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Fixation of Pay & Drawl of increments



A. Objective:
1. Grant of officiating pay to the incumbents of the vacancies of short duration is admissible subject to the condition that the vacancy lasts over _______ days and is caused by factors that could not be foreseen.
2. Railway servants who were on sick leave on 01.01.1996 and whose services had been terminated due to medical invalidation, without resuming their duty are to be allowed the benefits of revised scales of pay from ___________.
3. The pay/stipend of Railway servants selected against GDCE and undergoing training may be regulated under the provisions of Rule __________ of IREC, Vol.II.
4. The date of effect of the instructions to allow the minimum fixation benefit of Rs. 100/- on promotion is __________.
5. The pay of an employee holding a post substantively and seeking transfer to another post in lower grade will be protected subject to the condition that _______________________.
6. Fixation of pay in cases of appointment from one ex-cadre pot to another ex-cadre post should be made with reference to pay in the ________ post only.
7. Group B officers who acquired the higher qualifications on or after __________ are governed by one time lumpsum incentive scheme.
8. The minimum fixation benefit of ______________ on promotion is allowed w.e.f. 01.01.1996.
9. Advance increments granted to sports persons are to be treated as pay for ________ purposes.
10. Advance increments granted to sports persons on medal winning performance would take effect from _______________.
11. Increments granted to stenos for acquiring higher speed in shorthand on or after 1.1.96 in revised scales shall be termed as __________.
12. The advance increments granted to stenographers for acquiring higher speed in shorthand shall be termed as special allowance w.e.f. ____________.
13. The services of a substitute for allowing annual increment shall be counted from the date of _______________.
14.Stagnation increment is admissible only to an employee stagnating at the maximum of the scale for _________ years.
15. Granting of stagnation increment will be restricted to posts, maximum of which does not exceed __________.
16. The stagnation increment shall be equal to ________.
17. Maximum __________ increments can be granted on stagnation account.
18. For granting stagnation increment, the period of two years would count from ___________________.
19. Increment is granted from _________ in which it falls.
20. Period of suspension shall be qualifying for increments if _____________ is allowed for such period.
21. Unpaid holidays enjoyed by workshop staff will not count for increment unless _______________________.
22. ___________ increments will be granted by General Manager for gold medal winning performance during the National Championships.
23. With effect from ________ training period shall be counted for increments.
24. Family planning allowance granted under small family norms shall be equal to the _____________ in the revised scales of pay.
25. In technical departments for acquiring higher qualifications of AMIE/BE lumpsum incentive of ____________ will be paid to the employee.
Say true or False
1.Allowance in lieu of Kilometerage is admissible to the medically decategorised drivers drafted to perform the duties of Power Controllers/Crew Controllers.
2. The benefit of addition in basic pay for computation of retirement benefits admissible to running staff is admissible to the medically decategorised drivers drafted to work as Power Controllers/Crew Controllers.
3. The two advance increments enjoyed by nursing staff possessing B.Sc., degree are allowed in V PC as additional increments at the revised rates.
4. The additional increments allowed at the revised rates in V PC to nursing staff possessing B.Sc., degree are to be treated as pay for the purposes of allowances.
5. When the increment is withheld with cumulative effect, the postponement will have effect of postponing future increment also.
6. EOL on medical grounds shall be considered as qualifying service for granting increment.
7. 12. Annual increment accrues automatically on the due date unless withheld y a specific order.
8. Stagnation increment is treated as Personal Pay and will count for DA, HRA and CCA.
9. Stagnation increment will not count as emoluments for pensionary benefits. 
10. Stagnation increment is not taken into account for fixation of pay on promotion.
11. The nursing staff possessing B.Sc., degree and enjoying the benefit of two advance increments in IV PC Scales as on 1.1.96 shall be fixed in the revised scale excluding the quantum of two advance increments.
12.  In the cases where two scales have been merged to a single grade in V PC, the promotions taken place from a lower to a higher scale during the period from 01.01.96 to 08.10.97 stand nullified.
13. Whenever a promotion order is issued to any railway employee a clause should be incorporated in the promotion order regarding availability of option for fixation of pay.
14.The increments granted to stenographers for acquiring higher speed in shorthand on or after 1.1.96 in the revised scales will not count as pay for allowances.
15.The increments granted to stenographers for acquiring higher speed in shorthand on or after 1.1.96 in the revised scales will count as emoluments for pension/ gratuity.
16. The special pay of Rs. 70/- granted to Sr. Clerks on or after 01.01.1996 would not be counted for fixation of pay in the scale of Rs. 5000-8000.
17. Option for fixation of pay under R.1313, IREC., Vol.II is not admissible to Gp. B officers on promotion to Gp. A Sr. Scale on ad hoc basis.
1.What are the principles governing fixation of pay -
(a) on first appointment (b) on transfer from higher to lower post
(c) on promotion to a post carrying higher responsibilities
(d) on promotion to an ex-cadre post (e) on repatriation from ex-cadre post.
2. Write short notes on -
(a) lump sum incentive scheme for acquiring higher qualifications
(b) Stagnation increments (c) Advance increment
(d) Next Below Rule (e) Stepping up of pay
(f) Rules for fixation of pay at a higher stage than minimum to sports persons.
3. Explain about the rules governing lump sum incentive scheme for acquiring higher qualifications in different departments.
4. What is meant by dual charge allowance? What are the rules governing grant of dual charge allowance? What are the principles for reckoning the same for fixation on promotion and settlement?
5. What is meant by non-practising allowance? What are the principles for reckoning the same for different purposes like fixation on promotion, composite transfer grant and settlement?
6. Fix the pay of a Driver on pay of Rs. 6050/- w.e.f. 01.01.2005 in scale of Rs. 5000-150-8000 on his posting as Fuel Inspector in scale Rs. 5500-175-9000 w.e.f. 10.08.2005 involving higher responsibilities (a) from the date of promotion (b) from the date of next annual increment.
7. Mr. George is a permanent Sr. Clerk, drawing pay of Rs. 6250/- w.e.f. 28.02.2003 in scale Rs. 4500-7000 is promoted to an ex-cadre post. Fix his pay -
(a) on promotion to an ex-cadre post on 01.03.2003 in scale Rs. 5000-8000.
(b) on promotion to another ex-cadre post on 02.03.2005 in scale Rs.5500-9000.
8. Mr. Cruz on pay of Rs. 6200/- in scale Rs. 4500-7000 due for promotion on 05.08.2004 to 5000-8000 two months before accrual of his annual increment. What shall be your advise to him for exercising option for fixation of pay on promotion when he has another 15 years of service to retire.
9. Mr. A while drawing pay of Rs. 6050/- w.e.f. 01.03.2005 in scale Rs. 5000-150-8000 was imposed a penalty of with holding of his annual increment for a period of 02 years (NR) vide Memorandum dated 02.03.2005.
(a) Show how his pay is regulated during the period of punishment and on restoration?
(b) In case, he became eligible for promotion to the scale of Rs. 5500-9000 on 10.08.2005, what action shall be taken for his promotion and what shall be his pay during the period of penalty and on restoration?
10. Mr. B while drawing pay of Rs. 6200/- w.e.f. 01.06.2003 in scale Rs. 5000-150-8000 was imposed a penalty of with holding of his annual increment for a period of 02 years with cumulative effect vide memorandum dated 10.09.2003 and he became eligible for promotion to the scale of Rs. 5500-175-9000 w.e.f. 01.10.2003.
(a) How his pay shall be regulated during the penalty and on restoration?
(b) What action shall be taken regarding his promotion and how his pay shall be regulated on promotion?
11. The details of service rendered by Mr. A whose date of increment is 1.4.2003 are as follows:
(a) EOL (not counting for increment) from 29.07.2003 to 31.07.2003,
(b) Suspension treated as his own leave from 07.10.2003 to 02.01.2004.
(c) EOL on medical grounds from 15.01.1974 to 05.02.2004.
What shall be the date of his next increment?
12. Mr. Ram working as a Keyman drawing pay of Rs. 3875/- w.e.f. 01.03.2005 in scale Rs. 2750-70-3800-75-4400 was promoted as Gangmate in scale Rs. 3050-75-3950-80-4590 w.e.f. 01.12.2005. Suggest the employee whether he will be benefited on exercising option for fixation of pay after the next annual increment. Show the calculations.
13.What do you understand by postponement of increment? What are the provisions of R. 1320 (FR 26) of IREC, Vol.II for reckoning service for increments?