Establishment Rule - Factories Act, 1948 Question & Answer |
A. Objective: 1. The person or persons appointed to manage the affairs of a Factory is called _____________. 2. In a factory, when an accident has occurred causing death, the manager shall send a notice to _____________. 3. When the manager of a factory is changed, a notice to this regard shall be sent to the Inspector of Factories within ________ days. 4. In every factory, where __________ workers are ordinarily employed, the occupier shall employ the prescribed number of Welfare Officers. 5. In a factory where more than _______ women workers are ordinarily employed, a suitable room or rooms for the use of their children below 6 years old shall be provided. 6. In a factory where more than _______ workers are ordinarily employed, adequate shelters and lunch room with drinking water facility shall be provided. 7. In a factory where more than _______ workers are ordinarily employed, an ambulance room containing prescribed equipment in charge of medical/nursing staff shall be provided. 8. In a factory where more than _______ workers are ordinarily employed, a Canteen for the use of the workers shall be provided. 9. In a factory where more than _______ workers are ordinarily employed, First Aid boxes/cup boards equipped with prescribed contents shall be provided. 10. As per Factories Act, 1948 only a _______ worker wearing tight fitting clothing shall examine, lubricate or adjust the machinery in motion. 11. No woman shall be employed in Factory except between the hours of _________. 12. No adult worker shall be required to work for more than ______ days consecutively without having a holiday. 13. No adult worker shall be allowed to work in a factory for more than _______ hours in any week. 14. No adult worker shall be allowed to work for more than ________ hours in a day subject to 48 hours in a week. 15. Loco Running sheds are factories within the meaning of Factory under Factories Act, 1948. (say true or false) B. Descriptive: 1. Write the salient Features of Factories Act, 1948. 2. What are the provisions regarding Health, Safety and Welfare or Workers laid down in Factories Act, 1948? 3. What are the provisions regarding hours of work, periodic rest and overtime of a worker under the Factories Act, 1948? 4. What are the rules governing hours of work, periodic rest and overtime of a worker employed in a Railway Workshop? 5. What are the objectives and applicability of Factories Act, 1948? 6. What are the notices and posters to be displayed under the Factories Act? |