RAILWAY QUESTION BANK PERSONAL (Hours of Employment Regulations) |
Q.1 Regulation of Hours of Work and Period of Rest are dealt in --------
Ans - Chapter XIV of Indian Railways Act, 1989. Chapter XIV of Indian Railways Act, 1989. RBE
Q.2 The classification of------------ employments is defined in Section 130 (a)
Ans = Continuous . Chapter XIV of Indian Railways Act, 1989
Q.3 The classification of------------ employments is defined in Section 130 (b)
. . . . . . . .
Ans EI Chapter XIV of Indian Railways Act, 1989.
Q.4 The classification of------------ employments is defined in Section 130 (d)
. . . . . . . .
Ans Intensive Chapter XIV of Indian Railways Act, 1989.
Q.5 Grant of overtime payment to Railway servants are dealt in.
Ans Chapter XIV of Indian Railways Act, 1989. Section 132(4)
Q.6 Grant of periodical rest to Railway servants classified as EI dealt in
Ans Chapter XIV of Indian Railways Act 1989. Section 133 (1) (b)
Q.7 Grant of periodical rest to Railway servants classified as Intensive are dealt in
Ans Chapter XIV of Indian Railways Act, 1989. Section 131(1) (a)
Q.8 Grant of periodical rest to Railway servants classified as continuous are dealt in Ans Chapter XIV of Indian Railways Act, 1989 Section 133 (1)(a)
Q.9 The duties of supervisors of Railway Labour is defined in
Chapter XIV of Indian Railways Act, 1989
Ans True Section 135 (2)
Q.10 Full night means period between----and------
Ans 10pm and 6am.
Q.11 In the case of Intensive workers—means period of duty over 8 hours
Ans Long. On RBE 131/2005 2( c )
Q.12 In the case of continuous workers Long on means period of duty ------
Ans Over10 hours. RBE 131/2005 2 (c)
Q.13 In the case of ------- workers Long On means period of duty over 12 hours
. . . . . . . .
Q.14 Expand RLC
Ans Regional Labour Commissioner. RBE 131/2005 2(h)
Q.15 The document which shows the hours that a Railway servant is expected to be on duty is-
Ans Roster.
Q.16 Regional Labour Commissioner is appointed by notification in the -----
Ans Official Gazette. RBE 131/2005 2(f)
Q.17 A station which is not a junction but from which trains are ordered on regular measure
Ans Non- Road side station. RBE 131/2005 2(g) (iv)
Q.18 In case of running staff ordinary rate of pay includes--------
30% of basic pay.
RBE 131/2005, IREC Vol.-II Rule 1303 (FR 9) * Rule 1507 2 (d) (i)
-------- is the period of rest less than 12 hours between two rostered duties of 6 hours of Railway servant under intensive classification
Ans Short Off. RBE 131/2005 2(k) (i) A
Q.20 Short Off is the period of ---------- rest between two rostered duties of Railway servant under continuous classification
Ans less than 10 hours. RBE 131/2005 2(k) (ii)
Q.21 Maximum number of breaks permitted in a split shift is----
Ans 2 break 3 spell. RBE 131/2005 8(8)(a)
Q.22 If the place of residence is beyond -------- KMs from place of work 7 hours of split duty is treated as equivalent to 8 hours of normal duty
Ans 1.6 RBE 131/2005 8(8)(b)
Q.23 Sustained effort implies-------
Ans Mental effort. RBE 131/2005, Explanation under 2(m)
Q.24 Power to declare the employment of Railway Servant as Intensive or EI vest with--------
Ans GM/ Head of Rly. Administration. RBE 131/2005 3(1)
Q.25 -----is competent to declare a Railway servant as Excluded
Ans Ministry of Railways. RBE 131/2005, 6
Q.26 Time limit for appealing against classification is -------days
Ans 90 days. RBE 131/2005, 4(2)
Q.27 Copy of order specifying a Railway Servant to be treated as Supervisory shall be forwarded to ------
Ans Chief Labour Commissioner. RBE 131/2005, 5(2)
Q.28 ---- is the authority to specify a Railway Servant as Supervisory
Ans Ministry of Labour. RBE 131/2005, 5(1)
Q.29 The Employment of all Railway Servants except those excluded by Ministry of Railways are assumed as -------
Ans Continuous. RBE 131/2005, 7(1)
Q.30 Health Educators and Family planning Field workers are classified as—
Ans Excluded. RBE 131/2005, 6(d )&6(e)
Q.31 Most suitable method to classify employment of Railway servant as continuous intensive or EI is based on----
Ans Factual job analysis. RBE 131/2005, 7(1)
Q.32 -- ---- are the two important factors for classification of Railway Servant as intensive
Strenuous nature of work tending to cause mental or physical strain and continuous application to work with little or no period of relaxation. RBE 131/2005, 7(2) (i) (ii)
Q.33 Period of inaction or relaxation aggregating to –----hours in a cycle of 24hours will satisfy the condition of little period of rest for classification as intensive
Ans Less than 6. 7(2) Explanation
Q.34 Period of inaction or relaxation aggregating to –----hour in a cycle of 8hours will satisfy the condition of little period of rest for classification as intensive
Ans Less than 1. RBE 131/2005, 7(2) Explanation
Q.35 The Employment of a Railway Servant is classified as ----- if in shift of 12 hours the period of inaction aggregate to 6 hours or more
Ans Essentially Intermittent. RBE 131/2005, 7(3)(b)
Q.36 While assessing the work load of----- staff the period of inaction less than 5 minutes shall be ignored
Ans Essentially Intermittent. RBE 131/2005, Note under Section 7
Q.37 The standard hours of duty of intensive classification -----hours a weak
Ans 42. RBE 131/2005, 8(3)(a)
Q.38 The rostered hours of duty of caretaker of rest house is ----hours a week
Ans 75. RBE 131/2005, 8(4)(a)(1)&8(6)(i)
Q.39 Standard hours of work of a Railway Servant classified EI and working in ------- provided with quarters within 0.5km from the place of work is 60 hours in a week
Ans Non road station. RBE 131/2005, 8(4)(ii)
Q.40 Standard hours of work of a Railway Servant classified EI and working in roadside station not provided with quarters within 0.5km from the place of work is-------hours in a week
Ans 60 hours RBE 131/2005, 8(4)(3)
Standard hours of work of a Railway Servant classified EI and working in a roadside station and provided with quarters within 0.5km from the place of work is-------hours in a week
Ans 72 hours.
Maximum time limit prescribed for preparatory and Complementary work in case of Railway Servant Classified as intensive is -------hours a week
Ans 3 hours. RBE 131/2005, 8(6)(a)
Q.43 Maximum time limit prescribed for preparatory and Complementary work in case of Railway Servant Classified as continuous is -------hours a week
Ans 6 hours. RBE 131/2005, 8(6)(b)
Q.44 Maximum time limit prescribed for preparatory and Complementary work in case of Railway Servant Classified as EI and called upon to work 24 additional hours in a week is -------hours a week
Ans 3 RBE 131/2005, 8(6)(c)(i)
Q.45 Maximum time limit prescribed for preparatory and Complementary work in case of Railway Servant classified as EI and called upon to work 12 additional hours in a week is ------- a week
Ans 4 &1/2 hours. RBE 131/2005, 8(6)(c)(ii)
Q.46 Time required for preparatory and complementary work by a running staff shall be deemed to be ------ a week
If the time assessed for preparatory and complementary work in respect of staff classified as -----is less than 45 minutes per day the same should be treated as half an hour
Ans Continuous. RBE 131/2005, 8(7) Note(ii)
Q.48 If the time assessed for preparatory and complementary work in respect of staff classified as Continuous is 45 minutes and 1 hour per day the same should be treated as -------
Ans 1 hour. RBE 131/2005, 8(7) Note(ii)
Q.49 If the time assessed for preparatory and complementary work in respect of staff classified as Continuous, EI and Intensive is more than 15 minutes per day the same should be treated as -----------
Ans Half an hour. RBE 131/2005, 8(7) Note(ii)
Q.50 Averaging period for purpose of calculating overtime in respect of continuous staff is ------
Ans Bi weekly. RBE 131/2005, 10(2)& section 132 (2) of Railways Act
Q.51 Averaging period for purpose of calculating overtime in respect of ------ staff is bi weekly
Ans Intensive. RBE 131/2005, 10(2)& section 132 (3) of Railways Act
Q.52 The particulars of extra work done by a Railway Servant shall be recorded in ------
Ans Register of Extra hours of work (Form A). RBE 131/2005 11
Q.53 Weekly rest of not less than ----is granted to Railway Servant whose employment is classified as Intensive
Ans 30 consecutive hours. RBE 131/2005 12(1)
Q.54 Weekly rest of not less than ----is granted to Railway Servant whose employment is classified as EI
Ans 24 hours including a full night. RBE 131/2005, 12(1)
Q.55 Weekly rest of not less than ----is granted to Railway Servant whose employment is classified as Continuous
Ans 30 consecutive hours. RBE 131/2005, 12(1)
No Railway Servant classified as intensive shall be called upon to duty before completion of rest of----
Ans 12 hours. RBE 131/2005, 12(2)
Q.57 Running staff shall be granted rest of ------consecutive hours including full night in bed in a month
Ans 4 periods of 30 hours or 5 periods of 22. RBE 131/2005, 12(3)
Q.58 -----will decide whether a particular action will be classified as sustained attention or not
Ans Controlling authority. RBE 131/2005, 2(m) Section 130 (b) of Railway Act. 1989.
Q.59 Loco running staff who are deputed to accompany engine on trial are allowed -----credit of time spent
Ans 100 percent.
Q.60 No Railway Servant except -------are booked for more than 14 days continuously
Ans Staff Operating Track Machines. RBE 162/2009
B. Objective: |
1.Staff of essentially intermittent category must have a minimum of ______ consecutive hours of rest in a week include a full night.
2.The staff whose daily hours of duty include periods of inaction aggregating to _______ hours or more are declared as essentially intermittent.
3.The intensive worker must have a minimum of ______ hours of rest in a week.
4.The rostered hours of duty of an intensive worker in a week shall be ____ hours.
5.Rostered hours of duty of essentially intermittent worker in a week shall be ____ .
6.Railway servants employed in a confidential capacity are classified as ______.
7.Asst. Surgeons, matrons, sisters-in-charge & mid-wives are classified as _______.
8.Continuous staff are allowed a period of rest of _______ hours each week.
9.Casual Labour are governed under HOER. (say true or false)
10.In calculating the period of overtime, fraction of an hour less than 30 minutes shall be dropped. (say true or false).
11.Principles of averaging will not apply to Running staff. (say true of false)
12.Principles of averaging will apply to shift workers. (say true of false)
13.The period of averaging will be _________ in case of EI workers other than C class gatemen, caretakers of rest houses and saloon attendants etc.,
14.In case of C class gatemen, Care takers of rest houses & saloon attendants classified as Essentially Intermittent, the period of averaging shall be _________.
15.No leave reserve shall be provided for staff in Railway schools. (say true of false).
16.In the category of Permanent Way Inspectors the leave reserve shall be ___ %.
17.The weekly rest for essentially intermittent staff shall be __________ continuous hours in a week including one full night in bed.
18.When an employee work overtime beyond statutory limits, the payment of OT wil be made _________ times the ordinary rate of pay.
19.Periodical rest under HOER cannot be spread over two calendar days. (say true or false)
20.The staff excluded are eligible for night duty allowance. (say true or false)
B.Descriptive: |
1.Describe the provisions of Hours of Employment regulations?
2.How are staff classified under HOER? What procedure is adopted for change of classification?
3. What notices are required to be displayed at the site of work under HOER? What are the registers required to be maintained?
4. What is job analysis? What are the mechanics of Job Analysis?
5. Define & explain:
(i) Intensive(ii) Essentially intermittent(iii) Long on
(iv) Short off
(v) Split Shift
(vi) Rest Givers
(vii) Single OT
(viii) OTA to Running Staff
(ix) Road side and other than road side stations
(x) sustained attention
(xi) temporary exemption
(xii) Principles of averaging
6. Explain the need for HOER in Railways? Define and explain different classifications under HOER duly giving rostered / statutory hours of work and rest?
7.How is overtime calculated for different categories of staff under HOER? Explain with examples.
C. Practical Questions: |
a) Draft a letter recommending the change of classification of Asst. Station Masters of a way side station from Essentially Intermittent to Continuous.
b) What are the aspects to be covered in the inspection of a station, a shed and a subordinate office?
c) Put up a note to the competent authority seeking approval for change of classification from Continuous to Essentially intermittent based on the proposal and report received from the division.