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Master Circular No. 51

Master Circular on Reservation for Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes in Railway Services.




At present the orders relating to reservation for SCs/STs in Railway services are contained in the Brochure on Reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Railway Services and in a number of office circulars/orders issued subsequently from time to time. The question of consolidation of these existing instructions contained in the Brochure on reservation for SCs/STs and subsequent office circulars/ orders into one Master Circular has been under the consideration of the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board). They have now decided to issue an enclosed consolidated Master Circular on the subject for the information and guidance of all concerned.


2. General


  1. a. While referring to this Circular, the original letters referred to herein and the Brochure should be read for a proper appreciation. This Circular is only a consolidation of the instructions issued so far and should not be treated as a substitution to the originals. In case of doubt, the original Circular should be relied upon as authority.

  2. b. The instructions contained in the original Circulars/Brochure referred to above, have only prospective effect from the date of issue unless specifically indicated otherwise in the concerned Circular. For dealing with old cases, the instructions in force at the relevant time should be referred to;

  3. c. and If any Circular on the subject, which has not been superseded, has not been taken into consideration while preparing this consolidated Master Circular, the said Circular, which has been missed through oversight, should be treated as valid and operative. Such a missing circular, if any, may be brought to the notice of the Railway Board.


I. Constitutional Provisions


Scheduled Castes corresponding to Depressed Classes were specified for the first time in 1936 by His Majesty in Council, vide the Government of India Order, 1936 in accordance with the provisions made in the Government of India Act, 1935. In this Act, a reference was also made to "Backward Tribes".


2. After Independence in 1947, our leaders and founding fathers of the Constitution realised that political freedom without social and economic contents would be meaningless. Accordingly, they incorporated special provisions in the Constitution for safeguarding the social, educational and economic interest of the persons belonging to SC/STs. The relevant Articles of the Constitution which govern the entire scheme of reservation in services are:


The Preamble to the Constitution


Provides for securing to all citizens social, economic and political justice and equality of status and opportunities to all the citizens of India.


Article 16(4)

"Nothing in this article shall prevent the State from making any provision for the reservation of appointments or posts in favour of any background class of citizens which in the opinion of the State, is not adequately represented in the services under the State".

Article 46

"The State shall promote with special care the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the people, and, in particular, of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes, and shall protect them from social injustice and all forms of exploitation."

Article 335

"The claims of the members of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes shall be taken into consideration, consistently with the maintenance of efficiency of administration, in the making or appointments to services and posts in connection with the affairs of the Union or of a State."


As far as the term Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes is concerned, the term is defined with reference to the State/Union Territory and the relevant articles of the Constitution are Article 341 for Scheduled Castes and 342 for Scheduled Tribes. As per these Articles, the President with reference to any State or Union Territory and in case of a State, after consultation with the Governor, specify the castes, races or tribes or parts of groups within such races, castes or tribes to be deemed under the Constitution as Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes in relation to that State or Union Territory. Only such castes and tribes as are included in Government Notification in the Schedule of statewise list of Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes, are known as Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and are entitled for the benefits admissible to such castes or tribes.


Article 338

This Article provides for the appointment by the President of a Special Officer to investigate all matters relating to the safeguards provided for the SCs and STs under the Constitution and to report to the President upon the working of those safeguards periodically and the President shall cause all such reports to be laid before each House of Parliament.


3. The following institutions have specially been provided under the Constitution:-


  1. 1, National Commission for SCs and STsCommittee of Parliament on Welfare of SC/STs
    1. a. The Constitution (65th) Amendment Act, 1990 has amended Article 338 of the Constitution and has created a Statutory Commission with wide ranging powers and functions in place of the Commissioner for Welfare of SC/STs. The Commission comprises of one chair-person and 6 other Members including Vice-Chair-Person and has come into force on 12.03.1992.
    2. b. The functions of the Commission include:-
      1.   i. investigation of all matters relating to safeguards provided to SC/STs,
      2.   ii. to inquire into specific complaints relating to deprivation of rights and safeguards of SC/STs, and
      3.   iii. to participate and advise on planning process of socio-economic development of SC/STs.
      4. While conducting such investigation or inquiries, the Commission shall have all the powers of the Civil Court trying a suit, specially for summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and requiring the discovery and production of any document or for requisitioning any public record from any Court or office. No objection should be taken to a SC/ST employee submitting a representation direct to the Commission since this Commission is the successor authority under Article 338 of the Constitution.

    [No. 92-E(SCT)I/74/1 dated 08.11.1992]

  2. Committee of the Parliament comprising of Members from both the Houses of Parliament also examines the position regarding representation of SCs and STs in the services under various Ministries and other Government organisations and make suitable recommendations for bringing out improvements or removing the bottleneck detected by it during the course of its study. The Committee undertakes detailed examination of different Ministries/ Central Government Offices and Head of the Departments on implementation of the Reservation Policy. Study Group I & II of the Committee frequently visit Zonal Railways/ Production Units/ Public Undertaking's Headquarters for examining the implementation of Reservation Policy. They held discussions with representatives of SC/ STs Employees' Association and the Administrations to make on the spot studies and submit their recommendations to the Parliament.


II. Scope of Reservation


  1. Orders of reservations were issued immediately on attainment of Independence on 21.9.1947 providing reservations of 12.5% of vacancies for Scheduled Castes in respect of recruitments made by open competition. In case of recruitments otherwise than by open competition, this percentage was fixed at 162/3%. After promulgation of the Constitution reservation was provided to the extent of 5% for Scheduled Tribes also. This reservation on 12.5% for Scheduled Castes and 5% for Scheduled Tribes was later on increased to 15% and 7.5% respectively from 25.03.1970.
  2. [No. E(SCT)70 CM 15/10 dated 20.04.1970
     and No. E(SCT) 15/14 dated 30.10.1977]


    The present position in respect of percentage of reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes through different modes of recruitment/promotion is as under:-
    1. The reservation policy has been reviewed from time to time, as a result of that reservation has been extended in promotions as under:—

    2. (i) in recruitment w.e.f. 26.1.1950
      (ii) in promotion by selection and by Limited Departmental Competitive Examination w.e.f. 4.1.1957
      (iii) In promotion on seniority-cum-suitability basis in Group 'A', 'B', 'C' and D. w.e.f. 27.11.1972
      (iv) In promotion by selection to Group 'B' and from Group 'B' to lowest rung to Group 'A'. w.e.f. 20.7.1974


    3. [No. E 47 CM 1/49/3 dated 23.12.1950 No. E(SCT)57 CM 1/20 dated 27.04.1959  & 08.06.1961 No. E(SCT)72 CM 15/5 dated 11.01.1973 and No. E(SCT)73 CM 15/13 dated 17.08.1974]

    4. This reservation is also applicable in Ad hoc Promotion Pending Selection/Test duration of which is for 45 days or more.

      [No. E(SCT)68 CM 15/12 dated 10.12.1971 and 16.03.1974]

    5. The reservation of SC/STs is applicable to Selection and Non-Selection Posts, both in Safety and Non-Safety Posts filled by promotion to all grades or services, where the element of direct recruitment, if any, does not exceed 75 % w. e. f. 25.4.1989. (Previously it was 662/3 which has been changed in 1989). Similarly reservation is also applicable in upgradation.
    1. [No. 89-E(SCT)I/25/21 dated 20/22.06.1989 (RBE 158/1989)]


      Reservation for SC/STs in promotion cannot be more than 50% of total assessed vacancies for promotion, except when single vacancy is treated as reserved for SC or ST.

      [No. 82-E(SCT)39/2 dated 29.04.1982]

      Reservation is applicable in Non-Gazetted as well as Gazetted Posts, both in Safety as well as in Non-Safety Posts.
    3. Promotion under the best amongst the failed Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe employees is not applicable in 'safety' category and Limited Departmental Competitive Examination in Group B.

      [No. E(SCT)74 CM 15/34 dated 19.06.1978]

    4. Recruitment is made through UPSC in Gazetted Posts, and in Group C through RRBs and other agencies or locality by Railway Administration in Group C & D and there are some posts which are filled up partially by direct recruitment and partially by promotion. Therefore, different percentage may be applied in case of recruitment and for promotion and Rosters for both are to be opened separately.

  5.       Present Percentage fixed
          SC ST
    (i) Direct recruitment on All India basis - Groups A, B and C [where minimum of scale is Rs. 1400 (RPS) and above].    
      (a) By open competition i.e. through the UPSC or by means of open competitive test held by any other authority. 15 7.5
      (b) Otherwise than at (a) above 162/3 7.5
    [No. E(SCT)70 CM 15/10 dated 20.04.1970;
     No. E(SCT)15/14 dated 13.10.1977]
    (ii) Direct recruitment to Group C and Group D posts in grade less than Rs. 1400 normally attracting candidates from a locality or a region, following reservation percentage has been prescribed as revised w.e.f. 01.06.1988:—    
    S. No. Railway Percentage of reservation
    SC ST
    (1) (2) (3) (4)
    1. Central 16 8
    2. Eastern 19 8
    3. Northern 19 4
    4. N.E. 19 4
    5. N.F. ( XXR No. 95-E(SCT)I/39/2 dated 24.06.1988 ) 12 18
    6. Southern 15 4
    7. S.C. 14 9
    8. S.E. 15 11
    9. Western 15 9
    10. C.L.W. 18 7
    11. D.L.W. 21 1
    12. I.C.F. 19 1
    13. W&AP 15 5
    14. D.C.W./Patiala 27 Nil
    15. RRT/Madras 19 1
    16. Rly. Staff College, Vadodara 7 14
    17. Permanent Way Training School, Pune 7 9
    18. IRSEE&T Secunderabad 15 9
    19. IRIMEE Jamalpur 15 9
    20. RDSO/Lucknow 21 1
    21. IRCA/RLCO COFNC/Railway Board 162/3 7.5

    [No. 85-E(SCT)I/39/2 dated 31.5.1988]

    (iii) For the purpose of promotions, posts have been classified as "Selection Posts” and "Non-Selection Posts". The promotions are made by    
    1. Selections (or)
    2. Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (or)
    3. Suitability test (or)
    4. Seeing CRs/record of services (or)
    5. Trade test in Artisan categories.

    In all promotions, the reservation is provided @ 15% for SCs and 7.5% for STs on 40 Pt. Roster basis.

    (iv) The Department of Personnel & Training in Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension is the Nodal Agency to issue directives on reservation policy for SC/STs to all the Ministries to implement the reservation for SC/STs.    
    (v) Necessary instructions on policy matters for reservation of SC/STs are reiterated by Railway Board to the Zonal Railways/Production Units etc. for implementation.    

    [No. 82-E(SCT)15/Misc./I dated 20.03.1982]

  6. Definition of SC/ST

    A person shall be considered to be a member of Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe, as the case may be, if he belongs to a Caste or a Tribe, which has been declared as a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe for the area of which he or she is a resident through an order under the Constitution.

  7. Verification of claims of belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe

    Any of the following certificates may be accepted by the appointing authority as a sufficient proof in support of a candidate's claim of belonging to Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe:—

    Reservation benefits are admissible to the SC candidates belonging to the Hindu, Sikh or Budhist. However, reservation benefits can be extended to Scheduled Tribes who may profess any religion and submit the certificate of Caste/Tribe which is included in the Presidential Order.
    1. A certificate in the prescribed form issued by one of the authorities empowered to issue such a certificate.
    2. Matriculation certificate or the Birth Certificate giving the caste or community of the candidate and the place of his residence.


    1. List of authorities empowered to issue Caste CertificatePlace of Residence/Birth
      1. District Magistrate/ Additional District Magistrate/ Collector/ Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Deputy Commissioner/Deputy Collector/I Class Stipendiary Magistrate/ City Magistrate/ Sub-Divisional Magistrate (Not below the rank of I Class Stipendiary Magistrate) / Taluka Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate/ Extra Assistant Commissioner.
      2. Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Presidency Magistrate.
      3. Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar.
      4. Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides.
      5. Administrator/ Secretary to Administrator/ Development Officer (Lakshadweep Islands).

      [No. 84-E(SCT)31/2 dated 30.05.1985 (RBE 153/1985)/10.10.1985]

    2. The place of birth of a person is not the determining factor in deciding the place of residence. Birth places of even two brothers may differ and in such a case it is not justified to consider one as Scheduled Caste and deny the same treatment to the other. Therefore, the place of residence is to be determined with reference to the Place/State to which the forefather of the person belong irrespective of the fact that the person or his/her parents might have gone to some other place temporarily in search of employment.

    3. Migration

      Where a person migrates from one State to another, he can belong to a Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe only in relation to the State to which he originally belonged and not in respect of the States to which he has migrated, notwithstanding the fact that the name of his caste/tribe has been scheduled in respect of that State in any Presidential Order.

    4. Marriage

      Marriage does not change the status of a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe. In case a SC or ST lady marries a non-SC/ST man, then she will be eligible for SC/ST benefits but her husband or children will not be eligible for SC/ST benefits.

    5. Conversion and Re-conversion

      No person who professes a religion different from the Hindu, Sikh or Budhism religion can be deemed to be a member of SC. The rights of a person belonging to ST are, however independent of his/her religious faith. Cases of conversion and re-conversion are to be examined in the light of the following principles:

      1. Where a SC person gets converted to a religion other than Hinduism, Sikhism or Budhism and then reconverts to Hinduism, Sikhism or Budhism, he will be deemed to have reverted to his original SC, if he is accepted by the members of that particular caste as one among them.
      2. In the case of a descendant of a SC convert, the mere fact of conversion to Hinduism, Sikhism or Budhism will not be sufficient to entitle him to be regarded as member of the SC to which his forefathers belonged. It will have to he established that such a convert has been accepted by the members of the caste claimed as one among themselves and has thus become a member of that caste.
    6. In case of a legal adoption, the adoptive child, if adopted by SC/ST parents, acquires the status of a SC/ST.

  8. [No. E(SCT)78 LG 5/2 dated 16.01.1982
     and No. 91-E(SCT)1/31/3 dated 18.04.1991]

    Reservation benefits are admissible from the date of submission of Caste Certificate.

    [No. 83-E(SCT)31/6 dated 01.11.1983]

  9. Reservation benefits are given only to those SC/STs in promotion who are appearing against reserved quota vacancies.

    [No. E(SCT)68 CM 15/10 dated 23.10.1969;
     and No. 83-E(SCT)42/1 dated 14.04.1983]

  10. SC/ST candidates can be considered against reserved vacancies, and also against the unreserved vacancies if their turn fall as per the seniority list but for that they have to qualify with general standard like others.

    [No. E(SCT)68 CM 15/10 dated 15.03.1973]

  11. If SC or ST candidate is lower in seniority and they do not come in the zone of consideration as per their seniority and there are reserved quota vacancies as well, then those SC/ST candidates who are, though junior in seniority list may also be considered for promotion from the extended zone of consideration against their reserved quota vacancies, for which various concessions and relaxations have been provided. But preference is to be given to those SC/ST candidates who are passing with general standard. SC/ST candidates passing with relaxed standard are considered only when requisite SC/STs are not passing with general standard and such SC/ST candidates shall be placed in panel below those SC/ST candidates passing with general standard.

    [No. E(SCT)68 CM 15/10 dated 23.10.1969;
     and No. 83-E(SCT)42/1 dated 14.04.1983;
     and No. 89-E(SCT)I/49/5 (Pt.) dated 16.06.1992 (RBE 97/1992)]

  12. Based on the total number of sanctioned posts in the category/post, the reserved quota for SC/STs is to be arrived at by applying the percentages of 15 for SCs and 7.5 for STs. For this purpose, sanctioned posts shall be the number of posts actually being/to be operated and shall exclude the number of posts identified as surplus or due to any other reason. The backlog and deficiency in reserved quota shall be filled up through 50 Pt. Roster. Selected SC/ST candidates are to be adjusted against (i) backlog vacancies (ii) reserved quota vacancies. Excess, if any, in reserved quota is to be adjusted against future vacancies as per the Roster.

    [No. 89-E(SCT)I/49/5 (Pt.) dated 16.06.1992 (RBE 97/1992)]

  13. Besides Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, there is Minority Community also, for which there is no reservation but members of that Minority Community are compulsorily nominated in Recruitment Committee/Screening Committee, in addition to a SC or ST member.

    The Minority Community consists of:- Sikh/ Muslim/ Christian/ Zoristrian/ Neo-Budhist.

    [No. 83-E(SCT)87/3 dated 27.10.1983;
     and No. E(NG)II-83/RR1-7 dated 01.06.1983]

  14. SC/ST's reservation benefits shall be permissible only to those SC/STs who are by birth belong to SC/ST, and not to those candidates who marry a SC or ST candidate.

    [No. 78-E(SCT)15/9 dated 19.05.1979]


III. Exemptions and Exclusions

Reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes should invariably be made in all posts filled by direct recruitment and promotion unless exempted by special or general instructions issued by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board).

Reservations do not apply to—

  1. Vacancies filled by transfer.
  2. Vacancies filled by promotion in grades or posts in which the element of direct recruitment, if any, exceeds 75%.
  3. Temporary appointments/promotions of less than 45 days duration.

    [No. E(SCT)68 CM 15/13 dated 06.12.1969]

  4. Those work-charged posts which are required for emergencies like flood relief work, accident restoration and relief etc.

    [No. 77-E(SCT)15/18 dated 22.07.1977]

  5. Appointment of Casual Labour/Substitutes. If any shortages, matter be reported to Railway Board.
  6. Promotions against leave vacancies of less than 45 days (or)

    Where in a category permissible reserved quota for SC/STs is already filled up as per prescribed reservation, then no further reservation is to made for SC/STs.

    [No. 89-E(SCT)I/49/5 (Pt.) dated 16.06.1992 (RBE 97/1992)]

  7. Posts filled by deputation.

    [M.H.A.'s O.M. No. 16/2/67-Estt. (C) dated 27.09.1967
     and Railway Board's letter No. 78-E(SCT)15/19 dated 02.06.1978]

    Note:- It is clarified that whenever it is proposed to depute, in public Railway interest, a Railway servant, officers serving under the Railway Board, to a post in or under another Department etc., the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe employees (serving under the Railway Board), who are eligible to be sent on deputation, should also be considered along with other eligible employees for such deputation. The same policy should be followed when it is proposed to obtain, on deputation, officers from any other Department/Ministry. Where the number of vacancies to be filled on the Railways by deputation is fairly substantial, endeavour should be made to fill fair proportion of vacancies by SC/ST employees.

  8. Posts filled up in Production Control Organisation by drafting staff from the shop floor on ex-cadre tenure basis without involving promotions. However, when the ex-cadre tenure posts are filled up involving promotions, reservation rules will apply.

    [No. 78-E(SCT)15/16 dated 21.10.1982 & dated 22.06.1983]

  9. Post of Vigilance Inspector.

    However, notice inviting applications be sent to all eligible SC/ST employees and their willingness/unwillingness thereto be obtained. Copies of such notices be sent to Reservation Cells functioning on the concerned Railway and Unit/zonal bodies of All India SC/ST Employees' Association. Notice should also be published in the local journals issued by the Railway.

    [No. E(SCT)62 CM 15/10 dated 28.03.1964
     and No. 89/V-I/INSP/1/1 dated 29.10.1990]

  10. In the scheme of upgradation where all the posts in a category are upgraded.

    [No. E(P&A)II/83/RS-8 dated 02.08.1983]

  11. Posts of Instructors in Training Schools filled by drafting employees from other departments on tenure basis. However, SC/ST employees be given, encouragement, due consideration and also certain amount of preference in selection as per extant rules. Notice inviting applications should also be sent to Reservation Cells and zonal bodies of All India SC/ST Employee's Association for suggesting names of suitable persons. Superiors should not withhold the applications of SC/ST employees. SC/ST employees be given special consideration for training in various training schools to enable them to be fit for the post of Instructors.

    [No. 91-E(SCT)I/80/4 dated 15.04.1991 (RBE 73/91)]


IV. Rosters

  1. Roster is a mechanism for distribution of vacancies proportionately among the UR, SCs and STs so as to ensure that each group is fairly represented as per prescribed reservation percentage in the posts.
  3. Three types of Rosters are prescribed which are as under:-
    1. 40 Pt. Roster for recruitment on All India basis, the posts where minimum of scale is Rs. 1,400 (RPS) or above and all promotions. The Roster is maintained on the basis of 15 % for SCs and 7.5 % for STs.

      Roster points reserved for SCs are 1, 8, 14, 22, 28 and 36 and for STs 4, 17 and 31. Other points are unreserved but not reserved for generals.

      [No. E(SCT)70 CM/10 dated 29.4.1970
      No. 80-E(SCT)15/4 dated 07.06.1980]

    2. 40 Pt. Roster for direct recruitment other than on All India basis. This Roster maintains a percentage of 162/3 for SCs and 7.5 for STs. Point Nos. 1,7,13, 20, 25, 32 and 37 reserved for SCs and 4, 17 and 29 reserved for STs.
    3. 100 Pt. Roster for direct recruitment in Group C and Group D posts, the minimum scale of pay of which is less than Rs. 1,400 (RPS), and the recruitment is made on regional basis. The Roster is based on the percentage of population covered by the region (zone in the case of Railways) in which the recruitment is made and vary from region to region on that basis. The percentage has been revised w.e.f. 1.6.1988.

      [No. 85-E(SCT)I/39/2 dated 31.05.1988]


   ii.    There are certain posts which are partially filled up by recruitment and partially by promotion like the posts of Clerk in Gr. Rs. 950-1500 (RPS). In such categories, 100 Pt. Roster as well as 40 Pt. Roster is to be used as under:-a.     100 Pt. Roster for the posts filled by direct recruitment and

  1. 40 Pt. Roster for posts filled by promotion from Group D to Group C.
  2. In case classification of posts is changed from Selection Posts to Non-Selection Posts or Non-Selection Posts to Selection Posts, same Roster should continue.
  3. When two different grades are merged into one single grade, then Roster for lower grade is to be discontinued and old Roster of higher grade is to be continued by taking shortfall of lower grade into Roster for higher grade.

[No. 83-E(SCT)1/41/4 dated 23.08.1988]

  1. When any Headquarters controlled post is decentralised as Divisional Controlled Post, then on Divisions, fresh Roster is to be operated by taking shortfall into new-Roster which is allotted by Headquarters Office, if any. Such shortfall is distributed to Divisions as per the strength on Divisions.         vi.            In promotion, one 40 Pt. Roster is maintained for ad hoc promotions for 45 days or more against leave vacancy.

[No. 80-E(SCT)15/4 dated 07.06.1980]

  1. One combined Roster is maintained for ad hoc Promotion Pending Selection/ Test as well as for Regular Promotion after Selection/Test by showing points in Roster as 1-A. 2-A, 3-A, 4-
  2. A. ‘A’ means Ad hoc Promotion, so in all such ad hoc promotions, names 1 2 3 4 are to be shown of ‘A’ and on regular promotions, names will be shown against regular points.

[No. 83-E(SCT)23/1 dated 19.09.1983]

  1. Appointments on compassionate ground are shown in Roster for recruitment

[No. 82-E(SCT)41/13 dated 21.05.1982]            ix.            After the orders passed by CAT, Hyderabad, it was decided that the SC/ST’s reserved quota is to be determined as per 15% for SCs and 7.5% for STs on the basis of strength in each post of category, and deficiency of SC/ST is to be filled up as per Roster Points by taking carry forward into account, if there is deficiency of SC/ST candidates as per 15% and 7.5% reservation on strength. In case permissible quota is already full by SC/ST candidates, no further reservation in that particular post is to be made, but Roster will continue and names of promotees viz., General/SC/ST as per their turn on seniority list will be shown. This was made effective w.e.f. 16.6.1992 on all Selection and NonSelection Posts in Group D, C and B on selection/tests initiated on or after 16.6.1992.

[No. 89-E(SCT)I/49/5/Pt. dated 16.06.1992 (RBE 97/92)  and dated 31.07.1992]

It was also decided that while calculating permissible quota for SC/STs as per 15% for SCs and 7.5% for STs on strength, fraction of 0.5 and above should be rounded off to one and less than 0.5 be ignored.[No. 89-E(SCT)I/49/5/Pt. dated 16.06.1992 (RBE 97/92)]

It has also been clarified that unless there is some interim orders of a Court/CAT, the promotion of SC/ST candidates by virtue of their seniority cannot be withheld even in cases where 15% for SCs and 7.5% for STs has been achieved. The seniority will continue to be determined as per the date of entry into the grade irrespective of the fact whether a SC/ST candidate was promoted on reservation or otherwise.

[No. 92-E(SCT)I/25/16 dated 25.11.1992]

  1. The Rosters are intended to be an aid in determining and pin-pointing the vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to fill up deficiency in permissible quota, and are not meant to be used for determining the seniority or order of appointment.
  2. Liaison Officers nominated for each Ministry (CPOs/SPO-RPs in Railways and APOs on Divisions) will conduct annual inspections of Rosters.5.     A record of inspections should be maintained and Inspection Report should be properly followed and errors and omissions be rectified.
  3. The staff maintaining the cadre position and handling recruitment/promotion should be properly trained in maintenance of Roster Registers.
  4. Detailed Instructions for the Maintenance of the Roster
  5. A separate roster should be maintained in the form given in Annexure ‘A’ for each type of appointment and within it for each grade or service or a group of posts formed for the purpose of these orders.
  6. Within each category of posts a separate roster may be maintained for (a) permanent appointments and temporary appointments likely to become permanent or to continue indefinitely and (b) purely temporary appointments.
  7. On the top of roster, total strength of posts in that category and grade should be written with permissible quota of 15% for SCs and 71/2% for STs indicating SC/ST employees already available in the category and grade.i.            Total strengthii.            No. of SCs/STs availableRosters have to be maintained separately for (a) initial appointments on temporary basis and (b) Permanent appointments i.e. at the time of confirmation.
    1. Category
    2. Grade
    3. Selection/Non-selectionvi.            Safety/Non-Safety
  8. Immediately after an appointment has been made, the particulars of the person appointed will be entered in the appropriate columns and the entry signed by the appointing authority or the officer authorised to do so.
  9. No gap should be left in completing the roster, for example, if a reserved vacancy, as say, point 25, has to be treated for want of a suitable SC/ST candidate, as unreserved, the candidate actually appointed will be shown against that point itself, SC/ST candidates recruited/promoted later in the year against an unreserved point shall be shown against each point.
  10. The roster will be maintained in the form of a running account year by year, for example, if appointments in a year stops at point No. 6 of a scroll, recruitment/ promotion in the following year will begin at point 7 roster should not be maintained in loose sheets.
  11. Vacancies caused due to termination of service during probation or trial or voluntarily leaving service during probation should not be treated as fresh vacancy.
  12. In case of single vacancy or exchange, necessary remarks should be given in the remarks column.
  13. Whenever a reserved post has been filled by unreserved candidate after dereservation, authority sanctioning the de-reservation with sanction letter No.

and date should invariably be indicated.

  1. A summary should be made after the close of each recruitment year indicating the total of carried-forward reserve vacancies in col. 1 and 2 of the roster.
  2. Each column of roster must be filled in completely and after the completion of the entries, it should get signed by the concerned officer with date.

[Chapter V and Appendices II & III of Brochure on reservation for SCs/STs - 3rd Edition]


V. Definitions of Terms used in Reservation Policy

  1. Recruitment Year/Selection Year
    1. Under Reservation Rules, Recruitment Year is the Financial Year i.e. from1st April to 31st March, which is determined from the date of the panel in Selection Posts, and from the date of promotion in NonSelection Posts where no list is published. This is used for carry forward purposes and is shown in column No. 3 of Roster.

       [No. E(SCT)63 CM 15/16 dated 06.10.1964]


  1. Recruitment Year is determined from the date of panel/select list, hich is shown in column No. 9 of Roster.

       [No. 78-E(SCT) 15/20 dated 12.07.1978; and No. 84-E(SCT)27/1 dated 29.05.1984]

  1. Where panel/select list is not issued, then Recruitment Year is determined from the date of recruitment or promotion, which is shown in column No.7 of Roster.
  1. Single Vacancy

The vacancies for Selection or in Non-Selection Posts are assessed/determined as per rules. In case of assessment of vacancies, if only one vacancy comes in a year then it is called case of “single vacancy” in a Recruitment Year.

  1. In case of initial-Recruitment Year, if there is “single vacancy” falling at reserved point (without any previous carry forward), then this single vacancy shall be treated as “unreserved” and shall be filled up by the candidate as per merit-cum-seniority and in case that candidate is from general community then reserved quota shall be carried forward and to be filled up in next recruitment year by reserved community candidate. No carry forward is made in case candidate who has been promoted belongs to reserved community for whom that point was reserved.

                             [No. 74-E(SCT) 15/20 dated 09.07.1975]

  1. In case single vacancy arises in a Recruitment Year and there is already carry forward in the Roster then even in initialRecruitment Year, that “single vacancy” can be treated as “reserved”.

[No. 81-E(SCT) 15/102 dated 07/11.04.1984]

  1. Carry forward

Carry forward is shifting of reservation of reserved points to unreserved point.i.            In Group C and D services/posts, if sufficient number of candidates of the communities, for whom the reservation is made, are not available for appointment/ promotion, the vacancies remaining unfilled shall be treated as unreserved after following the prescribed procedure of de-reservation, and carried forward to three subsequent recruitment/ selection years, and in the third subsequent recruitment year, exchange is considered, which is determined after ignoring the years in which either no recruitment/ selection takes place or no reservation could be made for SC/STs because of a single vacancy treated as unreserved.

[No. E 55 CM 1/3 dated 05.10.1955;

No. E(SCT)70CM 15/10 dated 20.04.1970 (3 years of carry forward); and No. E(SCT)74 CM 15/25 dated 20.08.1974]ii.           

  1. In the case of promotion by selection to Group B and the lowest rung of Group A, there will be no carry forward except in case of single vacancy.

However, in case of promotions to Group B, based on Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, the reserved vacancies remaining unfilled shall be treated as unreserved after following the prescribed procedure of dereservation and carried forward to three subsequent recruitment/selection years.

[No. E(SCT)73 CM 15/13 dated 17.08.1974;  and No. 82-E(SCT)41/60 dated 05.05.1982]

  1. In the case of promotion by selection to Group B and the lowest rung of Group A, the single vacancy shall be carried forward only to one subsequent selection/ recruitment year, when situation arising, the vacancy may be exchanged between Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

[No. 74-E(SCT) 15/20 dated 09.07.1975;  and No. 81-E(SCT)15/102 dated 22.01.1982]

  1. In case of promotion in Group A, B, C and D based on seniority-cum-suitability basis, carry forward system is allowed to next three subsequent recruitment years.

[No. E(SCT)72 CM 15/5 dated 11.01.1973]

  1. If a single vacancy falls at a reserved point in initial year and was treated as unreserved but is filled by Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe candidate, for whom it is reserved on the basis of his/her own merit or seniority, then it need not be treated as unreserved and reservation should not be carried forward, but if filled up by others then carry forward is to be made.
  2. The year(s) in which recruitment/ selection does not take place, is not to be taken into account for the purpose of calculating three years limit of carried forward. In third subsequent recruitment year. Exchange is to be made. The year in which there is only single vacancy, is also not to be taken into account for determining the third subsequent recruitment year.

[No. E(SCT)63 CM 15/16 dated 06.10.1964;  No. E(SCT)74 CM 15/25 dated 20.08.1974;  and No. 78-E(SCT) 15/20 dated 12.07.1978]iv.            In any selection year, the number of normal reserved vacancies and the carried forward reserved vacancies together in case of promotions shall not be exceeded 50% of the total number of assessed vacancies and surplus over 50% limit is to be carried forward. In case of Direct Recruitment, the 50% limit will apply only on the current vacancies and not on carried forward vacancies.

[No. E(SCT)63 CM 15/16 dated 06.10.1964;

No. 79-E(SCT)15/83(Pt. IV) dated 03.01.1981;  No. 82-E(SCT)39/2 dated 29.04.1982;

 and No. 89-E(SCT)I/27/1 dated 17.05.1989 (RBE 131/1989)]

  1. The oldest carried forward vacancies should be

utilised first as far as possible because if there is carry forward of ST quota and fresh quota is for SC but ST candidate is not available and SC candidate is available, then there is no harm to reserve the quota as per fresh quota for SC instead of old-quota for ST.

[No. E 55 CM 1/3 dated 05.10.1955 and No. 82-E(SCT)2/5 dated 18.02.1982]

  1. The surplus above 50% shall be carried forward to the subsequent year of promotion subject to the condition that the carried forward vacancies have not become time-barred, due to their becoming more than three years old.

[No. E(SCT)63 CM 15/16 dated 06.10.1964;

 No. E(SCT)70CM 15/10 dated 20.04.1970;  No. E(SCT)74 CM 15/29 dated 05.08.1974;  and No. 82-E(SCT) 39/2 dated 29.04.1982]

  1. Exchange of Vacancies
  2. Exchange is the system of filling SC’s reserved quota vacancy with ST candidate or ST’s reserved quota vacancy with SC candidate. This exchange is made in Group B selection post in the same selection, and in all other cases exchange is made in third subsequent Recruitment Year.
  3. Necessity of exchange arises when the candidate of one reserved community does not become available up to next third selection or if available, but failed despite of applying all relaxation and concessions, and their reserved quota vacancy could not be filled up by that particular reserved community candidate, then efforts should be made to take other reserved community candidate to fill up that reserved vacancy.
  4. This exchange is to be made in third subsequent Recruitment Year itself because after third subsequent Recruitment Year, that particular carry forward reserved quota becomes “lapsed”.

[No. E(SCT)70 CM 15/10 dated 20.04.1970;

 No. 82-E(SCT)20/5 dated 18.02.1982; No. E(SCT)70 CM 15/13 dated 17.08.1974;  and No. E(SCT)74 CM 15/29 dated 05.08.1974]

  1. For example, the oldest carried forward SC’s quota matured for exchange, should be exchanged first by ST’s and ST’s fresh quota be filled up by ST candidate after that exchange. Same should be done for ST’s quota matured for exchange with SC candidate.[No. 82-E(SCT)20/5 dated 18.02.1982]
  2. As per latest instructions issued under Board’s letter No. 89E(SCT)I/49/5(Pt.) dated 16.6.1992 (RBE 97/1992), the reserved quota is determined as per 15% for SCs and 7.5% for STs on strength, so Exchange should be made as per rule to wipe out the deficiency.
  3. Review
  4. Review of performance of tailed SC/ST candidates is made by the competent authority where reserved quota vacancy remains unfilled or the senior SC/STs are superseded by juniors. However, where the reserved quota has been filled by a junior reserved candidate superseding a senior reserved candidate, there is no need for putting up the case for review to the competent authority. Only after review, proposal for de-reservation should be processed.

[No. 82-E(SCT)15/104 dated 17.04.1982;

 and No. 82-E(SCT)15/104 dated 07.11.1985 (RBE 301/1985)]

General Managers may enhance the marks of SC/ST candidates as he deems fit in case of SC/ST candidates who may not otherwise find a place on the panel.

[No. E(SCT)74 CM 15/35 dated 05.11.1974]

  1. In case of best amongst failure scheme in Non-Safety Posts, review of six-monthly working report of that candidate is to be made. Only if working report is considered satisfactory, then only that SC/ST candidate is allowed to continue.

[No. E(SCT)74 CM 15/34 dated 31.08.1974;  and No. 82-E(SCT)15/104 dated 17.04.1982]

  1. In case SC/ST candidate who is considered for in-service training for six months under best amongst failure scheme but allowed to continue for more than six months without review, the candidate will be deemed to have completed the in-service training satisfactorily. It should, therefore, be ensured that review should be timely made to avoid such a situation and any further complication.
  2. De-reservation

All efforts should be made to fill up reserved quota vacancies. However, when a suitable candidate, from the community in whose favour vacancy has been reserved, is not available or, if available, but could not qualify the election/test to fill up that reserved vacancy, then question of de-reservation arises. Filling the reserved vacancy by other community candidate is called “de-reservation”. De-reservation can be resorted to only in case of promotion category post.

  1. De-reservation in recruitment category posts is completely banned. Reserved posts remaining unfilled in the recruitment categories must be kept vacant and efforts should be made to fill up such posts only by the reserved community candidates.[No. 89-E(SCT)I/27/1 dated 17.05.1989 (RBE 131/1989)]ii.            The authority to approve de-reservation is as under :—
  2. General Manager — In case of promotion in technical and operating categories in Group C and Group B.
  3. Railway Board — In case of promotion in non-technical and non-operating categories in Group C and Group D.
  4. Railway Board — In case of promotion to all Gazetted posts, a reserved post cannot be filled up by a reserved community candidate on account of the prescribed percentage having already been achieved in the cadre.

[No. 82-E(SCT)15/Misc/1 dated 20.3.1982;  No. E(SCT)66 CM 4/1 dated 17.1.1978;

 and No. 87-E(SCT)I/72/1 dated 6.9.1988 (RBE 183/1988)]

  1. De-reservation approval is to be obtained in recruitment as well as in promotion by selection or by test, both in Selection Post as well as in Non-Selection Post. But in case of ad hoc promotion, no need to obtain de-reservation approval.

[No. 83-E(SCT)23/1 dated 10.09.1983]

  1. Railway Board have prescribed proforma for de-reservation which is filled up correctly and its four copies are to be sent to Railway Board.

                      [No. 79-E(SCT)15/103 dated 27.05.1980;  and No. 84-E(SCT)74/1 dated 20/23.02.1985 (RBE 54/1985)]


  1. For obtaining de-reservation approval from Railway Board, the GM/AGM should approve the de-reservation proposal, which should be duly vetted by SPO (RP). It should be indicated in the proforma itself.

 [No. 87-E(SCT)I/27/4 dated 04.12.1987 (RBE 295/1987)]vi.   In case of de-reservation in those categories in which lower grade posts are filled up by recruitment, the corresponding number of vacancies, for which de-reservation is sought, be filled in by recruitment.

 [No. 90-E(SCT)I/25/23 dated 29.11.1990 (RBE 220/1990)]vii.  The de-reservation approval is to be obtained again and again for the same reserved point for which de-reservation approval sought previously at initial stage.

  1. Before deciding to dereserve a vacancy, the Railways should ensure that all steps necessary to fill up the posts have been taken to secure the SC or ST candidate for appointment against the reserved vacancies. Only when it becomes inevitable to dereserve a vacancy, steps to dereserve the same should be taken. It should be kept in view that no reserved vacancy should be filled in by the general candidate without obtaining the prior approval for de-reservation.


VI. Direct Recruitment


Relaxations, Concessions and Other Special Facilities Admissible to SCs/STs, Publicity and Recruitment Board

  1. Percentages of reservation for SCs and STs in force in direct recruitment to

Railway services are as given below:—

  1. Direct recruitment on All India basis — Group A, B and C posts where minimum of the scale is Rs. 1400 (RPS) or above:






By open competition (40 Pt. Model Roster as at Annexure I-A is to be used)




Otherwise than by open competition (40 Pt. Model Roster as atAnnexure I-B is to be used)



  1. [No. E(SCT)70 CM 15/10 dated 20.04.1970; and No. 77-E(SCT)15/14 dated 13.10.1977]
  2. Direct recruitment to Group C and D made on Local/Regional basis, the posts where minimum of the scale is below Rs. 1400 (RPS):

Name of Railway/ Office

Scheduled Castes

Scheduled Tribes













*North-East Frontier
























Wheel & Axle Plant



Diesel Component Works, Patiala



Railway Rates Tribunal Madras



Railway Staff College, Vadodara



Permanent Way Training School, Pune



Indian Railway School of Signal Engg. & Telecommunication , Secunderabad



Indian Railway Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Engg. Jamalpur



RDSO/ Lucknow



I.R.C.A., R.L.O., COFMOW, Railway Board




d. Actual points to be reserved in 100 Pt. Roster may be seen in theenclosed Annexure I-C.

  1. [No. E(SCT)70 CM 15/10 dated 20.04.1970;

No. 77-E(SCT)15/14 dated 13.10.1977 No. 85-E(SCT)I/39/2 dated 31.05.1988; and *XXR No. 85-E(SCT) 1/39/2 dated 24.06.1988]2.     Concessions admissible to SC/ST candidates

  1. Age limit

The maximum age limit prescribed for direct recruitment to all Railway services or posts (both gazetted and non-gazetted) shall be increased by 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

[No. E 52 CM 1/11/3 dated 11.09.1952; and MHA's Res. No. 5/1/55 SCT dated 30.04.1955]

  1. Physical standard for appointment as

Rakshaks and Sub-Inspectors in the Railway Protection Force

For appointment as Rakshaks and Sub-Inspectors on the Railways, the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates will be required to possess the following physical standard:—

                                        Height                            Chests unexpanded Weight

Scheduled Caste 160.00 cm (5′-3″) 76.20 cm                            50 Kg

Scheduled Tribe150.00 cm (4′-11″) 76.20 cm                          48 Kg

[No. 77 Sec. (E) 147/6 dated 14.06.1977, 07.12.1977 and 2.3.1978]

  1. Examination Fee

The candidates belonging to SC/STs will not be required to pay any fees for admission to any recruitment examination/selection. This is effective from 1.7.1985.

[No. 85-E(SCT)I/25/6 dated 12.09.1985]

  1. Rail journey free passes

Free II Class passes will be issued to candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes when summoned for test/interview by the Railway Recruitment Board and the Railway Administration irrespective of the fact whether the recruitment is made on regional or All India basis.

[No. E(NG)63 RR-1/19 dated 30.12.1964]

  1. Recruitment Committee/Board
  2. The Committee constituted for conducting interview of the candidates for recruitment to Group C and D posts should consist of at least three members, one of whom should belong to SC/ST communities and another from minority communities, both being non-official members. The panel of non-official members to be associated with the Committees will be framed and communicated to the Railways in due course. Till the receipt of panels of names of non-official members (formed by the Ministry the competent authority ordering recruitment may co-opt the non-official members from a list formed by themselves in advance. As and when interviews take place, suitable arrangements should be made in advance to co-opt one of the persons from the approved Panel of each group giving them sufficient notice. Different members on panel may be asked to serve at different interviews on different occasions by rotation. It should be ensured that a detailed brief is sent to non-officials members indicating the reservations for SCs/STs according to rules, the procedure to be followed in the selection and other allied information, as may he considered necessary which may be of help to them in conducting the interviews.

[No. E(NG)II-83/RR-1/7 dated 13.06.1984; No. E(NG)II/92/RAB/26 dated 28.05.1992; and No. E(NG)II-86/RR-1/29 dated 03.03.1993]

  1. The Screening Committee for screening of Casual Labour/Substitutes shall consist of three officers, one of whom should be an officer of the Personnel Branch and another from the Department concerned. Further, one of the members on the Screening Committee should be from SC/STs and one from a minority community by co-opting a fourth officer, wherever necessary.

[No. E(NG)II-83/RR1-7 dated 01.06.1983]vi.            Separate written test/interviews/evaluation of answer books

To fill reserved vacancies, written test for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes should, as far as practicable, be held separately from that of the general candidates. Where this is not practicable, their answer papers should be evaluated separately having regard to the extent orders for giving liberal consideration to these candidates. The interviews should also be held separately so that in the ultimate selection, only relative merit among the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates will count. Where evaluation of answer papers done by examiners other than the Chairman/Member, the latter should exercise his powers of moderation to see that the standard supplied to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes is not too stringent.

[No. E(NG)III/72 RSC/40 dated 04.08.1972; and No. E(SCT)70 CM 15/1 dated 19.11.1970]vii.            Recommending of SC/ST candidates

  1. The cut-off marks in the written test for qualifying for interview in case of all recruitments through Railway Recruitment Boards shall be 20 % as against 30% for general community candidates.

[No. E(NG)II/88/RRB/62 dated 31.05.1989 (RBE 132/1989)]

  1. Committee Members of SC/ST and Minority Community should be apprised of the reservation rules and procedure of recruitment.

[No. E(NG)II-83/RR 1-7 dated 21.12.1983]

  1. In case of screening from Casual Labour, SC/ST percentage be maintained by taking even those SC/STs who have been less than 120 days service. If still there is some deficiency in SC/ST candidates, the screening committee should resort to direct recruitment from open market before declaring the panel.

[No. 83-E(SCT)30/8 dated 31.01.1984; No. 86-E(SCT)80/1 dated 09.09.1987

and No. 88-E(SCT)I/28/1 dated 04.10.1988 (RBE 228/1988)]

  1. For SC/ST candidates who appear for interview for recruitment, there would be no prescribed minimum qualifying marks either for the aggregate or for individual items, viz.

i.          Personality, intelligence and physique,ii.             Previous experience and aptitude,iii.             Additional qualifications,iv.             Sports, games, NCC, etc.

They shall be put simple questions to ascertain their capability of meeting the job-requirement. Chairman, RRB/OM have discretion to select SC/ST candidates who, in his opinion satisfy this condition.The merit list of selected candidates will be drawn according to the total marks obtained both in the written test and the interview.

[No. E(SCT)75 CM 15/14 dated 25.07.1975]

  1. SC/ST candidates junior in panel can be appointed earlier to their senior candidates belonging to general community if reserved point falls earlier.
  2. SC/ST candidates selected on their own merit without relaxed standard along with candidates belonging to general communities shall not be adjusted against the reserved share of vacancies and the reserved vacancies shall be filled up separately from eligible SC/ST candidates lower in the merit than the last general community candidate on the merit list of selected candidates.

The above principle will apply while compiling the list of the candidates for the interview also. Such SC/ST candidates who find place among general community candidate with general standard need not be counted against reserved vacancies. The candidates for reserved vacancies should be picked up from amongst SC/ST candidates below the name of the last general community candidate subject to the condition that candidates are not called below the minimum cut-off marks i.e. 20%.[No. 89-E(SCT)I/25/4 dated 02.06.1989]

  1. In case SC/ST candidates could not be available efforts should be made to get SC/ST candidates from Employment Exchanges. Particularly, in case of recruitment for ST candidates. Railway Recruitment Board’s officials should go to tribal areas to get ST candidates.

[No. 89-E(SCT)1/35/1 dated 28/30.06.1989 (RBE 167/1989); and No. 89-E(SCT)I/29/3 dated 26.07.1989]

  1. The reserved posts remaining unfilled must not be filled by general community candidates but should be kept vacant and all efforts be made to fill these posts through subsequent recruitments/special recruitments. No reserved post can be dereserved in the recruitment categories.
  2. General Managers have been given special powers to appoint SC/ST candidates, to make good the shortfall of SC/STs.

[No. 86-E(SCT)I/80/1 dated 09.09.1987]viii.            Appointment not restricted to the two Divisions of preferenceCandidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes may be appointed in any of the Divisions where the vacancies are available if no vacancy is available in the two Divisions for which they have given preference in their application forms.

[No. E(SCT)72 CM 15/1 dated 13.01.1972]ix.            Training of Apprentices/Trainees

If SC/ST Apprentices and Trainees in the categories of Signallers, Commercial Clerks, Ticket Collectors, Accounts Clerks, Tracers, Guards etc. do not complete the training successfully during the prescribed period of training, they may be given a second chance with stipend/pay and the third chance without stipend/pay.

[No. E(NG)58/RC 1/150 dated 21.11.1961]

  1. Direct recruitment otherwise than by examination

Where recruitment is made otherwise than by examination, the appointing authorities will have discretion to select candidates from the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes fulfilling a lower standard of suitability as compared to that of other communities, so long as the candidates have the prescribed minimum educational/technical qualification and the appointing authorities are satisfied that the lowering of standards will not unduly affect the maintenance of the efficiency of Administration.

[No. E 55 CM1/3 dated 05.10.1955]

  1. In the case of following categories when the requisite number of Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe candidates fulfilling even the lower standards are not available, the recruiting/ appointing authorities should select for appointment the best among the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates who fulfil the minimum educational qualifications laid down in the notice for recruitment/ advertisement:—

Group ‘C’                                                  Group ‘D’

Receptionist                                           Goods Marker

Puncher/Verifier                                Sealmen or Seal Porter

Photostat Machine Operator      Cleaners in Sheds

Lady Telephone Operator            Saloon Attendant

Dark Room Attendant                     Hospital Attendant

Calculating Machine OperatorPeons

Janitor                                                        Farashes


  1. [No. E(SCT)68CM 15/13 dated 02.11.1968 and dated 24.06.1970]
  2. In order to bring the candidates, so appointed, up to the minimum standard necessary for the posts and for the maintenance of efficiency of administration, they should be given in-service training. The in-service training will be provided by the appointing authorities within their own organisations. Such candidates will, on their appointment, be placed on probation and the rules/orders regarding probation will apply to them.
  3. In case SC/ST candidates do not become available for direct recruitment despite efforts being made by GMs within their own powers, special efforts may be made and SC/ ST candidates be selected through educational/technical institutions like ITI etc.8.     Practical experience

Practical experience prescribed as a minimum qualification for direct recruitment to Group C categories mentioned in Annexure A of the under noted letter shall be reduced and/ or waived as shown in Col. 4 of the said Annexure in favour of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

[No. E(NG)I/71 RR 1/9 (ENG3) dated 27.06.1972]

  1. The post can be filled by direct recruitment also even in cases where these posts are generally being filled through promotions provided there is an element for direct recruitment or the R&P Rules provide for filling up such posts by recruitment failing by promotions.
  2. Special Powers of General Managers

Direct Recruitment

Where the Railway Recruitment Board is unable to recommend adequate number of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes against reserved quota, the General Managers have been vested with special powers for appointment of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates to Group C posts without making reference to Railway Recruitment Board so as to wipe out the deficiency in reservations. The selection made for such appointments should be deliberate and open so far as Group C posts are concerned, and is not to he authenticated by the Railway Recruitment Board. This authority should be exercised personally by the General Manager and is not to be delegated to any other officer. However, the General Manager may delegate this authority in respect of Group D staff to the Divisional Railway Managers/CWMs.

[No. E(SCT)57 CM 1/16 dated 07.01.1958; and No. 75-E(SCT)9/55 dated 12.08.1975]

Powers given to General Managers, as mentioned in Para 8(i) above, one also be exercised in respect of filling up of the shortfalls in intermediate grades to which there is an element of direct recruitment.

In case of shortfalls in the category of Principals/Headmasters/PGT Teacher Grade-I of Railway Educational Institutions, recruitment can be made under the powers of General Manager. In case of Gazetted categories, reference should be made to the Railway Board for approaching the UPSC to provide Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates.

  1. Direct recruits declared medically unfit

The Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe direct recruits selected for a particular category, if declared medically unfit for the category, be considered for such other categories for which they are medically fit and, there is shortfall in the reserved quota to be made good under the personal powers vested with the General Manager.

[No. E(SCT)58 CM 1/2/13 dated 25.11.1958; No. E(SCT)58 CM 1/2/13 dated 10.06.1959; and No. E(SCT)15/5 dated 13.02.1976]

The medical requisition in respect of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates shall, in addition, bear the following endorsement:—

“In case he/she is medically unfit for the above-mentioned category, please state whether he/she is fit for any of the following medically category/categories:-









The Railway Recruitment Board should not send the list containing names of general candidates recommended against reserved vacancies along with the main panel. This list should be sent only when the General Manager certifies that he has failed to obtain reserved community candidates under his special powers and an intimation to this effect has been sent to the Board.

  1. Alternative appointment to unsuccessful Apprentices

The case of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates who do not come out successful on completion of the apprenticeship even after they are given repeat courses, one with stipend and another without stipend, are to be reviewed personally by the Chief Personnel Officers for exploring the possibility of finding alternative Group C employment in categories where there may be shortfall in the quota reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Candidates considered suitable may be appointed by the General Manager under the powers delegated to him.

[No. E(SCT)70 CM 15/15 dated 21.10.1970]

  1. 10 per cent marks is also relaxed for promotion in non-safety categories in oral Test after qualifying in the Practical Trade Test.

[No. E(SCT)70 CM 15/6 dated 31.08.1971]

  1. Publicity

An employment notice indicating the total number of vacancies, vacancies reserved for SC/STs, ex-servicemen, physically handicapped, scale of pay etc. as well as the last date for receipt of application should be issued to the

Employment Exchanges within the recruitment unit. Copies of the same should also be sent to the recognised Associations of SC/STs, Vocational Rehabilitation

Centres for Physically Handicapped and to the Director General (Resettlement). Inspectors under SPO (RP) should contact tribal people through Tribal Associations, Principal/Headmasters of Schools and Missionary Organisations doing welfare work.

No. 79-E(SCT)15/55 dated 16.08.1979; and No. E(SCT)74 CM 15 dated 11.07.1974]

13. Recruitment of SC/ST candidates in Group D

The orders contained in Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/91/RR 1/21 dated

16.09.1991banning direct recruitment in Group D posts shall not apply in filling up the posts reserved for SCs and STs. Backlog of SC/STs in Group D should be cleared at the earliest possible.

[XXR No. 91-E(SCT)1/30/10 dated 21.07.1992].

14. Reservation for SC/STs in services – Provision in the recruitment rules

Ministry of Home Affairs (DOP&T), which is a Nodal Agency regarding reservation for SC/STs have issued various orders from time to time. However, Recruitment Rules framed for various posts/services which are statutory rules, do not, in some cases, contain a reference to the orders regarding reservation for SC/STs in services. In respect of all services/posts within the purview of reservation order should contain a separate rule on the following lines:—

“Saving – Nothing in those rules shall affect reservations and other concessions required to be provided for SCs and STs and other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.”

Such a rule will ordinarily be inserted at the end of the rules or at more appropriate place deemed fit.

[No. 84-E(SCT)73/1 dated 22.11.1984]


Model Roster for posts filled by Direct Recruitment on All India basis by open competition and by promotion:

Point in the Roster Whether unreserved or reserved

Note :- If there are only two vacancies to be filled in a particular year, not more than one may be treated as reserved and if there be only one vacancy, it should be treated as unreserved. If on this account, a reserved point is treated as unreserved, the reservation may be carried forward to the subsequent three recruitment years.

[Vide Railway Board's letter No. E(SCT)70 CM 15/10 dated 29.4.1970]

This Roster vide Railway Board’s letter No. E(SCT)63 CM 15/16 dated 28.11.1964 is applicable to promotion vacancies also.


Model Roster for posts filled by Direct Recruitment on All India basis otherwise than by open competition.

Point in the Roster

Whether unreserved or reserved


Scheduled Caste






Scheduled Tribe






Scheduled Caste












Scheduled Caste








Scheduled Tribe






Scheduled Caste










Scheduled Caste








Scheduled Tribe






Scheduled Caste







  1. In every third cycle of the above roster, the 37th point will be treated as unreserved.
  2. If there are only two vacancies to be filled in a particular year not more than one may be treated as reserved and if there be only one vacancy, it should be treated as unreserved. If on this account, a reserved point is treated as unreserved, the reservation may be carried forward to the subsequent three recruitment years.

[Vide Railway Board's letter No. E(SCT)70 CM 15/10 dated 29.4.1970]


Model Roster showing the points to be reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in a 100 – Point roster where recruitment is made on a local or regional basis effective from 01.06.1988.

Name of Railway/ Office

Scheduled Castes

Scheduled Tribes


Percentage of


Actual Points to be reserved in a 100 – point roster

Percentage of Reservation

Actual Points to be reserved in a 100 – point roster








1, 7, 13, 20, 26, 32, 37, 44, 50, 57, 61,

69, 75, 81, 87, 93.


4, 16, 29, 41,

53, 66, 78, 91



1, 6, 11, 16, 22, 27,

32, 37, 42, 47, 52,

58, 63, 69, 76, 84,

88, 92, 96


4, 20, 29, 44, 56, 67, 79, 94.



1, 8, 12, 16, 20, 25,

34, 40, 45, 50, 59,

63, 68, 72, 76, 84,

88, 92, 96


4, 29, 54, 80



1, 8, 12, 16, 20, 25,

34, 40, 45, 50, 59,

63, 68,72, 76, 84,

88, 92, 96


4, 29, 54, 80

*North-East Frontier


4, 10, 21, 27, 37, 44,

55, 62, 72, 79, 88, 94


1, 7, 14, 17,

24, 30, 34,

41, 48, 51,

58, 65, 69,

76, 82, 85, 91



1, 8, 15, 22, 28, 35,

41, 48, 56, 62, 68,

75, 81, 88, 94


4, 30, 54, 79



1, 8, 16, 23, 30, 37,


4, 18, 28, 40,




44, 53, 59, 65, 71,

78, 85, 94


51, 62, 73,

83, 92



1, 8, 17, 25, 34, 39,

45, 52, 58, 64, 71,

77, 83, 90, 94


4, 15, 23, 32,

41, 50, 60,

69, 79, 88, 96



1, 8, 14, 20, 26, 33,

40, 46, 53, 60, 67,

73, 79, 85, 93


4, 16, 28, 38,

48, 58, 69,

82, 91



1, 6, 13, 18, 24, 29,

35, 40, 46, 51, 56, 62, 67, 73, 78, 83,

89, 94


4, 16, 31, 44,

58, 75, 92



1, 6, 11, 16, 20, 25,

30, 35, 40, 44, 49,

54, 59, 64, 69, 73,

78, 83, 88, 92, 96





1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 27, 32, 37, 42, 47, 52,

58, 63, 68, 73, 78,

83, 89, 95



Wheel & Axle Plant


1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 36,

42, 49, 56, 62, 69,

76, 82, 89, 95


4, 24, 44, 64,


Diesel Component Works, Patiala


1, 5, 9, 12, 16, 20,

23, 27, 31, 34, 38,

42, 45, 49, 53, 56,

60, 64, 67, 71, 75,

78, 82, 86, 89, 93, 97



Railway Rates

Tribunal Madras


1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 27, 32, 37, 42, 47, 52,

58, 63, 68, 73, 78,

83, 89, 95



Railway Staff College, Vadodara


4, 18, 32, 46, 60,

75, 90


1, 8, 15, 22,

29, 36, 43,

50, 57, 61, 71,

78, 85, 93

Permanent Way

Training School, Pune


4, 18, 32, 47, 61, 75,



1, 12, 23, 34,

45, 56, 67,

78, 89

Indian Railway

School of Signal Engg.

& Telecommunication , Secunderabad


1, 8, 14, 20, 27, 33,

40, 47, 53, 60, 67,

74, 81, 86, 93


4, 22, 38, 55,

72, 88

Indian Railway

Institute of

Mechanical &

Electrical Engg.



1, 8, 14, 20, 26, 33,

40, 46, 53, 60, 67,

73, 79, 85, 93


4, 16, 28, 38,

45, 58, 69,

82, 91

RDSO/ Lucknow


2, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26,

31, 41, 46, 51, 56,





61, 66, 71, 76, 81,

86, 90, 95, 99



I.R.C.A., R.L.O.,

COFMOW, Railway Board


1, 7, 13, 20, 25, 32,



4, 17, 29

* XXR No.85-E(SCT)I/39/2 dated 24.06.1988.





VII. Promotion


Posts for the purpose of promotion have been classified as Selection and NonSelection posts.


A. Selection Posts


  1. In the case of posts filled by promotion based on Selection, the percentages of reservation in favour of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are as under







Through limited departmental competitive examination in or to Group B, C and D in grades of posts in which the element of direct recruitment, if any, does not exceed 75 per cent.




By selection to and within Group C and from Group C to Group B and from Group B to the lowest rung of Group A provided the element of direct recruitment, if any, does not exceed 75 per cent.



  1. Note :-
  2. In promotion by selection to posts within Group ‘A’ which carry an ultimate salary of Rs. 5,700 per month or less, the Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes officers who are senior enough in the zone of consideration for promotion so as to be within the number of vacancies for which the select list has to be drawn up, would be included in that list provided they are not considered unfit for promotion.

[D.O. No. 1/10/74 Estt. (SCT) dated 23rd December, 1974 from Department of Personnel and A.R.]

  1. In departments where there are no Junior Scale posts viz, Stationery and Printing, Chemical and Metallurgical Security etc., promotions from Group ‘B’ are made straight to Senior Scale. In these departments, the Senior Scale happens to be the lowest rung in Group ‘A’ services and as such reservation quota for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes has to be applied in such promotions.

[No. 75-E(SCT)15/23 dated 16th July, 1975; and No. 89-E(SCT)I/25/21 dated 20/22nd June, 1989 (RBE 158/1989)]

  1. Percentage of reservation as above are also applicable to Railway Construction Projects and Development Organisations when posts in higher scales of pay are filled by promotion on the basis of Selection from among the staff already working in these Organisations.[No. E(SCT)73 CM 15/27 dated 6th April, 1976]
  2. The promotion quota as above should be provided in promotion to ex-cadre posts such as Passenger Guides, Welfare Inspectors, etc., which are filled from amongst staff drawn from more than one branch.[No. E(SCT)71 CM 15/18 dated 4th February, 1971]
  3. Zone of consideration:
    1. In all selections for promotion to Group B and from Group B to Group A Junior/Senior Scale in various departments, the zone of consideration will be determined as under:-

No. of vacancies

No. of employees to be considered







4 or more

10 + twice the number of vacancies in excess of 3 vacancies.

  1. If in the field determined by the above sliding scale, the number of Scheduled Caste employees available does not correspond to the number indicated above, the field may be extended for Scheduled Caste candidates only to five times the number of total vacancies. Similarly, if the Scheduled Tribe candidates are not available equal to the number indicated above, the field may be extended for Scheduled Tribe candidates only to five times the number of total vacancies. If both Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates are not available corresponding to three times the number of vacancies reserved for them, then the field should be extended to five times the number of vacancies both for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates. The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates getting empanelled from the extended zone will be placed in the panel in accordance with their gradation and seniority.
  2. [Letter Nos. E(GP)81/1/18 dated 9.4.1981, 4.9.1982 and 25.7.1983; Ministry of Home Affairs' D.O.P O.M. No. 22011/8/75 Estt.(D) dated 24.12.1980;  and DOP's O.M. No. 22011/1/90-Estt. (D) dated 12.10.1990].
  3. In case of promotions within Group C in non-

safety categories, the number of reserved community candidates to be called (zone of consideration) will be three times the number of vacancies reserved for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes upto one grades below the grade of selection.

[Letter Nos. E(NG)I/85/PM 1/13 (RRC) dated 19.02.1987 (RBE 28/1987)]

  1. However, in safety categories posts of Groups

‘C’ and ‘D’ employees will be required to put in a minimum of 2 years of service in the relevant grade before promotion to higher grade and zone of consideration will be confined only to one grade below the grade of selection.

[Letter No. E(NG)I/75/PM 1/44 dated 31.5.1982 and 21.9.1982]

  1. In the case of filling selection posts in Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’, calculation of vacancies will be as under:—

                                                     .            For selection posts within the cadre, the

existing vacancies plus those anticipated, during the course of next one year should be taken into account. For unforeseen contingencies 20 per cent of the anticipated vacancies only (not existing vacancies) should be added to the existing and anticipated vacancies.

  1. For selection posts in the construction

organization 50 per cent of the number of posts which exist in the grade under consideration and higher grades for a period of one year which exist in the grade and which are likely to continue should be taken into account.

  1. For ex-cadre posts, actual vacancies plus those anticipated to occur in 2 years should be considered.[Letter No. E(NG)I-80 PM 1-21 dated 25.1.1983]

In case of Groups ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts, once the panel is formed including adequate number of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates, promotions should be made in the order of panel position except in the case of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes who are promoted as per the reserved points of the roster.

[Letter No. E(SCT)68 CM 15/10 dated 19.1.1972]

Reserved candidates of the same panel for selection posts can be adjusted against the reserved points accruing or filled up at subsequent dates.

[Letter No. 82-E(SCT)/42/7 dated 31.8.1982]

                                                    i.            In case of promotion to Group ‘B’ the

Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates appearing on the panel should be promoted in accordance with their merit position. In this way, if the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates appearing at the bottom of the panel do not get promotion for want of vacancies during the life of the panel, extension of the life of the panel should be sought from the competent authority.

[Letter No. 83-E(SCT)41/2 dated 14.9.1984]


  1. 6. Conservancy staff:


Group ‘D’ conservancy staff will be eligible for promotion as Hospital

Attendants in scale Rs. 775-1025 (RPS) and X-Ray Attendants in Scale Rs. 8001150 (RPS) on the basis of practical aptitude test followed by selection. Staff not working in Hospitals, if selected, will he posted first in Hospitals in the same grade and then promoted as Hospital Attendant/ X-Ray Attendant.

[Letter No. E(NG)67 CMP/6 dated 4.3.1968;

 and Letter No. PC-IV/86/ Imp./Schedule/1 dated 24.09.1986 (RBE 170/1986)]B. Non-selection Posts

  1. In the case of posts filled by promotion on the basis of seniority-cumsuitability, the percentages of reservation in favour of Scheduled Castes and

Scheduled Tribes are as under:-



Scheduled Caste

Scheduled Tribe

Made on the basis of seniority-cum-suitability in Group ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ provided the element of direct recruitment does not exceed 75 per cent effective from.


  1. [No. E(SCT)72 CM 15/5 dated 11.1.1973]



  1. Note :-
  1. Reservations for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe are applicable in all Departments while filling up Sr. Scale Group ‘A’ vacancies on seniority-cumsuitability basis where direct recruitment in Sr. Scale is not more than 75 per cent.

[D.O. letter No. 78-E(SCT)/15/13 dated 19.5.1982;  and No. 84-E(SCT)I/25/21 dated 22.6.1987]

  1. Provisions of reservations should be extended to Scheduled

Castes/Scheduled Tribes in Railway Construction Projects and Development Organisations when posts in higher scales of pay are filled by promotion on the basis of seniority-cum-suitability from among the staff already working in these Organisations.

[E(SCT)73 CM 15/27 dated 6.4.1976]


  1. Zone of consideration
  2. Safety categories posts – seniority-cum-suitability/ Trade test:

In the case of promotions made on the basis of seniority-cum-suitability through trade tests, the zone of consideration in respect of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes will be the next lower category with a minimum of 2 years of service as in the case of “others”. The number of candidates to be called from the reserved communities would be equal to the number of vacancies reserved for each community separately. If any of the candidates so called for suitability/trade test is declared unsuitable for promotion, further candidates to meet the shortfall would be called up in continuation and so on, subject to the condition that the original test and the continuation test(s) should all be completed within 6 months. If the period is exceeded, any further test will assume the character of fresh suitability test/ trade test for which those who had failed in the original test would also be called. The actual promotions in Groups ‘ C’ & ‘ D’, in the case of posts filled on the basis of seniority-cumsuitability, will be made in accordance with the Roster point. Reserved candidates of the same select list for non-selection posts can be adjusted against the reserved point occurring or filled up at subsequent dates.

[Letter Nos. E(SCT)72 CM 15/5 dated 11.1.1973; 82-E(SCT)/42/7 dated 31.8.1982 and E(NG)I/75/PM 1/44 dated 31.5.1982]                                                


  ii.            Non-safety category posts:


The procedure for promotion is the same as for safety category posts. Like general candidates, if Senior Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates fail, the next senior-most Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates should be called for suitability test in continuation upto 6 months. If still there is a shortfall of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidate as per 40-point roster, the best among the failed Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe should be promoted for 6 months on adhoc basis, for in-service training. At the end of 6 months, based on his working report the candidates will be considered for empanelment or otherwise.

[Letter Nos. E(SCT)/74CM15/34 dated 31.8.1974;  and 82-E(SCT)/2/278 dated 20.8.1983]

  1. The number of candidates to be called for suitability test for non-selection posts in respect of Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ categories, should be equal to the number of existing vacancies plus those anticipated during the next 4 months.[Letter No. E(NG)I-76-PM-1-21 (PNM/NFIR) dated 2.2.1983]
  2. Accounts Department:

The promotion of Appendix 3 (I.R.E.M.) examination passed Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe employees to posts of Accountants, I.S.As. and T.I.As. should be regulated strictly according to the roster points irrespective of the year of passing the examination i.e., for a post reserved for Scheduled

Castes/Scheduled Tribes, a candidate from these castes should be picked up even from lower down the list of qualified hands empanelled irrespective of the year in which they have qualified and promoted in preference to other community employees holding higher position on that list.

[Letter No. E(SCT)/71 CM 15/51 dated 25.1.1972].

  1. In the case of promotion of Appendix 2 (I.R.E.M.) passed Grade II Clerks, reservation in favour of the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes is to be provided. There would be no need to prepare separate Select Lists. Promotions shall be made as per roster points.

[Letter No. E(SCT)/72 CM 15/5 dated 26.3.1974]

Certain posts as indicated in Annexure-I have been categorised as Safety Posts in (1) Civil Engineering (2) Electrical Engineering (3) Mechanical Engineering (4) Signal & Telecommunications; and (5) Operating Deptt.

[No. E(NG)I-75/PM 1/44 dated 31.05.1982]

  2. Reserved quota vacancies for SCs/STs are not to exceed 50% of total assessed vacancies.ii.            Reservation is applicable in ad hoc promotions made for 45 days or more against leave vacancy for pending selection test.

[No. E(SCT)68 CM 15/12 dated 16.3.1974;  and No. E(SCT)74 CM 15/23 dated 17.8.1974]iii.            Reserved quota for SC/ST was being determined as per reserved point of 40-Point Roster upto 16.06.1992 but w.e.f. 16.6.1992 the reserved quota for SC/ ST is determined on percentage basis i.e. 15% for SCs and 7.5% for STs on the total strength of posts in a category. In case permissible quota for SC/ST is complete as per 15% for SCs and 7.5% for STs in a category, then no more reservation is to be made or calculated in that category. In case there is deficiency in permissible quota of 15% for SCs and 7.5% for STs, then deficiency is to be filled up as per 40-Point Roster including the backlog, if any. However, the total reservation quota should not exceed 50% of total assessed vacancies.iv.            Fraction of 0.5 or above will be taken as one and fraction less than 0.5 shall be ignored.

  1. SCs/STs passing with relaxed standard shall be placed below these candidates who have passed with general standard.
  2. Although preference is given to SC/ST candidates who are passing with general standard as relaxation in marks is allowed in Non-Safety Posts in professional ability as well as in aggregate for those SCs/STs who are appearing against their reserved quota vacancies. In Safety Posts, no relaxation of marks is admissible in professional ability, but relaxation is allowed in aggregate as SC/STs have to obtain 51/85 (100 less 15 of seniority = 85), while general candidates have to obtain 60 out of 100 marks in aggregate.Note : Safety posts are those posts which have been identified as such by the Railway Board from time to time. (Please see Annexure-I).vii.            General Manager has been empowered to enhance the marks of SCs/STs to the extent he deems fit.

[D.O. No. E(SCT)74 CM 15/35 dated 05.11.1974]

  1. 3. Selection Board
  2. For selection post in the scale of Rs. 1600-2660 above, the Selection Board will consist of officers of Junior Administrative rank. For all other selection posts, the Selection Board will consist of officers not lower in rank than Senior scale. In either case, the Selection Board may include Personnel Officer in the next lower rank, shall, nevertheless, be equal member of the Selection Board.ii.            When Selection Board consists of only 3 Members, none of the members be directly subordinate to any other.

[Para 218-(c) & (b) of IREM]iii.            Inclusion of a SC/ST officer in the Selection Board is not necessary when only general candidates are in the zone of consideration to fill up unreserved vacancies. However, the inclusion of a SC/ST officer in the Selection Board is necessary when SC/ST candidate is within the zone of consideration to fill up the unreserved vacancies.

[No. 83-E(SCT)42/1 dated 14.04.1985]


  1. 4. Relaxation and concessions for SC/STs

There is no relaxation in marks for SC/STs in Group B selection against 70% for

Safety Posts in five Departments namely (1) Civil Engineering (2) Mechanical

Engineering (3) Elect. Engineering (4) Signal & Telecommunications and (5)

Operating Department. However, best amongst failure scheme is applicable to

SC/ST candidates in Non-Safety Departments like Commercial, Stores,

Accounts and Personnel. SC/ST candidates who secure minimum 20% marks separately in written test, viva-voce, record of service and also in aggregate are considered under this scheme for a period of six months on adhoc, and if their six-monthly working report is found to be satisfactory after a review by General Manager, they are placed on the approved panel below all the candidates empanelled earlier, without subjecting them for any further selection/test. Consequently, SC/ST candidates securing less than 20 % marks in written test need not be called for viva-voce test and would not thus be eligible for being considered for promotion on ad hoc basis under the scheme of “best amongst the failure for SC/ST”.

  1. 5, Review

In case available SC/ST candidates failed and their quota vacancies remain unfilled then “review” should be made of the performance of those failed candidates for which marks obtained by the failed SC/ST candidates with their CRs, copy of selection proceedings etc. are to be sent to the Railway Board for getting the review done at Minister’s level.


  1. 6. Limited Departmental Competitive Examination in Group B Post
  2. This Limited Departmental Competitive Examination is held against the 30% quota vacancies.
  3. For the LDCE selection, the qualifying marks for pre-qualifying test is 40%. However, in Non-Safety category posts, the qualifying marks for SC and ST candidates is 3/5th i.e., 24 % marks.
  4. In the main examination also there is relaxation for SC/ST candidates in Non-Safety category. The SC/ST candidates can qualify with3/5th of the general qualifying marks i.e., with 36%. With introduction of this, the scheme of promoting best amongst the failed SC/ST candidates is dispensed with.iv.            Carry forward is allowed for next three Recruitment Years and Exchange is allowed in third subsequent Recruitment Year.
  5. As regards viva-voce and record of service in Non-Safety category posts, since the qualifying marks are to be reckoned for the two processes together, the SC/ST candidates are now required to secure at least 18 marks therein as against 60 marks prescribed for General Community candidates.

[No. 92-E(SCT)I/25/2 dated 13.11.1992 (RBE 189/92)]

  1. The procedure for determining the reserved quota has been revised by

Railway Board vide their letter No. 89-E(SCT)I/49/5 (Pt.) dated 16.6.1992 (RBE 97/1992). The procedure contained therein is provisional and shall continue to be followed till final judgment is delivered by the Supreme Court in the case of J.C. Mallick v. Union of India pending with them.

  1. Relaxation and concessions admissible to SC/STs in promotion
  2. Separate examination and interviewCandidates belonging to SC/STs shall bea.     examined in a separate block;
  3. interviewed in separate sittings/on a different day; and
  4. as far as possible be interviewed ahead of others.

[No. E(SCT)70 CM 15/15/1 dated 19.11.1970]

Note :- The SC/ST candidates need not be interviewed in a separate block when they are considered against the unreserved vacancies.

[No. 83-E(SCT)42/1 dated 14.04.1983]


 ii.            Concessions in qualifying marks

Qualifying marks in promotion to Group C posts for general candidates and SC/ST candidates shall be as given below :-




* Safety




General standard

Relaxed standard for SC/STs

General standard

Relaxed standard for SC/STs






21 (60%)


30  50 (after adding 15 the marks of seniority notionally)

21 (60%)

21 (60%)






50 (after adding 15 the marks of seniority notionally)


Profession ability















42 ½


(100-15 of seniority)

85 (excluding 15 marks of seniority)


Trade Test


Practical test

36 (60%)


36 (60%)

36 (60%)


36 (60%)




Oral test

15 40






Suitability test













* Only those posts are treated as safety Posts which have been notified as such by the Railway Board.

In Non-Safety category, best amongst failure scheme is introduced vide Board’s letter No. E(SCT)74 CM 15/34 dated 31.08.1974. However, the same has been modified in the year 1989 and SC/ST who obtains 20 % marks each in written test, viva-voce, record of service and 20 % in aggregate and who get highest marks are promoted on ad hoc basis for a period of 6 months.

[No. E(SCT)68 CM 15/10 dated 13.7.1970;

 No. E(SCT)70 CM 15/6A dated 29.7.1970;

 No. E(SCT)70 CM 15/6 dated 31.8.1971;

 No. E(SCT)71 CM 15/37 dated 30.07.1971 and dated 18.10.1973;

 No. E(NG)I-72 PM 1/158 dated 16.4.1974;

No. E(SCT)74 CM 15/34 dated 31.8.1974;  No. 83-E(SCT)41/1 dated 03.8.1984;

 and No. 88-E(SCT)I/23/1 dated 3.5.1989 (RBE 119/1989)]

  1. The following relaxations are granted for appointment of SC/ST candidates to the post of Console Operators:—
  2. Minimum academic qualifications in the case of SC/ST candidates will be Matriculation or Higher Secondary.
  3. The upper age limit prescribed for SC/ST shall he 45 years as against 40 years for general candidates.
  4. The minimum period of service for eligibility for promotion within Group C shall be two years in the immediate lower grade irrespective of whether the employee belongs to reserved community or not.

Service for this purpose shall be the service actually rendered on regular basis. Service rendered on ad hoc basis shall, however, be taken into account for this purpose if it is followed by regularisation without break.[ No. E(NG)I-85/PM 1-13 (RRC) dated 19.2.1987 (RBE 28/1987)]

  1. In the aptitude test, the SC/ST candidates will have to get at least A or B grade.

[No. E(SCT)73 CM 15/32 dated 08.05.1974]

  1. SC/ST candidates undergoing training course in the Zonal Training Schools in non-safety categories are allowed relaxation of 10% in the minimum qualifying marks.

[No. 82-E(SCT)25/13 dated 22.06.1983]

  1. The concession in qualifying marks is granted only to fill up reserved vacancy. The SC/ST candidates have to obtain the minimum marks fixed for general candidates to fill up the unreserved vacancies.
  2. Where a junior SC/ST employee qualifies in the selection of non-safety categories as per general standards laid down i.e., 60% marks and a senior SC/ST employee passes with marks of relaxed standard i.e., 50% for placement against reserved vacancy, the selection committee should first draw a list of candidates who can be empanelled by applying the general standard for qualifying a selection and empanelment. This list should be checked up whether this contains the required number of candidates belonging to SC and ST as per the 40 Point Roster. In case of deficiency, the same should be made good by including the other reserved candidates who pass by applying the relaxed standards. The SC/ST employees qualifying with relaxed standard should be placed on the panel after those who have qualified with general standard. The candidates empanelled under best amongst the failed policy should be placed at the bottom of the panel.

[No. 83-E(SCT)42/1 dated 14.04.1983]vii.            The promotion to posts classified as selection posts (both in safety and non-safety categories), those SC/ST candidates who qualify the promotion test with general standard with marks of seniority should be empanelled first and the deficiency, if any, in the reserved quota should be made good by such candidates as have qualified with relaxed norms i.e., excluding marks of seniority in aggregate.

[No. 90-E(SCT)I/25/3 dated 21.09.1990]viii.            The concession of 10 % marks in the minimum qualifying marks is admissible in Appendix II and Appendix III examinations also conducted by the Zonal Railways and Railway Board. The SC/ST candidates securing 35%/30% marks as against 45%/40% marks prescribed as general standard will be treated as having qualified the Appendix examinations for promotions in Accounts Department. The best amongst the failed, however, will not apply in these examinations.

  1. The promotion of Appendix passed SC/ST employees of Accounts Department to higher posts should be regulated strictly according to the Roster Point irrespective of the year of passing the examination.

[No. E(SCT)71 CM 15/51 dated 25.01.1972;  and No. E(SCT)72 CM 15/5 dated 26.03.1974]

  1. Ad hoc Promotions

Pending selection/suitability test if ad hoc promotions are required to be made, the following guidelines should be followed to ensure that the claims of staff belonging to SC/ ST are also duly considered.

  1. Ad hoc promotions should be considered only against vacancies in excess of 45 days.
  2. In cases where reservations orders for SC/ST are applicable to vacancies for periods in excess of 45 days, all the vacancies should be placed on the appropriate Roster, and the number of vacancies falling to the share of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe if vacancies were to be filled on regular basis should first be identified.
  3. Since ad hoc promotions are made on the basis of seniority-cum-fitness, all the SC/ST candidates covered in the relevant seniority list within the total number of vacancies against which ad hoc promotions are to be made, should be considered in the order of their general seniority, on the principle of seniority-cum-suitability and if they are not adjudged unfit, they should be promoted on ad hoc basis.
  4. If, however, the number of SC/ST candidates found fit within the range of actual vacancies is less than the number of vacancies identified as falling to their share if the vacancies were filled on a regular basis vide (ii) above, then additional SC/ST candidates to the extent required should be located by going down the seniority list provided they are eligible and found fit for such ad hoc promotions.
  5. The ad hoc promotees have to be replaced by regular candidates at the earliest opportunity. Accordingly, when regular promotions are made subsequently reversion of the ad hoc appointees should take place strictly in the reserve order of seniority and no concessions are to be given to the SC/ST candidates at the time of such reversions.
  6. When the number of SC/ST candidates found fit are less even after considering the additional SC/ST candidates by going down the seniority list, then the number of vacancies reserved for them, in that case formal dereservation by the competent authority and carry forward of reservations is not required before the post is filled by ‘others’ on ad hoc basis.
  7. No separate Roster Register is required to be maintained for ad doc promotions pending selection/suitability test. However, the record of ad hoc promotions should be kept in the Roster Register maintained for regular promotions as explained in Board’s letter referred below.

[No. 83-E(SCT)/23/1dated 19.09.1983]

  1. Promotion to and within Group C and Group D, from Group C to

Group B

  1. In non-safety category posts filled by selection, if the requisite number of SC/ST employees are not empanelled, the best among the failed SC/ST employees are to be promoted for six months on ad hoc basis against reserved vacancies as per Roster Points and their cases reviewed after six months by the competent authority for inclusion or otherwise in the final panel.
  2. The above scheme of promoting best amongst failed SC/ST candidates is also applicable to the posts (non-safety) filled on the basis of seniority-cumsuitability. Like general candidates, if senior SC/ST candidate fails in the suitability test, the next senior-most SC/ST candidates should be called for suitability test in continuation up to six months. If still there is a shortfall of SC/ST candidate as per 40 Point Roster, the best among the failed SC/ST candidates should be promoted for six months on ad hoc basis for in-service training against reserved vacancies as per the Roster Points and their cases reviewed after six months by the competent authority for inclusion or otherwise in the final panel.

[No. E(SCT)74 CM 15/34 dated 31.08.1974;  No. 83-E(SCT)42/1 dated 14.04.1983;  and No. 82-E(SCT)2/273 dated 20.08.1983]

  1. Such of the SC/ST candidates found suitable after six months, ad hoc promotion need not be subjected to further selection/suitability tests. On their empanelment they should be assigned position on the panel below those who had already been empanelled provisionally.

[No. E(SCT)74 CM 15/34 dated 29.04.1977;

 No. 81-E(SCT) 15/60 dated 22.12.1981]

  1. In the combined cadre of Operating and Commercial Departments of Group B posts, best among the tailed SC/ST candidates should be promoted on ad hoc basis in Commercial Department for six months against reserved vacancies and included in the final panel if their performance report is satisfactory.

[No. 81-E(SCT)15/26 dated 15.04.1982]

  1. The cases of SC/ST candidates promoted on ad hoc basis for six months, as mentioned above should be reviewed in case of Group D and Group C by the authority competent to approve the panel based on their working report for six months. If the competent authority is satisfied that the candidates have come up to the requisite standard, their names should be included in the final panel. In case the competent authority does not approve their inclusion in the final panel, the case should be put up to the General Manager through SPO (RP) for a review. Vacancies should be dereserved only if the General Manager does not find them suitable for inclusion in the panel.

[No. E(SCT)74 CM 15/34 dated 12.08.1976]

  1. In case of ad hoc promotion of SC/ST employees to Group B, the suitability or otherwise of the candidates for inclusion in the panel based on their performance at the end of six months, should be determined by the General Manager and not by any lower authority. The case should be put up to General Manager through SPO (RP).

[No. E(SCT)74 CM 15/34 dated 12.08.1976]

  1. The above scheme of promoting best among the failed SC/ST candidates, against reserved vacancies will not be applicable in promotion from Group C to Group B based on the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination.

[No. 82-E(SCT)41/6 dated 15.11.1983]                                                ix.              

  1. In ad hoc promotions from Group C to Group B and Group B to the lowest range of Group A, if SC candidate is not available against reserved vacancy, the same can be filled by ST candidate and vice versa.

[No. 77-E(SCT)/15/34 dated 10.06.1977]

  1. In case of ad hoc promotion to senior scale Group B, SC/ST employees will be considered against reserved vacancies regardless of their seniority position.

                                                  x.            Retrenchment/Reversion

The adjustment necessary in respect of SC/ST at the time of retrenchment/reversion follow from the concept of reservation itself. The percentage of reservation is implemented by application of the prescribed Roster. Since appointments are made in the order of Roster, tile retrenchment/reversion which becomes necessary in shrinkage of the cadre has also to be made in the inverse order of the Roster i.e., an employee of SC/ST community who is lower down in the panel and is consequently junior in the cadre, is to be retained in preference to his seniors provided he has been appointed against an earlier point in the Roster.

[No. E(SCT)65 CM 15/10 dated 21.10.1965]

10. Promotion of Non-Gazetted Group C Staff to Non-Selection Posts

  1. For promotion to Non-Selection Posts, the list of eligible candidates has to be drawn on the basis of 1X Formula. For this purpose, the list should be drawn strictly as per seniority of the eligible candidates. As far as SC/STs are concerned, if they are not falling in the seniority of eligible candidates then SCs/ STs available in lower seniority of that category can be picked up against the vacancies reserved for them. In case senior SC/ST fails, junior SC/ST may also be considered in continuation test which should be completed within a period of 6 months.
  2. The select list is valid for a period of one year, but his period can be extended by another 6 months to enable such of the officers included in the select list, as could not be appointed to the higher posts during the normal period of one year, to be appointed during the extended period.

[No. E(SCT)74 CM 15/9 dated 07.06.1974]

  1. The revised procedure laid down in Board’s circular letter No. 89E(SCT)I/ 49/5(Pt.) dated 16.6.1992 (RBE 97/1992) will also apply in determining the reserved posts filled on seniority-cum-suitability.


Operating Department:

  1. Transportation Inspectors.
  2. ASMs/Cabin ASMs/Station Supdt. (Non-gazetted)/SMs/Dy. SSs.
  3. Guards.
  4. Yard Masters/AYMs/Yard Foreman.
  5. Switchmen and Shunting Jamadars.
  6. Section Controllers/Dy. Chief Controllers/Chief Controllers.
  7. Safety Counsellors/Safety Inspectors.

Civil Engineering Department:

  1. Bridge Inspectors.
  2. Permanent Way Inspectors.
  3. Asstt. Foreman-cum-Operator (Plassermatic Tie Temping).
  4. Operator-cum-Chargeman (Tie Tamping).
  5. Section Mate, Keyman and P. Way Misery.
  6. Asstt. Shop Supdt. (Bridge Workshops).

Signal and Telecommunication Department:

  1. Signal Inspectors.
  2. Elect. Signal Maintainer and Mechanical Signal Maintainers.
  3. Asstt. Shop Superintendent (Axle Counter Production and Inspection,

Production and Overhauling of Relays, Tokenless Block Instrument Testing).

  1. Relay Inspectors.

Mechanical/Electrical Departments:

  1. Driver/ Assistant Driver/ Diesel Assistant/ Motorman/ Tower Wagon Driver/ Motor Trolley Driver.
  2. Loco Foreman/ Asstt. Loco Foreman/ Electric Foreman/ Asstt. Shop Supdt./

Chargeman (OHE Substation/ Remote Control/ Loco Train Lighting, Air Conditioning (Coach), Mech. Foreman/Asstt. Mech. Foreman, Chargeman (Loco)/E.M.U. Running Sheds).

  1. Carriage Foreman/Wagon Foreman.
  2. Loco Inspectors/ Drilling Instructors.
  3. Train Examiner (Mech/Elec/EMU/Loco).
  4. Shunter.
  5. Carriage and Wagon Inspector.
  6. Power Controller/ Traction Loco Controller/ Traction Power Controller/ Traction Sub-Station Operator.
  7. Traction Foreman/ Traction Foreman (Running).
  8. Engine Examiner/Lubricating Supervisor.
  9. Boiler Inspector, Boiler Foreman/Asstt. Boiler Foreman, Boiler-maker Chargeman.


VIII. Relaxations and Concessions Admissible to SC/STs in Reversions/ Retrenchment and in other matters.

  1. Retrenchment/Reversion

The adjustments necessary in respect of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes at the time of retrenchment/reversion follow from the concept of reservation itself. Since appointments are made in the order of Roster, the retrenchment/reversion which becomes necessary in shrinkage of the cadre has also to be made in the inverse order of the Roster i.e., an employee of SC/ST community who is lower down in the panel and is consequently junior in the cadre, is to be retained in preference to his seniors provided he has been appointed/promoted against an earlier point in the Roster. In Group B selection, promotions of SC/ST candidates are made as per panel position. Similarly, in posts filled up on seniority-cum-suitability basis in Group A and B, promotion of SC/ST is made as per select list.


[No. E(SCT)65 CM 15/10 dated 21.10.1965]


  1. 2. Security Deposits

Security Deposits from Scheduled Tribe candidates for employment on Indian Railways is 50% of the normal security for training. It can be deposited in a lump sum or in instalments after the training actually started.

[No. F(X)I-57-SC4/1 dated 15.11.1957]


  1. 3. Appointments/Transfers
    1. At the time of initial appointment, the SC/ST candidates should, as far as practicable, be posted near to their home-town or at a place where the administration can provide them with quarters, subject to their eligibility, These instructions would equally apply to cases of transfer on promotion provided the post is available.

[No. 78-E(SCT)15/25 dated 6.7.1978]

  1. Senior officers including Liaison Officers of

the Railways should keep a close watch to ensure that SC/ST officers, after appointment, are not harassed through transfers to far-off places and by nonacceptances at the place of their postings. Prompt action should be taken against the erring officials responsible for such lapses.[No. 89-E(SCT)I/29-5 dated 08.11.1989 (RBE 277/1989)]

  1. Subject to the exigencies of service, transfer of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe employees should be confined to their native districts or adjoining districts or the places where the Administration can provide quarters. They should be transferred very rarely and for very strong reasons only.

[No. E(SCT)70 CM 15/15/3 dated 19.11.1970;  and No. E(SCT)74 CM 15/58 dated 14.01.1975]

  1. Pre-Examination Training Courses at the University of Allahabad – Grant of leave to SC/ST employees

Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe employees desirous of joining classes at the above mentioned Training Centre may take leave (earned leave etc.) as due to them under normal rules, including extraordinary leave.

In cases where the leave due and extraordinary leave is not sufficient to cover the period of training, the General Managers may at their discretion grant extraordinary leave in excess of 90 days in relaxation of Rule 732-R.I. (530 R.

  1. 1985 -Edition)

[No. E(SCT)62 CM 15/14 dated 15.02.1962;  and No. E(SCT)62 CM 9/5 dated 20.02.1963]

  1. Complaint Register

So far as complaints and grievances of SC/ST employees are concerned, a separate complaint register should be maintained at various levels. All representations received from reserved community employees, containing their grievances and complaints should be entered in this register and necessary action taken judiciously and expeditiously and the disposal of each complaint is clearly indicated against each complaint. These registers should also be checked by the Chief Liaison Officers during the course of their periodical inspections.

[No. E(SCT)70 CM 15/12 dated 15.09.1970;  No. E(SCT)70 CM 15/12 dated 25.01.1972;  and No. 82-E(SCT)80/1/S.Rly dated 03.11.1982]

  1. Allotment of Quarters

In order to give relief to SC/STs in non-essential categories, 10% Type I and Type II quarters are reserved in their favour in all the areas where the number of quarters is 50 or more.

[No. E(G)70 QR 1/16 dated 8.1.1975;  and No. 82-E(SCT)26/2 dated 27.09.1983]

  1. SC/ST employees can send their representations directly to the National Commission for SC/STs without obtaining prior permission of the Department concerned.

[No. 82-E(SCT)40/3 dated 04.08.1982]

  1. Forwarding of applications

The applications of SC/ST employees should be forwarded to UPSC and other recruiting authorities at the discretion of Railways. The discretion should be used in favour of employees and withholding the applications should be an exception rather than a rule.

[No. E(NG)57 RC 1/56 dated 21.09.1957]

  1. Grant of Scholarship to the children of SC/ST employees

Scale of reservation in Scholarship Grant from the Staff Benefit Fund shall be 15 % for SCs and 7.5% for STs. This will be in addition to the scholarship which a SC/ST student may he drawing from a State Government.

[No. E(W)90 FU 1-7dated 09.11.1990]

  1. Admissions in Railway Schools
  2. No child/ward of SC/ST employees should be refused admission in primary classes. In other classes, admission to such candidates should not normally be refused up to the extent of 15 % for SCs and 5 % for STs. The reservation for SCs and STs is interchangeable.[No. E(W)62 ED 1-47 dated 06.12.1962]
  3. The above instructions should strictly be followed in all schools run by the Railways including Oak Grove School, Jharipani.[No. 90-E(SCT)I/22/14 dated 01/12.11.1990 (195/1990)]
  5. Relaxation is allowed in qualifying marks in recruitment and in promotions in case of SC/ST candidates.
  6. In-service training (best amongst failure scheme has also been prescribed for failed SC/ST candidates in promotion, getting not less than 20% marks in written test, viva-voce test, record of service and in aggregate. Such candidates are promoted on ad hoc basis for six months, after which their six-monthly working report is to be put up for review. Their continuation depend on satisfactory report.
  7. The General Managers are allowed to enhance the marks of SC/ST candidates who may not find a place on panel and reserved quota remains as unfilled.

[D.O. No. E(SCT)74 CM 15/35 dated 05.11.1974]

12. In-service Training to Gazetted Officers

In order to improve the chances of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe officers for selection to the higher categories of posts in Group A service including higher grades, the SC/ST officers should be provided with more opportunities for institutional training and for attending Seminars/Symposia/Conferences. Advantage could in this connection be taken of the training facilities available on the Indian Railways as well as the National Academy of Administration, Mussoori, National Police Academy of Administration, Mount Abu, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, the Administrative Staff College, Hyderabad etc.

[Page-3, Ministry of Home Affairs Memorandum No. 1.9.1969 Estt. (SCT) dated

26.03.1978 circulated by letter No. E(GR)II-70 TR 1-47 dated 23.03.1971]

Responsibility of the immediate superior officer of the SC/ST officers in Group A should be to give advice and guidance to the latter to improve the quality of their work.


13. Pre-selection/pre-promotion training

In order to enable the SC/ST employees to qualify for promotion to posts in safety categories, arrangements should be made to give them suitable preselection/ pre-promotion coaching without fail.

[No. E(SCT)74 CM 15/34 dated 19.06.1978;  No. 80-E(SCT)15/58 Part F dated 28.09.1981;  and No. 83-E(SCT)42/1 dated 03.08.1984 in item 4]


IX. SC/ST Reservation in a Casual Labour/Substitutes and their Retrenchment


Percentages of 15 for SCs and 7.5 for STs for recruitment to Group D categories on each Zonal Railway, Production Unit etc. should be applied strictly in their intake of Casual Labour, both in open-line and projects. Similarly, while reengaging Casual Labour based on their seniority according to the number of days of service in earlier spells, SCs/STs should be engaged by going down the list, even if they had rendered lesser number of days of service so as to achieve the prescribed percentage of reservation.

[No. 79-E(SCT)/15/1 dated 10.3.1979;

 No. 80-E(SCT)15/15 dated 26.10.1981;

 No. 88-E(SCT)I/28/1 dated 04.10.1988 (RBE 228/1988);  and No. 89-E(SCT)2/80/23 dated 11.12.1989 (RBE 304/1989)]

  1. CPOs at Headquarters, DRMs in Divisions and CWMs in Workshops etc. should take steps to ensure that the Live Registers of Casual Labour contain adequate number of SC/ST candidates to fill up reserved quotas in the vacancies of Group D posts specifically sanctioned for decasualisation.
  2. The shortfall due to non-filling up of reserved quotas for the posts specifically sanctioned for decasualisation should be filled up by direct recruitment of SC/STs from the open market against normal attrition vacancies which will arise due to promotion of Group D employees to Group C, retirement/ resignation/ deaths etc. in the normal course and should not he filled up by the unreserved candidates till shortfalls in the reserved quotas resulting from non-filling up of the quotas in the sanctioned posts for decasualisation are made good. Orders conveyed vide Board’s letter

No. E(NG)II/91/RR-1/21 dated 16.9.1991 banning direct recruitment in Group D posts shall not apply to the filling up of shortfall vacancies in Group D posts.

  1. In case of re-engagement of old Casual Labourers based on their seniority on the basis of number of days, reserved community candidates should be engaged by going down the list even with lesser number of days of service to their credit so as to achieve the prescribed percentage. These instructions also apply to the work-charged establishments except in the case of engagement of Casual Labour/Substitutes in case of emergencies like flood relief, accident restoration etc.

[No. 89-E(SCT)2/80/23 dated 11.12.1989 (RBE 304/1989);

No. 88-E(SCT)I/28/1 dated 07.06.1990 (RBE 100/1990);

 XXR No. 91-E(SCT)/30/19 dated 21.07.1992]


  1. Screening of regular absorption
  2. At the time of screening of Casual Labour/ Substitutes for appointments against regular posts, the Screening Committee should make good the shortfall, if any, by resorting to direct recruitment from open market in each class of category before the panel is published.

If there is any shortage, the matter should be reported to the Railway Board.

[No. E(SCT)74 CM 15/7 dated 27.04.1974

and No. E(NG)II/88/CL/34 dated 22.04.1988 (RBE 87/1988)

  1. Screening for engagement of fresh faces

The SC/ST candidates should be taken as per their prescribed percentage while engaging Casual Labour as fresh faces from die open market on receipt of the General Manager's sanction for the engagement of fresh Casual Labour.

  1. Engagement of Substitutes

Though no Roster is required to be maintained, still the intake of SC/STs while engaging Substitutes against each individual category in the various departments should not be below the prescribed percentage of reservation in favour of the two communities.

  1. Retrenchment/Reservation

In the matter of retrenchment of Casual Labour, the concept of reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes is to be followed. After fixing the quota, only the excess SC/ST Casual Labourers should be subjected to retrenchment on the basis of "last come" "first go". To ensure availability of SC/ST candidates as per prescribed percentage, SC/ST candidates junior to other general candidates who have been retrenched should also he retained.

[No. E(LL)76/AT/ID/1-16 dated 23.11.1978]


X. Miscellaneous Matters

  1. Representation in Personnel Branch —There should be an adequate representation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the Personnel Branches in Headquarters and Divisional Offices which should not be less than 15% for Scheduled Castes and 7½% for Scheduled Tribes or local percentages prescribed for initial recruitment. While posting Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe Personnel on recruitment/ promotion, opportunity should be taken to increase the representation of Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes in the Personnel Branches even if it necessitates in certain cases, transfer of some of the other juniors from the Personnel Branches.

[No. E(SCT)58 CM 1/5 dated 19th February, 1958, 28h March 1960 and No. 76-E(SCT)15/8 dated 20th March, 1976]


  1. Vending and Catering Contracts – The standard Form of Agreement for Refreshment Rooms shall have following provision:

“The Licensee(s) shall for the purpose of fulfilling his/their obligations under the agreement provide servants who shall be of good character, fit, well behaved and skilful in their business and approved of by the Railway Administration. Out of the servants so employed, at least 10 per cent should belong to Scheduled Castes/ Tribes and this should be indicated in the record maintained by the licensee(s) for inspection by Railway officials.

[No. 77-E(SCT) 15/31(27) dated 3rd April, 1979]


All petty catering/vending contracts upto ½ unit are reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The Zonal Railways must obtain prior approval of Ministry of Railways for de-reservation, giving proper justification.

[No. 78TGIII/670 dated 18th February, 1981]


  1. Definition of the term “Safaiwala “—The term “Safaiwala” should be used to denote only such of the Group ‘D’ (Class IV) staff are primarily engaged on scavenging duties, sweeping platforms, sweeping latrines in trains as well as in premises or any other similar jobs. For others engaged on other cleaning duties, such as washing of rakes etc. the term ‘Cleaners’ should be used. To differentiate the various categories of Cleaners and to avoid confusion, the designation Cleaner may, if necessary be preceded by such prefix as Engine Cleaners, Carriage Cleaners, Ash Pan Cleaners etc. to denote their functions.

[No. 75-E(SCT)15/47 dated 24th November, 1975]

While-assigning duties to Safailwalas, no discrimination to castes be made. Appropriate action will be taken against the staff concerned found responsible for discrimination.

[No. 76-E(SCT)15/44 dated 12th January, 1977]


  1. Disposal of references from the National Commission for Scheduled

Castes/ Scheduled Tribes – Representations of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes received through the Commissioner for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes should be properly looked into and replies sent to the Commissioner within a maximum time limit of one month.

[No. 78-E(SCT)15/36 dated 15th July, 1980;

 No. 92-E(SCT)I/74/1 dated 08.11.1991]


Action on inspections carried out by the concerned officers should be taken promptly as per the directives.

[No. 80-E(SCT) 17/1 dated 2nd January, 1981]


  1. All India Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe Railway Employees Association

All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association has been registered under the

Society’s Act. However, this is not that recognised Association by the Government. This Association has been focusing SC/ST Railway Employees grievances either through letters or through Informal Meetings. Since it is only through this Association that the SC/STs Railway Employees come to know what the Government is doing for them, the Railway Ministry at the instance of various Railway Ministers from time to time, have been granting the following facilities to this Association including Zonal Committee :—

  1. Railways were advised in December, 1960 that the representations made by the All India Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Railway Employees Association about the grievances of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes should be examined and appropriate action taken.

[No. E(SCT)57 CM 1/14 dated 27.12.1960]


  1. All correspondence dealing with questions relating to reservations and other grievances of the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes employees in the matter of recruitment and promotion received from time to time from the All India Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Railway

Employees Association and its Zonal Branches should be acknowledged.


  1. While acknowledging the receipt of the correspondence, the Association should be advised of the Government’s policy decisions so as to enable the SC/ST employees to know as to what the Government is doing for them. Thereafter, the communication should be examined on the merits of the case and appropriate action taken promptly.

[No. E(SCT)74 CM 1/166 dated 24.07.1974]


  1. If the Association requests, their representatives should be allowed the facility to meet informally the GMs/CPOs in the Headquarters, Supdt. Mech. (W/Shops) or Dy. CMEs in the Workshops and Divisional Supdts./extra Divisional Officers in the division for representing their grievances personally. Prompt action should be taken on the cases discussed. Formal minutes of the meeting, however, need not be circulated to the Association. Also, correspondence on the decisions that may be taken in the meetings need not be entered into with the Association but copies of any orders that may be issued following discussions, may be sent to the Association.

[No. 78-E(SCT)/15/4 dated 9.2.1978]

  1. Special casual leave and Special passes should be granted to the office bearers of All India Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Railway Employees Association as and when they are required to attend informal meetings with the Zonal Railways/Railway Board provided they send sufficient notice to that effect to the Administration.

[No. 79-E(SCT)/15/1 dated 01.05.1979]                 vi.              

  1. Ministry of Railways decided that whatever facilities have been granted to Association may continue, but no further facilities be extended to them.b.     Railways were informed as above.

[No. E(SCT)/15/1 (Pt. II) dated 19.02.1986]





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