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Master Circular No. 39


Master Circular on Advances and Their Recovery


 The instructions issued by the Railway Board from time to time on the subject of Advances and their recovery, are contained in several letters. The Railway Board have now decided to consolidate the instructions on the subject, except the instructions relating to grant of advance for house building/ purchase of ready-built house/ flat or for re-payment of loan taken for the purpose, into a master circular, as below, for the information and guidance of all concerned.


2. General:

Advance is a recoverable sum paid to a Railway servant from

                                                          i.          The amount standing to his credit in the State Railway Provident Fund; and/or

                                                        ii.          The Government funds i.e. Consolidated Fund of India, at the discretion of the sanctioning authority for certain specified requirements and subject to the fulfilment of the conditions prescribed therefor.

2.1 Advance paid are of two kinds viz., interest free and interest-bearing advances.

2.2 While the advances paid out of the State Railway Provident Fund are totally interest free, some of the advances paid from the Government funds bear interest.

2.3 For purposes of grant of advance, temporary Railway servants with a continuous service of three years or more are to be treated as permanent. Probationers should be deemed to be temporary Railway servants.

(Ref: Para 1001-Indian Railway administration and Finance).

A. Advances from State Railway Provident Fund:

3. Authority competent to sanction advance

The authority competent to sanction an advance from the S.R.P.F. is the controlling officer, but the powers may be exercised by the following: -

a.     CPO in the case of Gazetted officers upto the Junior Administrative Grade;

b.     A Divisional officer, including a Group 'A' or Group 'B' officer in independent charge of an office, in respect of Group 'C' Railway Servants employed under him; and

Note : Powers of Controlling officer to sanction advances/final withdrawal to Group 'C' Railway servants may be exercised by Group 'B' officers for sanctioning advances/ withdrawals from S.R.P.F. in the case of Railway servants in scales below Rs. 1400 -2300 (RPS).

[Ref: Board's letter No. F(E)III/84 PF 1/4 dated 1.5.1989 (RBE 112/1989)]

c.      An APO or an officer of equivalent rank in the case of Group 'D' Railway servants.

4. Conditions governing grant of advance:

An advance may be granted to Railway servant for the purposes mentioned, in para 5 below from the amount standing to his credit in the State Railway Provident Fund at the discretion of the competent authority mentioned in para 3 above, subject to the following conditions

                                           i.The Railway servant applying for the advance should satisfy the authority of the necessity for the advance;

                                         ii.The advance applied for should not in any case exceed the amount of subscription together with interest thereon, at the credit of the Railway servant at the time of grant of advance;

                                       iii.Advance on more than one account should not be sanctioned simultaneously;

                                       iv.A new advance should not be granted until at least fifty percent of the last advance, if any taken, has been repaid; and

                                         v.It should be ensured that the advance sanctioned is such that after making all permissible deductions, the net amount payable is not less than fifty percent of his basic pay.

4.1 The authority sanctioning the advance should record in writing its reasons for granting the advance. If the reasons to be recorded are of a confidential nature, the same may be communicated by the sanctioning authority to the Accounts Officer personally and/or confidentially.

(Ref: Rule 923 - R.I. 1985)

5. Purposes for which advance is payable:

An advance may be granted for the following purposes: -

                                           i.To pay for the Railway servants passage while proceeding on leave out of the country on medical certificate or returning after such absence;

                                         ii.To meet the expenses of self or of any member of his/her family, parents, minor brothers, widowed sisters if dependent on the Railway servant, for undertaking a journey in India or outside India under medical advice or to meet expenses incidental to his or their to severe illness,:

Note: (i)    The term illness covers confinement.

Note: (ii)    For purposes of judging the genuineness of the request for grant of advance the competent authority may refer an application for advance from SRPF to the Medical Officer, wherever he considers it justified.

Notes: (iii) In respect of illness of the same person, either an advance or withdrawal from SRPF will only be admissible.

(Ref: Rule 923 & 925(5)(b) - R.I./1985)

                                       iii.To meet the cost of education or overseas passage for education of the Railway servant or of any person actually dependent on him, in the following types of cases: -

                                                                 a.For education outside India, whether for an academic, Technical, Professional or vocation course beyond the High School stage;

                                                                 b.For medical, engineering and other technical or specialised courses in India, beyond the High School stage.

Note:  No withdrawal for the purpose will be permitted at the same time if an advance is being taken for meeting educational expenses & vice-versa.

                                       iv.To meet obligatory expenses on a scale appropriate to the Railway servant's status which by custom, the Railway servant has to incur in connection with his or her marriage or the marriages of his/her children and dependent relations;

Note: In respect of the same marriage the Railway servant may either make a final withdrawal from the SRPF or take an advance there from.

(Ref: Rule 925(3)(c) - R. I. (1985).

                                         v.In special cases to the purchase of Motor Car, Motor cycle, Scooter or Moped or for repaying the Government loan already taken for the purpose; to the Railway servants who fall short, of the minimum service of 15 years (which is required to gain eligibility for taking part withdrawal) by a period, not more than 6 months)

                                       vi.In special cases, for purposes of booking a Motorcar, Motorcycle, Scooter or Moped to such Railway servants as described in (v) above.

Note :  Advance in respect of items (v) and (vi) will be admissible only if all other prescribed conditions relating to purchase of Motorcar, Motorcycle, Scooter and Moped with Govt. Loan/withdrawal from SRPF are fulfilled.

(Ref: Board's letter No. F(E)III/77/PF 1/3 dated 27.5.1977
 and F(E)III/80 PF 1/4 dated 20.5.1983).

6. Amount of advance admissible & recovery:

The maximum amount of advance admissible for the purposes given in para 5 above and the number of instalments of recovery of the advance are as given in the table below:



Max amount of advance admissible

No of instalments of recovery










Cost of Passage of the Railway servant when proceeding on leave out of India on medical certificate or returning after such absence

Actual cost of the passage.



 Medical expenses (i.e. item (ii) in para 5).

A sum consisting of whole rupees and not exceeding three months' pay or half the amount standing to the credit of the subscriber in the fund, whichever is less.

Recoverable in not less than twelve and not more than twenty-four instalments.


Educational expenses. (i.e. item (iii) in para 5)




Marriage expenses (i.e. item (iv) in para 5).

Three months' emoluments in the case of marriage of Male.

Where the advance exceeds three months' emoluments, the recovery may be made in increased number of instalments, but in no case, the number should exceed sixty.

Six months emoluments in the case of marriage of Female.


Note : (i) In special cases, the competent authority may relax and raise the limit of advance to six months' emoluments in the case of marriage of a male and to ten months' emoluments in the case of marriage of a female.

Note : (ii) Where the amount at credit in the SRPF A/c of a Railway servant, consisting of his own subscriptions together with interest thereon does not exceed Rs.10, 000/- and where the amount of advance for marriage purposes within the existing provisions of Rules is less than 90% of such amount admissible is less than 90% of such amount, an advance upto 90% of the balance may be granted. Where, however, the entitlement for advance for marriage purposes is higher than the maximum ceiling of 90%, the higher amount will be permissible.

(Ref: Rule 923(g)(c) and Rule 926-R.I. (1985),
 Railway Board's letter No. F(E)III/79 PF 1/1 dated 10.3.1980).


Purchase of Motor Car, Motor cycle, Scooter, Moped where the Railway servant has not gained eligibility to avail of the facility of withdrawal, as explained in item (vi) of para 5.

  1. Rs.50, 000/- for purchase of Motorcar.

  2. Rs.8, 000/-for purchase of Motor cycle, scooter, Moped.

Not more than 36 instalments.


Booking of Motorcar, Motorcycle, Scooter, Moped to the Railway servants falling in the category described in item 6 above.

  1. Rs.10, 000/- for Motorcar.

  2. Rs. 500/- for Motorcycle, Scooter and Moped.



Note: (i)   All conditions prescribed viz., Pay limits, ceiling fixed for withdrawal, eligibility for purposes of withdrawal form SRPF towards purchase/booking of the above mentioned vehicles, will apply.

Note: (ii) Where amount has been advance for booking the vehicle the same will be taken into account for determining the advance payable for purpose, within the overall ceiling.

Note: (iii) Amount of advance outstanding may be converted into final withdrawal after completion of 15 years of service, with the permission of the competent authority.

(Ref: Board's letter No. F(E)III/80 PF 1/4 dated 20.5.1983 and 6.11.1985)







6.1 Emoluments for determining the quantum of advance include Dearness pay.

6.2 In special cases, advance may be sanctioned even after the relevant event, provided the sanctioning authority is satisfied that adequate reasons existed for not applying for the advance before the occurrence of the event and necessity still exists for taking the advance from the SRPF, such as for liquidating the previous borrowings and the advance has been applied for within a period of 3 months after the event. .

(Rule 922(3)-- R.I./1985).

6.3 A Railway servant availing of the advance for purposes of meeting the medical expenses, educational expenses and marriage expenses (i.e. items ii to iv of para 5) may convert, at his discretion by a written request addressed to the Accounts officer through the sanctioning authority, the balance outstanding against him into a final withdrawal on his satisfying the requisite condition for the grant of such a withdrawal. If the request is accepted, the balance due for recovery will be treated as withdrawal.

(Ref: Board's letter No. F(E)III/77 PF 1/3 dated 12/13.2.1981).

6.4 A sanction to an advance unless it is specifically renewed, will lapse on the expiry of a period three months.

(Governments decision below Rule 922(7) – R.I./1985}.

7. Recovery:

Recovery of the advance will be made in such number of equal monthly instalments from pay as the authority sanctioning the advance may direct, but such a number will not be less than twelve or more than twenty-four. Where the advance sanctioned for purposes, of meeting the marriage expenses exceeds three months' emoluments, the number of instalments of recovery may be increased suitably but not exceeding 60 in any case. A Railway servant may also repay more than one instalment in a month. Each instalment of recovery should be in terms of whole rupees and the amount of advance may be raised or reduced marginally, if required to admit of fixation of the instalments.

7.1 Recovery will commence from the pay of the month following the one in which the advance was drawn.

(Ref: Rule 926(1) & (2) – R.I./1985)

B. Interest free advances paid out of Govt. Funds

8. The following advances paid out of Government Funds do not carry interest liability:

                            i.            Festival advance;

                          ii.            Advance in the event of natural calamity such as flood, cyclone, earthquake, drought etc;

                        iii.            Advance of pay on transfer;

                        iv.            Advance of pay on leave;

                          v.            Advance of pay to TA personnel; and

                        vi.            Advance for Lawsuits.

9. Festival Advance:

A sum of Rupees Four hundred {1500/-} is admissible for being granted as festival advance on the eve of an important festival to non-gazetted Railway servants, whose basic pay does not exceed Rs. 2850/- {8300/-}per month in the revised pay scales and who apply for the advance.

9.1 The amount of advance is recoverable in not more than ten equal monthly instalments, commencing from the pay bill of the month following the one in which the advance was drawn.

9.2 The advance will be admissible only once in a Financial Year, even if the same festival happens to fall twice during that period, without restriction of community to which the Railway servant belongs and the community, which celebrates the festival. Occasions or festivals for the purpose of grant of advance should be fixed after taking into consideration the importance attached locally to such occasions/ festivals either on the basis of collective option of the Railway servants and/or in consultation with staff councils/ recognised Unions or associations of workers. Republic Day and Independence Day should be treated as festival occasions for the grant of advance.

9.3 A second festival advance should not be sanctioned until the earlier festival advance, if drawn, has been recovered in full.

9.4 The advance is admissible only to those who are on duty/leave on average pay and also to the female Railway servants on maternity leave, at the time of the drawal of the advance.

9.5 For granting advance to temporary Railway servants (para 2.3 may be seen regarding the status of temporary Railway servants) sureties of two permanent Railway servants are necessary. Sureties may be accepted even if the Railway servants who furnish the sureties are governed by P.W. Act. Advance should not be paid to temporary Railway servants who are not likely to continue in service for a period of at least six months beyond the month in which advance is paid. Casual Labour/Substitutes who have attained temporary status and have put in 3 years continuous service should also be treated at par with temporary Railway servants and granted this advance on the same condition as are applicable to temporary Railway servants.

9.6 A Railway servant getting transferred from one establishment to another should furnish in his application for the advance a certificate to the effect that he had not drawn the advance applied for, prior to his transfer, within the stipulated period. The certificate should be test-checked if found necessary.

9.7 A Head of the Department can sanction the advance to the Railway servants under his administrative control.

9.8 Festival Advance sanctioned to the Railway servants may be drawn through separate bills as also through regular salary bills and paid before the festival/occasion.

(Ref: Paras 1001, 1013 – Indian Railway Administration & Finance).

[Ref: Board's letters No. E(LL)58 AT 8/22  dated 5.1.1959,
 E(LL)73 AT PW 1/5 dated 31.12.1973,
 E(LL)78 FA/3  dated 8.9.1978,
 E(LL)78 FA/2  dated 24.2.1979,
 E(LL)71 FA/4  dated 31.3.1972,
 E(LL)81/FA/3  dated 24.1.1984 and 16/19.12.1984,
 F(E)Spl. 87 Adv 2/8  dated 31.8.1987 (RBE 372/1987)]

10. C. Advance in the event of natural calamity such as due to flood, cyclone, earthquake, drought:

It terms of para 1015 – Indian Railway Administration & Finance, the General Manager may sanction an advance of one month's pay or Rs. 500/- whichever is less, to non-Gazetted Railway servants under very special circumstances, such as where the Railway servant's camp had been burnt or serious damages have caused to his belongings due to flood etc. , recoverable in three equal monthly instalments commencing from the month, in which a full month's pay is drawn, after drawal of the advance.

10.1 Considering that an advance of one month's pay may not be sufficient in cases of calamities of exceptional severity, the non-Gazetted Railway servants may be sanctioned a maximum advance of Rs. 1000/- from the Government funds irrespective of their pay on the following conditions:

                                                          i.          The Railway servant should apply for the advance on the form prescribed, within three months of issue of orders of the Government notifying the areas affected by calamity;

                                                        ii.          The advance will not be in addition to the advance of pay admissible in terms of para 1015 – Indian Railway Administration & Finance. If a Railway servant has already been sanctioned an advance of pay for the same calamity, it would be adjusted against the amount of advance given in terms of this sub-para;

                                                      iii.          The advance is admissible only to those non-Gazetted Railway servants, whose property moveable or immovable has been substantially affected or damaged due to natural calamity;

                                                      iv.          The advance is recoverable is not more than 24 equal monthly instalments commencing from the second issue of pay after the drawal of the advance;

                                                        v.          In the case of an eligible temporary Railway servants, the grant of advance is subject to the production of surety from a permanent Railway servant, even if the later is governed by P.W. Act.

                                                      vi.          No second advance on this account should be sanctioned, if an earlier advance given for the same purpose remains unadjusted. If, however, the grant of second advance becomes necessary, the quantum of second advance together with the outstanding balance of the earlier advance should not exceed Rs. 1000/-.

                                                    vii.          A Railway servant applying for an advance is required to submit a declaration giving the details of the movable or immovable property damaged due to natural calamity along with his application. In case the declaration is not found to be true, he will be liable to action under the Discipline & Appeal Rules.

10.2 When a natural calamity of unusual severity occurs, calling for immediate assistance the General Manager may sanction the grant of advance subject to the observance of the prescribed conditions, on the basis of orders issued by the concerned State Government granting advance to their employees in areas affected by such a calamity, without waiting for Central Government's decision. The conditions to be satisfied are -

1.   The State Government concerned should have declared the area as having been affected by natural calamity; and

2.   The said State Government should have also issued orders sanctioning financial assistance to their employees, where property, movable or immovable, has been damaged by the natural calamity in the area declared as having been affected.

In cases where the severity of the natural calamity necessitates sanctioning of a second or subsequent advance for the purpose, the same may be sanctioned, following the illustrations shown in para 3 of Board's letter No. E(G)81 AD 1-6 dated 14.08.1981.

10.3 The advances are debitable to the head- "S – Loans & Advances by the Central Government – Loans to Government servants – Other advances."

[Ref: Board's letters No. E(G)56 AD1/7/3  dated 31.8.1959, 9.12.1959,
E(G)77 AD 1-24  dated 4.2.1978,
 E(G)79 AD 1-7  dated 5.6.1979,
 E(G)78 AD 1-12  dated 7.12.1978,
 E(G)80 AD 1/12  dated 3.6.1981,
E(G)81 AD 1/6  dated 14.8.1981,
E(G)90 Ad 1/7 dated 13.8.1990 (RBE 138/1990)].

11. Advance of Pay on transfer:

A Railway servant under orders of transfer, while on duty or on leave may at his/her request, be granted under the sanction of the General Manager and Head of Offices/Projects working directly under the Railway or any officer so authorised by the them, an advance upto an amount not exceeding one month's pay plus the travelling allowance to which he/she may entitled as per rules. The advance may be drawn at the old station before affecting the transfer or at the new station. Where the advance has been drawn at the old station, the fact should be recorded in the last pay certificate of the Railway servant concerned.

11.1 A Railway servant on transfer to Foreign Service may also be sanctioned by the competent authority to draw the advance and the foreign employer should reimburse the sum to the Government in one lump sum

11.2 A permanent Railway servant, officiating in a higher post may be allowed the advance on transfer, to the extent of the pay that he/she is in receipt of immediately before the transfer or the pay he/she will be entitled to after the transfer, whichever is less.

11.3 Recovery of the advance should be made in three monthly instalments commencing from the month in which full months pay is drawn after the transfer. The advance of travelling allowance, whenever paid, should be recovered in full from the travelling allowance bill of the Railway servant.

11.4 A Railway servant on transfer may draw a single advance of T.A. to cover the travelling expenses of self or a lump-sum advance to cover the travelling expenses of both self and the family. Where a lump-sum advance is drawn and the members of the family do not actually make or complete the journey with him/her, the Railway servant should certify on the adjustment bill submitted by him/her that a further bill in respect of the members of the family would be submitted in course of time indicating the balance of the amount to be adjusted. If, the family does not accompany the Railway servant on transfer he/she may draw a second advance of T.A. to cover the travelling expenses of the family, provided they follow him/her within six months from the date of transfer.

11.5 Temporary Railway servants with less than three years of service may be granted the advance on par with permanent Railway servants, on production of surety from a permanent Railway servant not governed by the P.W. Act.

11.6 Advance will not be admissible to Railway servants who are (i) transferred on consideration of requests for mutual transfer; and (ii) transferred temporarily.

(Ref: Paras 1613, 1614 – IREM (old edition and para 1113-1118 – IREM Vol. I/1989)

11.7 Railway servants proceeding on deputation out of India for a period of not less than one month are eligible for an advance of a month's pay recoverable in not more than three monthly instalments. Surety from a permanent Railway servant is necessary for the grant of advance to a temporary Railway servant.

11.8 Railway servants on transfer to posts outside India or from a post in one country to a post in another country abroad, are eligible, at the time of their transfer for an advance upto an amount not exceeding two months' pay. This facility is, however, not applicable, in cases of transfer back to India. The advance will be on the basis of the pay drawn immediately before transfer or on the basis of pay to which he/she will be entitled, after the transfer, whichever is less. Recovery will be made in 6 equal monthly instalments and where the advance drawn is equal to one month's pay, the recovery will be in 3 equal instalments.

Note: The advance of pay may be drawn in Indian rupees in India, in Sterling in the U.K., in local currency of the country of previous or new assignment or in any other soft currency in a neighbouring country from which essential goods are to be imported. No additional foreign exchange will be allowed.

(Ref: Paras 1119 (A) and 1119 (B) of Establishment Manual Vol. I/1989)

12. Advance of leave salary:

A Railway servant, including one on foreign service proceeding on leave for a period of not less than 30 days may be allowed to draw an advance in lieu of leave salary upto a month's pay and allowances, subject to deductions on account of Income Tax, SRPF, House rent, repayment of advances etc. The advance should be in whole rupees and should be adjusted in full in the leave salary bill in respect of the leave availed of. Where the amount cannot be adjusted in full in one bill, the balance should be recovered from the next payment of pay or leave salary.

12.1 Powers to sanction the payment of advance vest in the General Manager or in any other officer who may be specially delegated with the same, in respect of all classes of Railway servants i.e. Group A, B, C & D.

12.2 Surety of a permanent Railway servant will be necessary for granting advance to a temporary Railway servant.

12.3 Facility of advance in lieu of leave salary is also admissible to State Government servants transferred to posts under the administrative control of the Board.

(Ref: Board's letters No. PC-60 LE 2/2  dated 22.8.1961, 27.8.1960, 7.9.1962,
E(P&A)I/76/CPC/LE-3  dated 11.3.1977 and Rule 548 - R (I)/1985)

13. Advance of Travelling Allowance while proceeding on tour

A Railway servant who proceeds on long tour may be granted by the Head office an advance sufficient to cover, for the duration of the tour, his/her personal travel expenses and contingent charges, such as for hiring conveyance etc. for the carriage of records or other Government property and also to meet the cost of tickets for journeys other than by rail. The Railway servant asking for the advance should give an estimate of the likely contingent charges etc. to facilitate sanction of advance. For Heads of offices who are not their own controlling officers, the advance should be sanctioned by the Controlling Officer.

13.1 A temporary non-Gazetted Railway servant who has completed one year of service and is not likely to be discharged within three months of receipt of advance will be eligible for the advance on production of a surety from a permanent Railway servant not governed by the Payment of Wages Act. The advance will be limited to one month's pay.

13.2 The advance should be adjusted immediately upon the Railway servant's return to Headquarters. The advance should be treated as a final charge and not as an advance recoverable and should be drawn and accounted for as contingent charges or travelling expenses of the establishment, as the case may be.

13.3 A second advance will not be admissible until an account has been given for the first advance. In addition, a Railway servant who has taken an advance should not take payment of T.A. or other bills in respect of the same journey, while the advance or any portion of it remains unadjusted.

(Ref: Paras 1003-1005 – Indian Railway Administration & Finance,
para 1109-1112 – IREM Vol. I/89 Edition).

14. Advance of Pay to Territorial Army Personnel:

Non-Gazetted Railway servants serving as "Junior Commissioned Officers" and other ranks' in the Railway Territorial Army units are eligible to be granted one month's pay as advance before they are embodied for annual training.

14.1 Advance will also be admissible to non-Gazetted Railway servants serving as JCOs' and 'other ranks' in the Railway T.A. units when they are embodied for voluntary Training Courses at Army Centres.

14.2 Advance is also admissible to both Gazetted and non-gazetted Railway servants employed in Railway units of T.A., when they are embodied for military service in an emergency.

14.3 The advance in all the three cases mentioned above i.e. paras 14 to 14.2 will be limited to one month's pay recoverable in three equal monthly instalments, commencing from the first issue of pay after the drawal of advance. Surety from permanent Railway servant not governed by P.W. Act will be necessary for grant of advance to temporary Railway Servants. The advance should be sanctioned only to those personnel, who apply for the same.

14.4 Where an advance has been drawn for the annual training camp and a second advance is drawn, within a period of two months from the first advance, on embodiment for military duty, the advance drawn on embodiment may be recovered as a special case, in six equal monthly instalments.

(Ref: Board's letters No. E(Trg)62 ML 3/6  dated 1.9.1962,
E(ML)66 ML 2/26  dated 19.3.1966
and E(ML)71/ ML3/45  dated 9.2.1972)

15. Advances for Lawsuits:

Advance of a sum not exceeding Rs. 500/- or the Railway servant's substantive pay for three months, whichever is greater may be sanctioned at the discretion of the Government to a Railway servant to meet the expenses of his defence in the following cases:

                                           i.In legal proceedings instituted against the Railway servant by a private party in respect of matters connected with his official duties or position as a public servant;

                                         ii.Where the Railway servant is required by the Government to vindicate his conduct in a Court of Law, when specific allegations are made against him in the Press; and

                                       iii.Where the Railways servant, with the previous sanction of the Government resorts to a Court of Law, to vindicate his conduct either arising out of or connected with his official duties or position though not required by the Government to do so. (Normally the Railway servant will not be entitled but in deserving cases advance may be sanctioned)

15.1 No second advance will be allowed in respect of the same proceedings. There is, however, no objection to the grant of more than one advance, if they relate to different proceedings against a Railway servant.

15.2 No advance will be admissible to Railway servant, legal proceedings against whom have been initiated by the Railway Administration.

15.3 A bond, as prescribed in Chapter VII of the Establishment Code Vol.I/1985 (specimen also incorporated in the Master Circular on Legal Assistance to Railway servants) should be obtained from the Railway servant before the advance is sanctioned.

15.4 The recovery of the advance should be made in 24 monthly instalments, commencing from the first issue of pay/ subsistence allowance/ leave salary following the month in which the advance is given. Where more than one advance is sanctioned the recovery of such advances should be made concurrently.

15.5 Temporary Railway servants are also eligible to the advance on their furnishing a surety  (Form of surety given in chapter VII of Estt. Code Vol. I/1985) of a permanent Railway servant of equivalent or higher status not governed by the P.W. Act.

(Ref: Board's letter No. E(G)63 LL 2-49  dated 1.7.1969,
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