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Master Circular No. 29 

Training of Non-gazetted Direct Recruits.



 At present the orders relating to initial Training of non-gazetted, direct recruits are contained in a number of office circulars/orders issued from time to time. The question of consolidation of these existing orders/ circulars into one Master Circular has been under the consideration of the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board). They have now decided to issue a consolidated order on the subject as below for the information and guidance of all concerned.


2. The initial period of training, wherever prescribed for non-gazetted direct recruits in various categories of Group 'C' posts, is an important pre-requisite to be successfully completed, before a trainee is absorbed in the post for which he has been recruited. It is, therefore, not desirable to curtail the initial period of training. This will apply equally to the training to be imparted in the case of Inter apprentices as also in the case of departmentally selected candidates against quota prescribed in certain categories, to be filled by Limited Competitive Examination among serving eligible employees (e.g. 10% in the case of Traffic and Commercial Apprentices).

[No. EE(NG)II/87/RR-1/21 dated 30.06.1987 (RBE 171/87) and E(NG)II/87/RR-1/21 dated 25.11.1988 (RBE 261/88)]


2.1. The General Managers have powers of curtailing period of training of non-gazetted categories (whether as apprentices or otherwise) in exigencies of service, ensuring that the prescribed tests/ examinations mandatory for successful completion of training are complied with. On such curtailment of training, the trainees shall be posted against the posts for which they have been recruited. They shall, on such posting, be entitled to benefits as applicable to incumbents of such posts except seniority and benefit of increment. Grant of seniority and increments will continue to be regulated as per existing orders in this regard.


[No. E(NG)II/87/RR-1/21 dated 27.11.1990 (RBE 226/90); E(NG)I-78 SR 6-42 dated 07.04.1982; E(NG)I/86/IC 1/3 (PNM/NFIR) dated 02.03.1988 (RBE 93/88); and E(NG)I/90/IC 1/1 dated 4.2.91 (RBE 25/91)]


3. The qualifying examination at the end of initial training of directly recruited non-gazetted staff through the Railway Service Commissions (now Railway Recruitment Boards) must necessarily be a written test.


3.1. The candidates should be warned, at the time of their recruitment that their retention in service will be dependent on their successfully completing the training and passing the requisite test.


3.2. The period of training count towards increments even in the case of those recruits who are sent for training immediately after their appointment, in terms of Board's letter of 04.02.1991.


3.3. Candidates recruited in the Personnel and Accounts Branches should be posted against working posts in their respective Departments for at least a month to acquire the background of the Railway working before being sent for training.

[Nos. E 55/TR1 61/3 dated 15.06.1956;  E(NG)58 PA 1-14 dated 27.05.1959;  E(NG)63/RR1/10 dated 29.03.1963 and E(NG)I/90/IC 1/1 dated 4.2.91 (RBE 25/91)]


4. Apprentices/Trainees, who require initial training before being appointed to a working post should execute a Service Agreement to serve the Railways for a minimum prescribed period.

[No. E(NG)55AG 1/3 dated 14.09.1961 and E(NG)58/RC1/150 dated 21.11.1961]


4.1. Apprentices/Trainees who fail to complete the prescribed training courses satisfactorily may be given a repeat course on the following conditions: —


a.     Stipend to the apprentices should be withheld when an extension/ repeat course is considered necessary for falling to complete the training successfully at the end of the prescribed period of training.


b.     So far as persons recruited as trainees in the various Group 'C' categories are concerned, the services of such trainees, who do not complete the prescribed training successfully should be terminated in accordance with the terms of appointment, e.g. by giving 14 days' notice. After this they will cease to be Railway servants. If such trainees desire repeat course of training without any stipend or any other remuneration, the Railway may consider each case on merits.


c.      SC/ST Apprentices/Trainees may be given a second chance with stipend / pay and a third, if considered necessary, without stipend / pay.


d.     The Apprentices/Trainees to whom repeat course is given will rank junior to those passing in their first attempt.


e.     Such of the trainees and apprentices who are given repeat course will be governed by the conditions prescribed by the Government from time to time. Such conditions should be incorporated in the offer of appointment in the case of trainees and in the form of an agreement in the case of apprentices.

[No. E(NG)58/RC1/150 dated 21.11.1961]


4.2. The Apprentices/Trainees, who are appointed, on successful completion of the training, on the Railways are required to execute a Service Agreement as referred to in para 4 above. Such of those who do not complete the training period or do not serve the Railways for the minimum prescribed period on completion of training will have to refund the whole cost of the training. For this purpose the Railways may evolve a procedure which will have an in-built mechanism to ensure the recovery of the cost of the training e.g.,


1.     Maintaining a register in each office indicating the liability of the staff for refunding the cost of training;


2.     Where an employee, resigns, before accepting his/her resignation, check up the liability of the concerned employee for refunding the cost of training with the register maintained as in (1);


3.     In case of transfer, suitable entry should be made in his/her Last Pay Certificate about his/her liability (whenever applicable) to refund the cost of training.

[No. E(NG)I/86/AP/1 dated 21.01.1986 (RBE 4/86) and 20.02.1986 (RBE 39/86)]


5. The duration of training period and the syllabus for various categories of Group 'C' staffs are given in the Indian Railway Establishment Manual, 1989 - Chapter I - Section-B - Paras 120-178.


6. General:


a.  While referring to this Circular, the original letters referred to herein should be read for a proper appreciation. This circular is only a consolidation of the instructions issued so far and should not be treated as a substitution to the originals. In case of doubt, the original circular should be relied upon as authority.


b. The instructions contained in the original circulars referred to have only prospective effect from the date of issue unless specifically indicated otherwise in the concerned circular. For dealing with old cases, the instructions in force at the relevant time should be referred to; and


c.  If any circular on the subject, which has not been superseded, has not been taken into consideration white preparing this consolidated letter, the said circular, which has been missed through oversight, should be treated as valid and operative. Such a missing circular, if any, may be brought to the notice of the Railway Board.



List of circulars from which the consolidation has been made.


1.     E 55/TR1 61/3 dated 15.06.1956

2.     E(NG)58 PA 1-14 dated 27.05.1959

3.     E(NG)55AG 1/3 dated 14.09.1961

4.     E(NG)58/RC1/150 dated 21.11.1961

5.     E(NG)63/RR1/10 dated 29.03.1963

6.     E(NG)I-78 SR 6-42 dated 07.04.1982

7.     E(NG)I/86/AP/1 dated 21.01.1986 (RBE 4/86)

8.     E(NG)I/86/AP/1 dated 20.02.1986 (RBE 39/86)

9.     E(NG)II/87/RR-1/21 dated 30.06.1987 (RBE 171/87)

10.E(NG)I/86/IC 1/3 (PNM/NFIR) dated 02.03.1988 (RBE 93/88)

11.E(NG)II/87/RR-1/21 dated 25.11.1988 (RBE 261/88)

12.E(NG)II/87/RR-1/21 dated 27.11.1990 (RBE 226/90)

13.E(NG)I/90/IC 1/1 dated 4.2.91 (RBE 25/91)


Other relevant orders and Circulars


1.     E(NG)57 IC 1-5 dated 08.01.1958

2.     E(NG)62/IC 1/1dated 22.01.1962

3.     E(NG)62-IC 1-1 dated 26.04.1963

4.     E(NG)61-IC 1-1dated 27.07.1963

5.     E(NG)II-67 AG 1/4 dated 17.01.1969


Orders and circulars issued subsequently


1.     E(NG)I/90/IC 1/1 dated 15.11.1991(RBE 195/91)

2.     E(NG)I/90/IC 1/1 dated 02.06.1992 (RBE 89/92)

3.     E(NG)I/90/IC 1/1 dated 23.12.1993 (RBE 183/93)