Descriptive: |
1.What procedure is to be followed when an employee placed on panel is issued. (a) a major penalty charge sheet before issuing promotional order and a penalty of reduction to lower grade for a period of 03 years (NR) is imposed? (b) a minor penalty charge sheet before issuing promotional order and a penalty of withholding of increment is issued to become operative from a future date.
2. What is meant by erroneous promotions? What action shall be taken when erroneous promotion is identified?
3. Explain briefly about granting of adhoc promotions to staff in Selection and non-selection posts?
4. Explain briefly the extant instructions to be borne in mind while setting up a selection board for selection to the post of Ch. OS in scale Rs. 7450-11500 in Personnel Branch?
5. What are the main features of ACP Scheme? What procedures shall be followed while granting the benefits under ACP Scheme?
6. What do you mean by automatic empanelment of staff?
7. Issue an office order promoting Mr. George, PI/Gr. II on ad hoc basis for the post of PI/Gr.I as per extant rules in force.
8. Write short notes on:
(i) Ad hoc promotions (ii) Erroneous Promotions (iii) Refusal of promotion. (iv) In situ promotions (v) Promotion of staff against whom DAR cases are pending (vi) Pre-promotional Courses.(vii) Pre-promotional training. |