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Master Circular No. 32

Recruitment Rules and Recruitment of Non-gazetted Staff.



At present the orders relating to Recruitment Rules and recruitment of non-gazetted staff are contained in a number of office circulars/ orders issued from time to time. The question of consolidation of these existing orders/circulars into one Master Circular has been under the consideration of the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board). They have now decided to issue a consolidated order on the subject as below, for the information and guidance of all concerned.

2.     The General Managers of Indian Railways have full powers to make rules with regard to Railway servants in Groups 'C' and 'D' under their control, provided they are not inconsistent with any made by the President or the Ministry of Railways.

(Authority: Para 124 R-I)

3.     ## {Withdrawn vide Supplementary Circular No. 1

The General Manger or the Chief personnel Officer or the Chief Personnel Officer or the Chief Administrative Officer may, in special circumstances and for reasons to be recorded special circumstances and for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax or modify the Recruitment Rules in individual cases, where no specific provision/restriction in regard to age limit/educational qualifications etc. have been stipulated by Railway Board. They can also issue orders for deviation from these rules in respect of certain categories or on certain occasions provided such relaxation's are purely on a temporary basis. Long term or permanent alteration of the rules would require the prior approval of the Railway Board.

(No. E(NG)61/RC1/78 dated 7.7.1961
Para 114 of IREM, 1989)

3.1. The above powers, however, do not authorise the General Managers to recruit persons without the agency of the Railway Recruitment Boards (previously known as Railway Service Commissions) unless the Railway Board have issued special authorisation in this context.

(No. E(NG)62/RR1/24 dated 3.11.1962) .

Para 3 withdrawn vide Supplementary Circular No. 5 issued vide Railway Board's letter No. E(NG)II/94/RR-1/29, dated 12.09.1997 (RBE 87/1995).

4.     All appointments will be made on probation for two years. For trainees or apprentices appointed to a working post after the conclusion of their training, the probationary period commences on the date of such appointment.

(Para 104 of IREM, 1989)

5.     No persons may be appointed to Railway service or sent to training school without the production of a health certificate. The rules for the medical examination of the candidates for employment are prescribed separately in the Medical Manual of the Railways.

(Para 105 of IREM, 1939)

6.     The Recruitment Rules should also indicate the qualification, age, scales of pay applicable for the various posts in the service, leave, pension, non-contributory P.E. etc.

(Para 219 - R.I.)

6.1 No person who has more than one wife living or who having a spouse living, marries in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during the lifetime of such spouse, shall be eligible for appointment to service.

(Para 107(i) of IREM, 1989)

7.     A person who is not able to declare his age (i.e. date of Birth) should not be appointed, to the Railway service.

(Para 225(2) -R.I.)

8.     The recruitment to Railway Service should be subject to the reservation of vacancies in favour of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes as laid down by the Government of India from time to time.

[Para 220 - R-I.,
No. E(NG)III/71/RR1/77 dated 14.12.1971,
E(NG)III/76/RR-1/31 dated 27.9.1976,
77/E(SCT)15/14 dated 13.10.1977,
E(NG)II/85/RC-2/74 dated 26.6.1986 (RBE 114/1986),
and E(NG)I/68/RR-1/9 dated 6.12.1968.]

8.1. 15% and 71/2 % reservation laid down for SCs/STs respectively should be followed where recruitment is made on All India basis and where recruitment is made on local basis, the varying percentage prescribed for SCs/STs should be followed.

8.2. There will be a reservation of 3% vacancies (1% each for Blind, Deaf and Orthopaedically handicapped) for recruitment of physically handicapped persons in the identified Group 'C' and 'D' posts.

8.3. Similarly, there will be a reservation of 20% of vacancies in Group D posts and 10% of vacancies in Group C posts ior recruitment of ex-servicemen,

8.4. However, the total number of vacancies reserved for SCs/STs and for other categories referred to should not exceed 50% of the vacancies in any recruitment year.

9.     The age limit to Group 'C' posts for popular categories like office clerks, typists, Stenographers, Trains Clerk, Commercial Clerks, Ticket Collectors etc. is between 18 years and 25 years. For other categories of posts in Group 'C' the age limit would apply as laid down by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) from time to time.

[No. E(NG)60/RC1/57 dated 7.10.1960,
PC/60/RTP-3/1 dated 6.7.1961,
PC-III/80/UPG/21 dated 10.11.1980,
PC-III/81/UPG/7 dated 18.6.1981,
PC-III/81/UPG/7 dated 31.7.1989,
PC-III/UPG/7 dated 5.1.1982,
E(NG)II/84/RRB/62 dated 8.9.1986 (RBE 160/1986),
E(NG)III/79/RR-1/22 dated 11.8.1979,
E(NG)III/72/RRB/18 dated 14.5.1974]

9.1. For Group 'D' posts the age limit will be between 18-28 years.

9.2. The Educational Qualifications for recruitment to various posts in Group 'C' and 'D' would be as laid down by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) from time to time which should be incorporated in the Employment Notice.

10.The following relaxations of age limit are permissible: -

a.     By five years in the case of SCs/STs.

b.     Upto three years (including apprentice category) in respect of serving Railway employees applying for direct recruitment to initial grade and upto five years for posts in the in intermediate grade;

c.      Group 'D' employees applying for recruitment to Group 'C' posts or as apprentices being allowed relaxation to the extent of service in Group D but not exceeding 10 years and also subject to a ceiling limit of 30 years for apprentice categories;

d.     For direct recruitment to all Group C and Group D posts the Railway employees who have put in at least 3 years continuous service may be given age relaxation to the extent of the period of Railway service put in by them subject to the upper age limit of 40 years not being exceeded in the case of general candidates and 45 years in the case of SC/ST candidates. However, where extant orders permit age relaxation over 40/45 years, the existing higher age limit will continue to apply.

(No. E(NG)I-90/PM1/30 dated 17.5.1991 (RBE 103/1991)).

Similar age concessions will be applicable to such of the casual labour/ substitutes as have put in three years service continuous or in broken spells.

(No. E(NG)II/91/CL/71 dated 25.7.1991 (RBE 134/1991))

e.     Upto 45 years in respect of displaced persons who migrated to India from Bangladesh on or after 1.1.1964 for Group 'C' and Group 'D' posts and upto 30 years for apprentice categories.

The above age limits are further relaxable by 5 years in the case of such displaced persons belonging to SCs/STs.

f.       The upper age limit may be relaxed to the extent warranted and justified while making appointment on compassionate grounds of sons, daughters, wives, wards etc. of Railway servants who die while in service or are medically in capacitated. The General Managers may also relax the age limit while making recruitment of outstanding sportsmen against the sports quota and against cultural/scouts/guides quota.

(No. E(NG)II-82/RR-1/32 dated 24.2.1983 and 13.3.1984).

g.     Existing age concessions allowed by specific instructions of the Railway Board for specified category/categories of posts will continue to apply.

h.     A candidate who is within the minimum and maximum age limits on a particular date mentioned in the employment notice may be treated as eligible for appointment even though the person concerned may have crossed the maximum age limit on the date of actually Joining the Railway service.

(No. E(NG)54/RR1/14-A dated 14.11.1957
E(NG)54/RR1/14-A dated 16.11.1959
E.55/CFP/8 dated 30.6.1959
E.55/CFP/8 dated 9.9.1959
E(NG)62/RC1/107 dated 12.12.1962
E(NG)I/68/RR-1/9 dated 6.12.1968
E(NG)II/69/RR1/23 dated 7.6.1969
E(NG)II/70/RR1/10 dated 2.5.1970
E(NG)II/71/RR1/77 dated 31.1.1972
E(NG)II/71/RR1/77 dated 6.4.1972
E(NG)II/71/RR1/77 dated 10.11.1972
E(NG)III-73/RR1/27 dated 30.10.1973
E(NG)II/80/RR-1/42 dated 10.8.1981
E(NG)I/81/PM1/194 dated 23.9.1981
E(NG)II-82/RR-1/32 dated 24.2.1983
E(NG)II-82/RR-1/32 dated 13.3.1984
E(NG)II/86/RR-1/42 dated 10.9.1986 (RBE 161/1986)
E(NG)II/87/RC-2/25 dated 24.6.1988 (RBE 142/1988)
E(NG)II/88/RRB/21 dated 20.9.1989 (RBE 236/1989)
and Para 115 of IREM,1989.)

NOTE: The concession of age relaxation in favour of Government Servants should not be admissible to over-aged persons appointed on ad hoc basis.

(No. E(NG)I/68/RC-1/42 dated 18.11.1968 and 23.4.1969.)

11.Recruitment to Group 'C' posts on Railways will be to the lowest grade of the category concerned unless specifically provided for otherwise in the Recruitment Rules. Direct recruitment to intermediate grades will be made where specifically provided for and in other cases as and when considered necessary by the Railway Administration, with the approval of the Railway Board.

11.1. The quota for direct recruitment, wherever prescribed, will be relevant only at the recruitment stage and will have no relevance for fixation of seniority which will be assigned under the normal rules. In case of a shortfall in a particular year, the same may made good in the subsequent year without giving retrospective benefit for purpose of seniority.

(Para 102 of IREM, 1989
and E(NG)I/80/SR 6/9 dated 4.2.1987 )

12.Direct recruitment to fill Group 'C' posts on Railways will be made through the agency of Railway Recruitment boards set up at various places for this purpose or by the Railway Administrations where specially authorised by the Railway Board.

12.1. All vacancies in posts and services whose revised scale of pay raises above Rs. 1400/- per month recruitment for which is on all India basis through open competition and which is being made through the Railway Recruitment Board or by the Railway Administration as the case may be, should be advertised in all the leading list of newspapers approved by the Department of Personnel for advertisement issued by the UPSC.

12.2. All the other posts in the lower grades will be advertised in English, Hindi and regional language papers at the discretion of the Railway Recruitment Board or the Railway Administrations.

12.3. Recruitment on compassionate grounds may also be made by the Zonal Railways and Production Units etc. without going through the agency of the Railway Recruitment Board of sons, daughters, wives, wards etc. of Railway servants who die while in service or retire after medical incapacitation in accordance with the orders issued by the Railway Board. Similarly appointments may also be made of outstanding Sportsmen and of persons having qualifications in the field of culture & Scouting/Guides against the quota laid down and on the conditions laid down by the Railway Board from time to time.

[Para 109 of IREM, 1999,
E(NG)II-82/RR-1/32 dated 24.2.1983,
E(NG)III/77/RR-1/50 dated 7.4.1980;
E(NG)lI/88/RR-2/1 dated 5.6.89 (146/1989)]

13.Application forms should be printed in bilingual form – both in English and Hindi.

(E(NG)66/RC-1/58 dated 30/31.5.1966 and 11.7.1966)

14.With a view to attracting best candidates from the open market for the popular category Group 'C' posts Employment Notice should be issued in the month of May/June each year and the last date of receipt of application should be six weeks from the date of the advertisement.

(E(NG)65/RC1/173 dated 30.10.1965)

15.Candidates will be required to apply with reference to the specific employment notice of the Recruitment Boards or the Railways on prescribed application forms with requisite examination fee, if any, prescribed.

[E(NG)II/81/RSC/2 dated 13.5.1981
& E(NG)II/85/RRB/71 dated 5.5.1986 (RBE 86/1986)]

16.Employment/Advertisement Notices for Group 'C' and 'D' posts and also in the offer of appointment to be issued to the selected candidates, the following provisions may be incorporated: -

"Every individual appointed to Group 'C' and 'D' posts shall, if so required, be liable for military service in the Railway Engineering Units of the Territorial Army for a period of seven years in the T.A. service and eight years in the T.A. reserve or for such periods as may be laid down in this behalf from time to time.'

[E(ML)67/ML3/46 dated 22.9.1967]

17.In the offer of appointment to persons appointed on the Railways, the following provisions should be incorporated: -

"In all matters not specifically provided for herein or in the Recruitment Rules, you will be governed by the provisions of the Indian Railway codes and other extant orders as amended/issued from time to time.”

(E(NG)III/76/AG 1/1 dated 22.7.1976 and para 224 – RI)

18.The following may be kept in view while making the recruitment to Group 'C' posts:

1.     When a Railway servant, whether permanent or temporary, is permitted to apply either through the UPSC/ RRB (previously RSC) or otherwise for recruitment to another post on the same Railway or another Railway and on selection is appointed to the new post, no break in service being involved, his/her past service should count for all purposes (including leave, pension, P.F., passes, increments etc.) except seniority.

2.     Group 'C' serving employees who possess the qualifications prescribed for direct recruitment should be freely permitted to apply for vacancies for which direct recruitment is made if they fulfil the condition of age relaxation as referred to above.

3.     Group 'D' staff in unskilled categories possessing the minimum qualification may be permitted to apply for the same.

4.     True copies of certificates duly attested by the authorities so required should accompany the application form, Candidates should bring their original certificates with them when they come for the examination or interview.

5.     No vacancy reserved for ex-servicemen will be filled by a general candidate until and unless: -

                                                                            i.            A Non-availability certificate from the Employment Exchange is obtained (where a requisition is placed on an Employment Exchange).

                                                                          ii.            The non-availability has been verified by making a reference to the Director General (Resettlement) and a certificate recorded to that effect; and

                                                                        iii.            The approval of the Ministry of Railways has been obtained.

(No. E(NG)III/79/RR-1/11 dated 15.12.1980)

6.     Direct recruitment should be regulated judiciously so that reasonable chances of promotion of staff already in service are not diminished in a particular year as is likely to be the case if an attempt is made to clear the accumulated backlog in one or two years.

7.     In the case of SC/ST candidates if no vacancy exists in the Divisions of their preference, they may be appointed on any of the Divisions where vacancies are available. They should not be debarred from appointment on account of their restrictive preference of Divisions.

8.     Within the quota fixed for ex-servicemen in Group 'C' and 'D' vacancies, preference may be given to disabled ex-servicemen and the remaining filled by other ex-servicemen.

9.     SC/ST candidates should be appointed provisionally on the basis of whatever prima facie evidence they are able to produce in support of their caste including M.Ps/MLAs certificates and such claims should be verified in due course through the D.M. of the place where the candidate and his/her family ordinarily resides. In proved cases of false claim, action should be taken under relevant orders and Rules. In such cases punishment is removal from service.

10.SC/ST candidates at the time of initial appointment should, as far as practicable, be posted nearer to their home town or at a place where the administration can provide quarters subject to their availability.

11.An ex-serviceman who has joined a Government job on the Civil side after availing of the benefits given to him as an ex-serviceman, his ex-serviceman status for the purpose of re-employment ceases. He will there after be eligible for age relaxation etc. as applicable to civil employees in the normal course in accordance with the extant rules.

12.Recruitment against vacancies for ex-servicemen in Group 'C' posts will be centralised in Headquarters office in respect of each Zonal Railway and the recruitment will be done by one RRB for each Zonal Railwy.

13.In the Employment Notice a brief indication of the scheme of examination should be included giving the type of examination (objective or written), the subjects to be covered and of what standard, the total marks allotted for written examination and also the marks earmarked for viva-voce.

[E.51/RC2/34 dated 19.11.1951,
E.54/RR1/14/3 dated 8.10.1954,
E(NG)60/RR1/5 dated 7.2.1961,
E(NG)60/RR-1/5 dated 12.2.1962,
E(NG)54/RR1/14-A dated 14.11.1957,
E(NG)54/RR1/14-A dated 16.11.1959,
E(NG)62/RC1/85 dated 15.6.1963,
E(NG)64/RC-1/2 dated 15/16.4.1964,
E(NG)I/68/RR-1/9 dated 6.12.1968,
E(NG)II/69/RR1/12 dated 9.5.1969,
E(NG)63/RR1/35 dated 9/10.7.1964,
E(SCT)72 CM 15/1 dated 13.1.1972,
E(NG)II/71/RR1/77 dated 31.1.1972,
E(NG)III/74/AP/2 dated 5.3.1975,
E(SCT)74/CM 15/46 dated 19.2.1976,
78/E(SCT) 15/29 dated 12.7.1978,
78 E(SCT) 15/25 dated 6.7.1978,
E(NG)II/84/RR-1/19 dated 3.6.1987 (RBE 142/1987) & 27.1.1987 (RBE 13/1987),
E(NG)II/87/RRB/31 dated 17.3.1987 (RBE 54/1987)]

19.Recruitment to Group 'D' posts other than posts in RPF, which are governed by the provisions of RPF Act, would be made at intervals of one year or two years.

19.1. The unit for recruitment shall normally be the Division, major workshops, loco Sheds, C&W sick lines, PWI lengths etc. etc. Recruitment for each category will be made separately, unless otherwise specified.

19.2. An employment notice indicating the total number of vacancies, vacancies reserved for SCs/STs, ex-servicemen, physically handicapped, scale of pay etc. as well as the last date for receipt of applications should be issued to the Employment Exchanges within the recruitment unit. Copies of the same should also be sent to the recognised Associations of SCs/STs, Vocational Rehabilitation Centres for physically handicapped and to the Director General (Resettlement), Ministry of Defence.

19.3. As Group 'D' vacancies generally attract local residents, wide publicity may be given and the applications of such candidates may be given full consideration at the time of selection.

19.4. For the convenience of serving Railway employees, applications from their sons/ immediate dependents may be received by the Railway Administration direct in respect of Group D recruitment. They should be got registered in an Employment Exchange by the Railway Administration if necessary by deputing a Welfare Inspector. It is not necessary that their names should be recommended by the Employment Exchange. At the time of selection where literacy is not required, no discrimination can be made between a candidate applying direct and the one nominated by the Employment Exchange. Only the most suitable should be selected.

(Para 179 of IREM, 1989,
E(NG)58/RC1/61 dated 30.1.1961,
E(NG)66/LG-3/37 dated 26.8.1966,
E.51/CM1/13/3 dated 16.5.1953,
E(NG)II/84/RR1/26 dated 16.8.1985 (RBE 238/1985),
E(NG)II/84/RR1/26 dated 4.9.1986 (RBE 159/1986),
E(NG)II-84/RR-1/26 dated 15.12.1988 (RBE 271/1988),
E(NG)II/ 84/RR-1/26 dated 29.9.89 (RBE 247/1989),
E(NG)II/ 84/RR-1/26 dated 1.11.1989 (RBE 273/1989),
E(NG)II/ 84/RR-1/26 dated 4.12.1989 (RBE 296/1989)]

20.The qualification for the various posts in Group 'D' will be as laid down by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) from time to time.

21.Casual labour, Substitutes and Temporary workers will have prior claim over outsiders for regular recruitment. Such of the above who have acquired temporary status (working for more than 120 days on 'open line' and 360 days on Projects) should be considered without their having to go through Employment Exchange. Such of the workmen as joined service before attaining the age of 28 years may be given relaxation of maximum age limit prescribed for Group 'D' posts to the extent of their total service, either continuous or broken.

21.1. For this purpose a register should be maintained by all concerned to indicate the names of casual labour, substitutes and Temporary workmen who have rendered 120 days on open line or 360 days on Projects, either continuous or broken service provided they are eligible for regular employment.

21.2. No preference should be given to open market candidates (outsiders) over casual labour on grounds of literacy.

(Para 179(xiii) of IREM, 1989,
No. E(NG)63/CL/13 dated 16.9.1963,
E(NG)65/CL/10 dated 26.2.1965,
E(NG)II/84/CL/85 dated 21.12.1987 (RBE 313/1987)
and E(NG)II-84/CL/85 dated 20.1.1989 (RBE 26/1989)]

22.The currency of the Group 'D' panel in case of direct recruitment from the open market is one year. In exceptional circumstances, it can be extended by one more year with the personal approval of the Chief Personnel Officer. Under no circumstances it should be extended beyond this period.

(No. E(NG)II/84/RC-2/21 dated 16.11.1984)

23.Recruitment to Group 'D' posts should be resorted to only when it is absolutely necessary after ensuring that there is no surplus staff available for absorption.

(No. E(NG)I/68/RE1/12 dated 6.5.1968 and 10.1.1969).


 .        While referring to this circular, the original letters referred to herein should be read for a proper appreciation. This circular is only a consolidation of the instructions issued so far and should not be treated as a substitution to the originals. In case of doubt the original circular should be relied upon as authority.

a.     The instructions contained in the original circulars referred to above have only prospective effect from the date of issue unless specifically indicated otherwise in the concerned circular. For dealing with old cases, the instructions in force at the relevant time should be referred to; and

b.     If any circular on the subject, which has not been superseded, has not been taken into consideration while preparing this consolidated letter, the said circular, which has been missed through oversight should be treated as valid and operative. Such a missing circular, if any, may be brought to the notice of the Railway Board.

The consolidation has been made from the following

1.     No. E.51/RC2/34 dated 19.11.1951.

2.     No. E.51/CM1/13/3 dated 16.5.1953.

3.     No. E.54/RR1/14/3 dated 8.10.1954.

4.     No. E(NG)54/RR1/14-A dated 14.11.1957.

5.     No. E.55/CFP/8 dated 30.6.1959.

6.     No. E.55/CFP/8 dated 9.9.1959.

7.     No. E(NG)54/RR1/14-A dated 16.11.1959.

8.     No. E(NG)60/RC1/57 dated 7.10.1960.

9.     No. E(NG)58/RC1/61 dated 30.1.1961.

10.No. E(NG)60/RR1/5 dated 7.2.1961.

11.No. PC/60/RTP-3/1 dated 6.7.1961.

12.No. E(NG)61/RC1/78 dated 7.7.1961.

13.No. E(NG)60/RR-1/5 dated 12.2.1962.

14.No. E(NG)62/RR1/24 dated 3.11.1962.

15.No. E(NG)62/RC1/107 dated 12.12.1962.

16.No. E(NG)62/RC1/85 dated 15.6.1963.

17.No. E(NG)63/CL/13 dated 16.9.1963.

18.No. E(NG)64/RC-1/2 dated 15/16.4.1964.

19.No. E(NG)63/RR1/35 dated 9/10.7.1964.

20.No. E(NG)65/CL/10 dated 26.2.1965.

21.No. E(NG)65/RC1/173 dated 30.10.1965.

22.No. E(NG)66/RC-1/58 dated 30/31.5.1966.

23.No. E(NG)66/RC-1/58 dated 11.7.1966.

24.No. E(NG)66/LG-3/37 dated 26.8.1966.

25.No. E(ML)66/ML3/46 dated 22.9.1967.

26.No. E(NG)I/68/RE1/12 dated 6.5.1968.

27.No. E(NG)I/68/RR-1/9 dated 6.12.1968.

28.No. E(NG)I/68/RC-1/42 dated 18.11.1968.

29.No. E(NG)I/68/RE1/12 dated 10.1.1969.

30.No. E(NG)I/68/RC1/42 dated 23.4.1969.

31.No. E(NG)II/69/RR1/12 dated 9.5.1969.

32.No. E(NG)II/69/RR1/23 dated 7.6.1969.

33.No. E(NG)II/70/RR1/10 dated 2.5.1970.

34.No. E(NG)III/71/RR1/77 dated 14.12.1971.

35.No. E(SCT)72 CM 15/1 dated 13.1.1972.

36.No. E(NG)II/71/RR1/77 dated 31.1.1972.

37.No. E(NG)II/71/RR1/77 dated 6.4.1972.

38.No. E(NG)II/71/RR1/77 dated 10.11.1972.

39.No. E(NG)III-73/RR1/27 dated 30.10.1973.

40.No. E(NG)III/72/RRB/18 dated 14.5.1974.

41.No. E(NG)III/74/AP/2 dated 5.3.1975.

42.No. E(SCT)74/CM 15/46 dated 19.2.1976.

43.No. E(NG)III/76/AG 1/1 dated 22.7.1976.

44.No. E(NG)III/76/RR-1/31 dated 27.9.1976.

45.No. 77/E(SCT)15/14 dated 13.10.1977.

46.No. 78 E(SCT) 15/25 dated 6.7.1978

47.No. 78/E(SCT)15/29 dated 12.7.1978.

48.No. E(NG)III/79/RR-1/22 dated 11.8.1979.

49.No. E(NG)III/77/RR-1/50 dated 7.4.1980.

50.No. PC-III/80/UPG/21 dated 10.11.1980.

51.No. E(NG)II/81/RSC/2 dated 13.5.1981.

52.No. PC-III/81/UPG/7 dated 18.6.1981.

53.No. E(NG)II/80/RR-1/42 dated 31.7.1981.

54.No. E(NG)I/81/PM1/194 dated 23.9.1981.

55.No. PC-III/UPG/7 dated 5.1.1982.

56.No. E(NG)II-82/RR-1/32 dated 24.2.1983.

57.No. E(NG)II-82/RR-1/32 dated 13.3.1984.

58.No. E(NG)II/84/RC-2/21 dated 16.11.1984.

59.No. E(NG)II/84/RR1/26 dated 16.8.1985 (RBE 238/1985).

60.No. E(NG)II/85/RRB/71 dated 5.5.1986 (RBE 86/1986)

61.No. E(NG)II/85/RC-2/74 dated 26.6.2986 (RBE 114/1986)

62.No. E(NG)II/84/RR1/26 dated 4.9.1986 (RBE 159/1986).

63.No. E(NG)II/84/RRB/62 dated 8.9.1986 (RBE 160/1986)

64.No. E(NG)II/86/RR-1/42 dated 10.9.1986 (RBE 161/1986)

65.No. <a href=""http:/