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Q & Ans - अनुशासन एवं अपील नियम के अंतर्गत लघु दण्ड देने की क्या प्रक्रिया है?

Q & Ans - अनुशासन एवं अपील नियम के अंतर्गत बिना जांच, दण्ड देने की प्रक्रिया क्या है?

Q & Ans - How Out of turn allotment of Railway Quarter be allotted?




A. Objective:
1.The instructions regarding Forwarding of Applications from serving Railway employees for posts outside Railways are contained in paragraphs ___ to ___ of Chapter XIV of IREM, Vol.I.
2. Railway employees may be given _____ opportunities in a year to apply in response to notices of Government Departments.
3. Recovery of cost of training imparted to the employees at the cost of Railways may be waived by ____________ up to a limit of Rs. 2000/-.
4. Recovery of cost of training imparted to the employees at the cost of Railways may be waived by General Manager up to a limit of _________.
5. Where a case against a Government servant is only at ________ stage and no ________ has been established against him, the controlling authority may forward his application.
6. In case the application is directly submitted for recruitment through UPSC, the employee should immediately inform __________.
7. The authority competent to forward the applications of officers of JA grade and above for posts outside Railways is __________.
8. A Railway employee desires to apply for a post in a private concern, he should first offer to _________________ from Railway service.
9. If a permanent Railway employee is selected on the basis of his application for posts in other Central Government Departments, his lien may be retain in the parent department for a period of ________.
10. If the employee concerned is not permanently absorbed within 02 years from the date of his appointment in new post, he should immediately _____ from Railway service or ______ to his parent office.
11.The Railway employees who wish to apply for posts, recruitment to which is proposed to be made by selection through __________ may submit their application direct in the prescribed form.
Say True or False
1. There is no question of forwarding an application for posts advertised by the UN agencies.
2. The application need not be forwarded if the employee is applying for a post which is equivalent in status and rank.
3. Applications in response to UPSC advertisement will not be counted against the permissible 04 opportunities.
4. The application need not be forwarded if the employee is engaged on important time bound projects and the work would seriously be dislocated if he is relieved.
5. The application need not be forwarded if the employee is under suspension or is facing departmental proceedings/prosecution in a court.
B. Descriptive:
 1.What are the important provisions regarding forwarding of applications of Railway employees for posts outside Railways.
 2.Write short notes on Forwarding of applications