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The Payment of Wages Act, 1936



A. Objective:

1. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 applies to a persons whose wages in respect of a wage period average below Rs. __________ per month.

2. Normally ________ is nominated a pay master in the divisions.

3. No Wage period shall exceed _____________.

4. Wages hall be paid within ______ days of the last day of the wage period in an establishment where less than 1000 are employed.

5. Wages hall be paid within ______ days of the last day of the wage period in an establishment where more than 1000 are employed.

6. If the employment of any person is terminated by the employer, the wages earned by him shall be paid before _______________ from the day on which his employment is terminated.

7. All wages shall be paid in _______ or _______ or __________.

8. The employer may pay the wages by cheque or credit the wages in a bank account after ___________.

9. The total amount of deduction from wages in a wage period shall not exceed ______ % in case whole or part of such deduction is made for payment to Co-operative Societies.


 Say True or False


1. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 applies to the persons appointed through a Sub-contractor by persons fulfilling a contract with a Railway administration.

2. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 provides for a remedy for wages earned but not paid.

3. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 does not provide for a remedy for investigation of a dispute as to whether the employee should be retained in one job.


4. Wages under Payment of Wages Act, 1936 does not include mileage allowance payable to running staff.


5. The term wages under Payment of Wages Act, 1936 include any remuneration payable under any award of a court.

6. The term wages under Payment of Wages Act, 1936 include any remuneration to which the person employed is entitled to in respect of any leave period.

7. Any Bonus, which does not form part of remuneration payable under the terms of employment, is not wages in terms of Payment of Wages Act, 1936?


8. Fines imposed on an employee can not be deducted from the wages. (say true or false).


 B. Descriptive:

1. What are the salient features of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936?

2. Write briefly about the applicability of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936?

3. What do you mean by wages under PW Act? What are permissible deductions from the wages of the employee governed under Payment of wages Act, 1936?

4. What do you mean by Wage period? What are different wage periods in operation on Railways? What are the provisions regarding wage periods under the Act?

5 List out different Acts and omissions suggested under Payment of Wages Act?What are the penalties prescribed under the PW Act for breach of acts?