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Welfare Measures



A. Objective:
1.Setting up of any type of canteen requires the approval of _____________.
2. The supreme authority in respect of Railway Co-op. Societies must vest with the ____________.
3. PREM stands for _______.
4. The Co-op. societies are managed through a management committee from amongst the ___________.
5. The concessions of Educational assistance, reimbursement of tuition fee and hostel subsidy will apply to all Railway servants without any pay limit from ________.
6. The concessions of educational assistance, reimbursement of tuition fees and hostel subsidy will be available up to ________ (number of) children.
7. If both wife and husband are employed in Railways, the concessions of educational assistance or reimbursement of tuition fees or hostel subsidy is available to _______ only.
8. If the wife or husband of a Railway servant is employed outside Railways, the concession for education of children are available if ________.
9. Each member of the Co-op. society shall be required to purchase at lease one share, value of which shall not be less than __________.
10. Membership of the Co-op. societies shall be open to _________.
11. The educational assistance or reimbursement of tuition fee or hostel subsidy are admissible only in respect of the children between ________.
12. A Railway servant shall not be eligible to draw children educational allowance, reimbursement of tuition fees or hostel subsidy for a child for more than ______ academic year/s in the same class.
13. The consumer co-op. societies with a membership of ________ are classified as Big Co-op. Societies.
14. The consumer co-op. societies with a membership of ________ are classified as small co-op. stores. (Less than 1000)
15. The children educational allowance shall be ______ per child.
16. The co-operative societies functioning on Railways are _______, _______ and _______.
17. A Railway servant shall be eligible to the reimbursement of tuition fees in respect of a child provided __________ allowance is not admissible.
18. A Railway servant shall be eligible to the grant of hotel subsidy at the rate of Rs. _____ per month per child.
19. The hostel subsidy shall be paid up to _________ stage in states and Union territories.
20. The hostel subsidy is not admissible in respect of a child for whom _________ allowance is drawn by the Government servant.
21. As a general principle, the Railway should provide everything to a Railway Institute which a _________ ordinarily would and the Railway Institute should pay for all that a _____ would usually be liable.
22. The aims of the Railway Institutes is to induce the Railway servants to participate in __________, rather than to encourage individual prowess.
23. There shall be a provision in the Rules of Railway Institutes for the use of the premises by ladies as ___________ centers.
24. Cost of books for the Mobile libraries shall be met from the _________.
25. Holiday Homes are established as a measure of ________ to staff.
26. Necessary essential equipment such as utensils, furniture etc., in the Holiday Homes shall be provided by _________.
27. To the location of a Holiday Home, approval of ___________ will be necessary.
28. If a Holiday Home is set up by a Railway outside its jurisdiction, the same shall be in-charge of ________.
29. Railway administration should encourage Handicraft centers by placing orders for__________ required by Railways.
30. The charges for occupation of holiday homes are Rs. ________ per day per room for higher type of accommodation.
31. The charges for occupation of holiday homes are Rs. ________ per day per room for lower type of accommodation.
32. Railway administrations are at an obligation to set up canteens in certain Railway establishments with more than 250 employees under the provisions of _________.
33. As a general principle, a Tiffin Room may be provided where the staff strength is not less than ______ and is less than ______.
34. As a general principle, a regular canteen may be provided where the staff strength is ____.
35. Any proposal for setting up of a canteen should have the approval of ______.
36. The canteens should work on _________ basis. (No loss, no profit)
37. Accommodation for Handicraft centers should be provided in spare Railway buildings at ________ rent.
38. The charges for electricity and water consumed by Handicraft centers housed in a Railway Institute should be borne by __________.
39. Loans granted towards initial capital for the canteens should be repayable in installments spread over __ years as determined by SBF committee.
40. Handicraft centers should be set up for the benefit of the _________ of Railway men.
41. Handicraft Centers are aimed at imparting training to women members of the families of Railway men in handicrafts like ____________.
42. Expenditure on the Handicraft centers should be met from __________. 
Say True or False

1. Charges for occupation of Holiday Homes for working Group C staff are nominal.

2. The employees of the Co-op. Societies are eligible for the concession of privilege passes/PTOs is allowed.

3. Gazetted Railway servants can become members of consumer co-op. society but cannot be elected as office bearers. 

4. Gazetted Railway servants should not become ex-officio office-bearers of Co-op. societies unless the Railway Board so approves.

5. Retired and ex-Railway employees may also be permitted to become members in the Co-op. Societies. 

6. The membership of the Railway Institutes shall be compulsory. 
7. The concessions for education of children are admissible to a Railway servant under suspension.
8. The concessions for education of children are admissible to a Railway servant on leave including EOL.
9. The children educational assistance, reimbursement of tuition fees or hostel subsidy is admissible only if the child attends the school regularly.
10. The children educational assistance, reimbursement of tuition fees or hostel subsidy shall be admissible to a Railway servant in respect of his children regardless of the fact of any scholarship granted.
11. The children educational allowance is admissible through out the year notwithstanding the fact that no tuition fees is paid during the vacation.
12. Staff who are allotted accommodation in a Holiday Home should not be refused leave.  
13. Commodities sold in canteens should be wholesome and cheap. 
14. Loans towards initial capital for the canteens may be sanctioned from SBF.
B. Descriptive:
1.Write Short notes on -
(i) Labour Co-operative Societies (ii) Consumer co-operative societies
(iii) Co-operative Credit Societies. (iv) Railway Institutes & Clubs
(v) Holiday Homes and Convalescent Homes (vi) Uniforms to children
(vii) Handicraft Centers
2. What are the various Welfare measures adopted in Railways? What are your suggestions for introducing new schemes?
3. What are Statutory and Non-statutory Canteens? Explain briefly the difference between them?
4. What do you mean by Welfare? What is the machinery available on Indian Railways for redressal of different grievances of staff?
5. Explain briefly about the Scouting movement on Indian Railways.
6. Differentiate
(i) Consumer Co-op. Societies & Co-op. Credit Societies (ii) Holiday Homes & Convalescent Home (iii) Handicraft Centers & Vocational Training Centers
(iv) Statutory Canteens & Non-statutory Canteens
(v) Hostel Subsidy & Subsidised Hostel
7.Explain about the need for voluntary organizations on Indian Railways? What is the contribution of such organizations for the welfare of staff of S.C. Railway?